Day 361: Making Smoothie Bowls
New fav lunch is making smoothie bowls, I didn’t realize how simple and beautiful they were. I’m always looking for more ways to integrate fruit, vegetables, and fiber into my meals and this is IT. Picked up a great mix of frozen fruits & veg for smoothies, then add coconut, bran bits, dairy-free coconut yogurt, and fresh fruit. Absolutely divine! Spend most of the day working, really quite enjoying my job, and will be working more over the coming months. Sometimes I dream about working in an office but other days I love the freedom of working from home. I’ve been going through old posts and looking back over the past 12 months. This weekend marks one year of pandemic life and I’m so glad to have kept this diary. I feel like I’d have no idea where the year went without it! Should I keep counting the days after one year?
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