Holiday #GIVINGBACKVIBES at Evangel Hall

Had a great morning cooking up lunch w/ friends and serving to people at Evangel Hall. Scroll down to see us in action. We’re doing #givingbackvibes again on New Years Eve if you wanna join. ☀️ If you are looking to do some volunteering over the holidays they’re always looking for people. You can also visit the website and buy candles from their in-house candle shop to support. Visit for details! My babe @lexniko Shout out to Gloria for setting this up. It’s been so great prepping lunch here today. Hi Carolyn Van! ??Making cornbread @ #GIVINGBACKVIBES — CASiE STEWART (@casiestewart) November 26, 2016 JAMBALAYA! #GIVINGBACKVIBES — CASiE STEWART (@casiestewart) November 26, 2016

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Travel | Escape & Discover – A Surprise Weekend in Sudbury, ON

This summer I went on a really fun adventure with Ford Canada. They sent us these great luggage bags and told us to pack for a weekend. We had no idea where we were going and in my fret of nervousness the night before, went crazy I decorated my bag. In a group of 20 or so bloggers, it wasn’t hard to know where my bag was at all times. Dare to be different! ??? They sent a driver to pick me up bright and early on a Saturday morning when I was whisked off to a Ford Dealership to meet the gang and find out what was going on. After some snacks & coffee it was time for the reveal. I was handed an envelope with this card and a boarding pass. I did NOT think we would be going anywhere by airplane. Good thing I didn’t pack full size lotions! My team and I jumped in our next car and went straight to Porter Airlines. It felt a bit like The Amazing Race when 4 groups all went separate ways to different destinations. There was a Comicon happening downtown in Sudbury that weekend. Noticed a lot of really cool street art. The paper is called the ‘North Bay Nugget’ ? ?. Went for a hike in the Duchesnay Falls. Ate a seriously huge poutine. We spent the night at a great little 3bdrm beach house bed & breakfast on the lake. We had planned to try loads of water sports and I had packed my wet suit and my dryrobe equivalent, but after a toe-dip inspection we decided it was a no go. The water was pretttttty cold. I had been to Sudbury as a kid but I didn’t remember much. It was pretty neat to see the…

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Tech | The FUTURE is HERE: Siri Can Now Send Money via PayPal

Last week I met up w/ Jen aka @jennandthecity for after work drinks, we’ve been meaning to hang out for ages and our schedules finally aligned. It was my first time checking out Bar Reyna in Yorkville which has a gorgeous back patio that feels like an escape from the city. I picked up the tab bc we were in a bit of a hurry and a couple days later, Jenn sent me money via PayPal using Siri. I’ve had PayPal for ages and it’s my fav way to shop online, this new integration makes sending money to friends super easy. If you’ve ever had to pay someone back or been waiting for someone to pay you back, it can be super awkward and/or annoying. Luckily your girl Siri makes it super easy.  Starting November 10th, for the first time in Canada, iPhone users can tell Siri to send or request money through an integration with the PayPal app. A first for Canada, PayPal launches peer-to-peer payments w/ Siri. More here: #P2Ppayments #sendmoney #remittance — PayPal Canada (@PayPalCA) November 10, 2016 Once you’ve got the PayPal app [download here if you don’t have it yet!] and your phone is on iOS 10, you’re ready to roll. Wake up Siri and ask him/her to send money to a friend.  Contacts who match the name will pop up, select the person, and voila, Siri will send it. You can 100% send money to someone who isn’t on iPhone and if they person doesn’t have a PayPal account, they’ll be prompted to set one up. Lending money to friends can end bad, on average PayPal found that 30% of Canadians have lost a friend over an IOU. Been there? Me too. In the PayPal Money Habits Study by Koski Research, they found more than 53% of us Canadians find it…

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Tech | Canada’s Leading Digital Media: NextMedia + Digi Awards 2016

Last week I was a speaker at NextMedia, Canada’s leading digital media conference. the 2 day conference focusses on creation, distribution, and monetization of digital media content and technology. Our panel, moderated by Amber Mac, was Blurred Lines: Best Practices for Disclosing Paid Content. I’ve mentioned it a few times how this is a hot topic. My thoughts are that if you are working with someone or got the product/thing as an in-kind donation or gift,, just say so. If you always work on things you genuinely like, being authentic is easy. This isn’t a great photo but it was a memorable moment. Jake said people who will just work for any brand and do it for the money are ‘brand whores’. It’s hard to trust someones opinion if they don’t really have one and they’re just slingin’ stuff at you all the time. Discussing the #BlurredLines on #Disclosure of #Paid #Content via new #Advertising Standards #Rules ☠️ #nextMEDIA16 #handshake A photo posted by Kevin September (@septembersphere) on Nov 10, 2016 at 7:49am PST Amber asked me to be a presenter at the Digis which is the award show closing out the conference.  In it’s 10th year, the awards celebrate Canada’s most successful digital media companies and creators. I wasn’t nervous at all until it came time for rehearsal and I had to read a teleprompter. Which, by the way, was easier than I thought! I presented the award for Best Branded Content. The winner was Lilly & The Snowman from Cineplex. In other news, I left getting a dress to the last minute. So, I popped over to my go-to girls at Studio Fitzroy to rent something. Remember in the summer when I blogged about their dress rentals? That biz was SO SUCCESSFUL they’ve opened a dress rental spot on Dundas West.…

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100 Pieces of Sponsored Content + New Ad Standards for Influencers

I’ve been trying do a better job of keeping tract of my actual blog related work. Since is a mostly a diary about my life, it can be hard to determine what is sponsored (work) and what isn’t. I share heaps so maybe you miss the little disclaimer line now & then. I like to keep a good mix of non-sponsored content mixed in with the spon con. Last year I set up as my online portfolio website and I UPDATED IT THIS WEEKEND. There’s 100+ examples of sponsored things I’ve done over the past few years. Crazy how they all add up! Found this quote on Forbes over the weekend and it’s what motivated me to stop scrolling social media and put in some quality time building my website. I’m finding/remembering stuff all the time so there’s a bunch more to add. CASIESTEWART.BIZ/WORK  This week I’m on a panel at the NextMedia Conference talking about this stuff with someone from the ASC, Facebook, and an agent who represents influencers. It’s sure to be a good discussion and spark even more around the topic. In a prep call for the panel, Janet from the ASC said: “We have simply introduced a new Interpretation Guideline to require disclosure of any material connection, because we identified a gap in the coverage of the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards regarding bloggers and influencers.” Influencers and sponsored content are a very hot topic right now with new rules in Canada from the ASC based on the USA FTC regulations on testimonials, endorsements, and reviews. If you are interested in the you can find them here. DEFF WORTH READING. I’ve got a few more things to share on this topic, it’s surely not going away. Until then, make sure you take a peek at my work at…

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These Are The Vines of Our Lives

I loved Twitter’s Vine app. I used it heaps when it first came out and have 200+ thousand views and 400+ videos. Yesterday Twitter announced it’s shutting the app down (and cutting 9% of global staff). This is a good reminder, it’s not about the platform, it’s about the content. As someone who’s been on the internet, making stuff for over a decade I’ve seen a lot of apps have their rise to fame, go viral, get a huge user base, then die. Lets look back at 12secondstv, I was one of their top users and in 2010 they got bought by AOL and closed up shop. I made short videos of almost everything I was doing and posted them on the app. Around the same time I’d been an active user on Dailybooth, a website where you shared a photo of yourself everyday (mostly from your computer webcam). When Instagram came out, nobody needed Dailybooth anymore, there was a new app with filters right in your phone. Dailybooth died in 2012. Anyone remember Viddy? I hung out with the founders in 2013 at CES in Vegas and joined the app right away. It was the video version of Instagram!  Justin Bieber and bunch of celebrities used it all the time. Then, one day, Instagram added video. It was game changer. In months Viddy was done. Users jumped ship to an app they were already on to share content to an existing audience. “it’s not about the platform, it’s about the content” SOME OF MY FAV VINES OF THE TIMES Here are a few of my fav Vines from my channel and the Internet. I hope you enjoy. As a reminder, keep making good content and try all the platforms to see what is out there.   LADA GAGA SCARES LEO – Remember this? OOP! THIS KID IS ALL OF…

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Enactus World Cup: How Canadian Students are Making a Difference

I recently attended the Enactus World Cup as a guest of Capital One Canada. If you aren’t familiar, I am here to fill you in. The main thing you need to know is that CANADA WON the 2016 competition with an innovative hydroponics system that’s bringing fresh fruit and vegetables to indigenous communities and schools across Canada. Iwas totally blown away by their hard work and ability to make a difference, and make it sustainable with ongoing profits ($90k+). I nearly had tears watching them present. GREAT WORK! When Capital One Canada reached out to me be about attending I was rally jazzed to learn more because I too was a young entrepreneur. When I was 15 I won Young Entrepreneur of Cambridge after starting a publishing company, writing a book, and producing a quarterly newsletter for youth around the globe. [Note this was pre-internet/social media!] Through our efforts we also donated a portion of the sales from each book to the local women’s crisis shelter and spoke to kids in primary schools about bullying, following their dreams, and entrepreneurship. What is Enactus? Enactus stands for “ENtrepreneurial ACTion for others creates a better world for US all”. It is an international non-profit dedicated to inspiring students to improve the world through entrepreneurial action. The program aims to help tackle the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which have been set for 2030. The Enactus World Cup is the world’s largest competition of business innovation and entrepreneurial action for social impact.  This year, 36 countries were represented from 1,700 campuses with 69,000 students taking part. Before making it to the finals, teams take part in regional and national challenges. One of those is The Capital One Financial Education Challenge where teams across the Canada present projects that most effectively use financial education and/or inclusion to empower people to improve their…

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Travel | I’m in Arizona! Here All Week Travelling Route 66!

Hi, I’m currently writing to you from our luxury van travelling to Route 66 through the Sonoran Desert. We just visited the iconic Wigwam Hotel in Holbrook. Arrived late last night and will be on the road all week touring the highway staying at a different spot each night. We’re about to take a tour of the Petrified Forrest. Petrified wood in the Rainbow Forest. So cool. This photo was at Route 66 at Disneyland in California but I WILL recreate it this week.  I packed the same dress! Road trippin'! #66kicks #MyAZtrip — CASiE STEWART (@casiestewart) October 17, 2016

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Your Story Your Future TD Speakers Series with Cheryl Strayed

Last week Gracie and I had the opportunity to attend TD’s Your Story Your Future Speakers Series with Cheryl Strayed at the AGO. Name sound familiar? Cheryl Strayed is the author of WILD, which was made into an Oscar nominated film starring Reese Witherspoon. The story documents Strayed’s solo hike up the Pacific Crest Trail. I’d watched the movie before attending the talk but hearing her stories in real life was really inspiring. Something that stood out was Strayed’s advice from her mum that reminded me of something my mum would say ‘this is character building’ in regards to getting through hard times. TD’s “Your Story Your Future” program combines workshops and inspirational speaker events to help women feel confident about setting and achieving their financial goals. I’ve written about a few of my financial accomplishments over the last few years (read those here). I feel it’s really important for us as women to grab the reigns of our finances and set goals so we can prepare for our future. I remember when my parents got divorced, I was a teenager, and my mum was going back into the workforce after 16+ years. She stressed the importance of having my own money, not getting into a position where I had to rely on someone else when it came to my finances. Only 3 out of 10 women have a financial plan for their future and TD’s Women Investor Program wants to change that. The program was created for the growing number of women who influence a growing share of wealth in Canada and might be looking for a more personalized investment experience from men. According to a representative from TD Bank: “One of the key differences between men and women investors is a desire for a more holistic financial advisory relationship – one that is…

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Travel | I’m in South Florida this week! 

Follow my Snap, Instagram, and Tweets for sunshine and adventures. Updates from other media on the trip are on the #SeizeTheKeys hashtag! ?☀️?✈️️???‍? Heading to breakfast now them Hemingway’s House. Later today I’m planning to bike around some more then we’re going paddle boarding at night! BLOODLINE WAS FILMED HERE! Trying Key Lime at every meal ?? Rented a bike to explore Key West Our backyard at Chelsea House Hotel Today was so great. In Florida all week and ready for adventure. Biked around Key West, swam, beach, saw roosters & iguanas. Ready to retire tbh. #travel #thisismylife #seizethekeys A photo posted by ? C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Oct 2, 2016 at 6:59pm PDT  

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