things like this make it not seem so bad

Surprise write up about me & social media in a Geek Girl feature from Two Geeks and a Blog.  Bob who wrote it said “Holy cow!  Casie Stewart may be a Jedi!” and quoted Star Wars. He also quoted “a blog is an engine” which was really nice because I like that one and it didn’t even get any comments. Found these today too. Didn’t know they existed, Search Stories from Google. This is called Newbie, it’s a grandma embracing technology. Oh Google, always warming my heart. You know just how to talk nerdy to me. You press all the right buttons. I’ve decided not to be so upset about my stuff, shit happens.  No sense wasting time feeling sorry for myself. I’ll get it sorted this week and you never know, it just might turn up.  ♥

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In spirit of my 40 days & 40 nights…

“An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex.” Aldous Huxley (1894 – 1963) I already knew it was time to focus more on my intellect.

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Say GOODBYE to Drunken Emails

October 07, 2008 — CIO — Gmail, Google’s free consumer e-mail, added a unique new feature to the service yesterday: Mail Goggles, which gives you the ability to double check whether you are really sure you want to send an e-mail message, particularly late at night. But the feature might also help business users of enterprise Gmail make better decisions about sending out vindictive or hastily-composed emails to co-workers. Check the GOOGLE blog for more deets.

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I’ve been thinking…

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I am FREE!

A friend has this on his Facebook and I really like it.

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Got an eye for Google, a good idea?

(CNN) — Got an idea that could change the world, or at least help a lot of people? Google wants to hear from you — and they’ll pay as much as $10 million to make your idea a reality. Google Inc. will award $10 million to solicit ideas it believes could benefit the world. To help celebrate its 10th birthday, the ambitious Internet giant is launching an initiative to solicit, and bankroll, fresh ideas it believes could have broad and beneficial impact on people’s lives. Called Project 10^100 (pronounced “10 to the 100th”), Google’s initiative will seek input from the public and a panel of judges in choosing up to five winning ideas, to be announced in February.Google announced the project live on CNN on Wednesday morning. “These ideas can be big or small, technology-driven or brilliantly simple — but they need to have impact,” said Google in a press release. “We know there are countless brilliant ideas that need funding and support to come to fruition.” Rest of article………….

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