04012010: day four oh one twenty ten

It was really cold out so I stayed inside after a quick trip to see a few awesome people. Checked stealklingkitty.tumblr found this. Made me think of Fall and a photo from the summer by kellykruschel in Liberty Village. Bids flying, warm, sun on my face, it was beautiful that day. Monday will be beautiful too, it will be day 4: 04012010, the numbers look nice.

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because when it’s quiet the only sound is the voice in my head

Rain today. Calming, refreshing, inspiring. I wear earphones to block out the noise. No noise. Silence helps me connect my thoughts. Creative thoughts. Creative thoughts on making things. Making things creative. waiting……………………………#borderlineartistic on 12seconds.tv On the way in I saw an adorable old woman with a cane who had just placed a ‘P’ sign on the sidewalk in front of her house. There was already one car parked on the lawn. “That’ a great idea” I shouted. There are a few people around the are doing it while the CNE is on. We wanted to do that at my old house on the Danforth during Taste of the Danforth since we lived right where the action was. We never ended up doing it because we always had friends over. They parked in the spots. I should have invited them over and said “hi friends, thanks for coming. It’s $10 to park here” . Haha, funny money. The sun just came out. Wore two different socks today. Happy Wednesday 🙂

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420 consecutive photos one train ride


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and the photos took themselves on a journey

I’m really busy today. Meeting at lunch, meeting after work and I’m late to make a call right now. As I was riding the train last night there was no internet.I have made a time lapse video. I will add music this evening and you will see the train ride. I wrote  this little rhyme in 2004, Mullet Man. That’s me at Niagara Falls about 20 years ago. The guy across the street from Mum’s house had a mad dirty 1988 mullet and he was fixing his van. I was inspired by him.  I knew he could do it. Mullet man, Mullet Man Out side the window, Green van, blue van, Mullet man plays out in the garage. I look out there Lights on, nothing wrong Feeling strong fixin’ that van. Mullet man, You can, you can Fix that van to run again. Mullet man,you can, you can, Run that van, you are the man.

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that’s a good way to look at it

everything moves so fast in my day. in my life really. days seem like weeks and before i know it its a new month in the year. i get to work and work hard and that makes time go fast. i type short messages to my friends and followers in 140 characters. i do this in twitter and in email now too. my thought flow fast. i fell in love with 12seconds.tv as you now and it seems like making a video or something to post about happens so fast that i need to slow down to think about what to write about on my blog. i’ll never run out of thoughts.  while i think about what to write about i send a few tweets and think about things in 12 second increments. everything moves so fast.  i’m going for a walk. i take my camera & netbook and think, that’s not slowing down at all. the thing is. i may think and move really fast but i slowly capture moments in my day that make it awesome. it may only be 140 characters or 12seconds that changes your day. finding beauty in simple things, this is to have lived. time flies when you’re having fun i guess ♥

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thoughts from my walk today by: casie stewart

i forgot my damn umbrella. you have a bunch of brolly’s at home, idiot. i want sunnies, mum and pat are enjoying my hand-me-downs. i wonder when jack will realize who mary jane is. he’s so stupid.  rain all bloody weekend. where did summer go? know him, don’t make eye contact. nice pants, loser. getting aggravated by everyone. do i want a coffee? i got a jerk sandwich and thought of you. urgh, why do you have a nose ring dude? you’re not pulling it off very well for your over 30 age. why is everyone staring at me for fucks sake? am i naked? i like wearing hats. that orphan movie should be called there’s something about esther. freaky. kinda want one of those cheesy michael jackson shirts in china town. it’s so smelly and sick around here. if you wanna do something to stop eating, just go to china town. sick. thinking about the kitchens makes my stomach turn.  nice dress, bad shoes. you’re an idiot. they’re gonna turn, you’ll get hit if you cross right now. i wonder what that company does? i forgot i have a huge eagle tattoo on my back. get batteries. get me home already. here comes the rain. no just kidding, spitting. last night was fun. so muggy out. yum, coleslaw. hurry up elevator. i’m getting pissed off. you’re not even gonna eat the jerk. what should i do? here comes the sun. here comes the sun.

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