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how many clicks does it take to get to the centre of the…

this post is regarding the influence project: the search for the most influential person online i feel like, if i participate in ‘everything’ that shows my ‘influence’ it devalues when i post good content. everything is becoming about your so called ‘influence’ and i hate pushing links on people all the time. what do i get if i put my name in this?  my picture in a magazine. meh, been there done that a few times. so, it doesn’t really seem worth it? who really gains? they do. where are the perks for making people click on something that does nothing for them. i like to give people value, that’s where my influence comes from. i hope someone cool gets this thingy but it surely won’t be me. as for the Virgin thing, that will provide heaps of value back to everyone who votes for me. i will be an ambassador, organize parties and create fun memories for people all over the place. all this talk about influence, makes me think it’s more about VALUE. y’know what i’m sayin? another thing, the site is all built in flash and really slow too.  i’m more than happy to not try for this one. i’m sure we will all be seeing more and more of this user generated ‘meme’ stuff floating around (ex. i only wanna take part in things that give back, things that have value for everyone not just for myself. it’s pretty much the same reason I don’t put ads on my site, i don’t want you to think i’m banking off you visiting, i like to think i make you smile, and maybe  i even inspire you. i do the internet stuff because i love it. it started out as a way to keep more memories and…

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My agency is looking for hot asian twins (yum) and a couple villains for . Is that you? See Fairlie Agency for details HERE. Auditions: Wed. June 30 at Rune Entertainment – 14 Connell Court, Toronto

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be authentically yourself. show energy.

Did you see/hear/read that Oprah is on the hunt and taking names? OMG. Imagine, I mean, imagine how fun it would be to turn a fun positive blog into a show? Things a around the internet, people, shows, trending topics, minute news, thoughts on stuff, and  nonstop energy & awesomism. A girl can dream can’t she?

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If you want it, go out and get it, cryin’ out loud! MTV & MSN have an open CASTING CALL to make a new reality show about a group of friends. Um, helloooo. Damnit, if I didn’t already work here, I’d be alllll over this shit. I’d love to see a show about hot bloggers, think Sex & the City vs. The Hills vs. something really nerdy & cool. How fun would that be? I’m looking at Crystal, Keri, Carly, Raymi, Rayanne, Breanna, Lisa, Lauren?? Beuller? If you enter. Please let me know! My advise: show how cool you are, be stylish, be quirky/wacky, don’t be too boozy, no drugs.

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you wanna score? i wanna score too!

My BFF’s & babes that run the infamous Bridle Bash & Bridle Bash Foundation are bringing celebs together tonight for Cabbie’s Annual Celebrity Ping Pong Tourney.  Remember the last Bridle Bash when we made society page of the Globe? It was wild.  I’ll be there with web celeb Carol Zara causing trouble, as usual. Wanna come? You can try & RSVP. I heard Drake is gonna be there as well as all kinds of other sporty types.   I  won’t know who’s who cause I never watch sports but that makes it even more fun. Hazaaa! Have a good day, Happy THURSDAY!

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