Not Quite Open Season | Cottage

I could tell from my Timehop app that the lake had no ice on this day last year, I was doing yoga on the dock and relaxing in the sun. We went up for a few hours on Sunday and it was still winter up there, frozen lake, snow covered driveway. The cottage was warmer inside than the air outside and it was warm enough in the sun for a spring jacket. Thanks to Sean, my lovely beau-tographer for snapping my photo. It’s great to have a TV/filmmaker boyfriend who knows how to work my camera better than me. I’m in love with this sweater from Community 54, it’s super comfy and I wore it almost the entire weekend (don’t judge!). I’d like to start making my own versions. My plan is to do some sewing at the cottage this summer. I know how to make things and use patters but I’m constantly letting TEH INTERNET distract me. Sewing and reading. Less internetting. Funny that I mention less internetting right now, today marks 9 years since this blog has existed. I better start planning my 10 year bloganza. <3 CASIE

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Long Weekend Plan – Fun, Family, Cottage, Love

This is my long weekend smile yay face. I’m so happy it’s a long weekend. It’s also sunny and hopefully going to be a little bit warm. Having Dad and his wife over for lunch tomorrow, Easter things with the kids on Saturday, cottage Sunday w/ Seam. Woot, can’t wait. “Sorry, that’s gonna have to wait till Monday” Relax, refresh, recharge. I’m out (to lunch!).

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