Toronto International Film Fest: Tastemakers Lounge

When celebrities come to town for TIFF they get invited to lounges to see & receive new & exciting products. Media get invites too. It’s a way for companies to get their products in the hands of stars and journalists. The Tastemakers Lounge is hosted by RockIt and they do an excellent job of bringing together brands & people. I took my PA Kate for the experience it and too take photos. New glasses from FYSH. Thanks Team! I picked out new glasses from FYSH NATION last year too. This is me rockin’ them w/ Morgan Ross at Strombo’s TIFF party. Next it was time to pick out bracelets and charms from PANDORA. Kate  took home a few goodies too. Kate chose macrame black leather and I picked sterling silver. See all the styles here. I chose a wee little birdy. Twitter <3 Planning to have some serious game nights this winter cause Mattel has hooked me up with rad games. I picked up and ANGRY BIRDS sling shot! REAL ANGRY BIRDS! I played it at their Mattel Game Night over the summer. It’s fun. Was given this gorgeous silk eyemask from Cilque and OH MY GOD I slept with it last night. My eyes were in the clouds and I had an amazing sleep. I’m dying for a set of Cilque sheets and robe to match. Made friends with team Sharpie. I carry Sharpie’s with me all the time and had one in my purse to proove it. Then Kate and I raided the drawers. Got limited edition 80’s glam colours too! Told the team how I always start out with Sharpie for tattoo ideas. I drew this bracelet tatt on my left arm on with two different green Sharpie’s for about three years before I got it. If you draw something cool you can upload it to the…

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“Take chances, make mistakes, get messy”, Miss Frizzle

Whoa, dudes on Storm Surfers are surfing #Stewart Island, NZ! #RAD # #BoilerRoom is on CityTV right now. “Anybody who tells you money is the root of all evil doesn’t fcuking have any.” # Photo: thosewerethe90s # REBEL CLUB RULES: No old people. No boring people. No office parties. No hen… #thisismylife # this looks like fun riding: Tweed Ride 2010 from Steven Greenstreet on Vimeo. #thisismylife # An introduction to Crossplay (cosplay meets crossdressing) # awww i just want to put that menopausal hipster in my pocket # damn computer drawin # Lovely brekky @nichecoffee (@ Niche Coffee & Tea Company) [pic]: # Labour Daze #thisismylife # what are you doing today? # Why does Adam Levine have to wear clothes? – › He should be at least half nude at all times. › › But… # Photo: cc @katekillet suicideblonde: Charlotte Free # “Report those compliments to your a$$ before it gets so big it forms it’s own website!” #bringiton # OMG Delia! They grow up so FAST. Turned into a toddler over the weekend. #yandr # My Must-visit Bars in Toronto via @foursquare # Can’t undo what you’ve already done! #

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I like the way you MOOV.

New FW 2011 Moovboots arrived this week. Hand delivered! I love GOOOOOOOLD! Thanks Team 🙂 You’ll be able to buy the newest Moovs at The Bay soon enough. I’ll keep ya posted. I’m the only person in Canada with these ones right now (woo hoo). Been rockin’ the Moovs for a few years. Also have Red glossy, Black tall and Black Huskies with rabbit fur. So warm in winter.  No talking about winter. Heard we’re gonna have an extended summer! Yippeeee.

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these are a few of my favourite things (right now)

This post if full of things that add glitter to my life. Thought I’d share with ya. Bangs from Doll Bar, Olympus PEN, vintage hats. I’ve been trying a new routine of going to bed earlier and waking up earlier. Once you get outta bed, you can really accomplish heaps before the day really started. That’s my September goal: do more before 10am than most people do in a whole day. My October goal is: go to England or New Zealand. Settin’ em high. YES WE CAN. Sprocket Rocket camera from Lomography. I’ve got heaps of film because, frankly, I’m not that good at using the camera so I need to take heaps of shots before I can be considered good. Analogue is haaaarrrrrrd. New duvet cover is the alphabet, say hello to my ALPHA bed. See what I did there? Oh yeah, creative play on words. New flowery pillow looks painted and that eye mask is from Keri. I sleep with an eye mask pretty much every night. I live in a glass box, it’s SO SUPER sunny in the AM! Although, getting to sleep is never a problem thanks to my new memory foam mattress. According to bestmattress-reviews, there are a number of quality options at a lower price than you’d think. Gadget love: iPad (Andy), Macbook Air (James Dean), Android (Motorola DEFY), Logitech wireless mouse. I spend most the day with these guys. Ok, here’s something really amazing….you won’t BELIVE how tall I am with these legendary things strapped on. Aren’t they beautiful? They’re Jeffrey Campbell and I ordered them online at Solestruck. They’re like stilts. Move over Buskerfest. Comfy and good for walking. Film Fest, I am ready for you with my giant shoes. I’ve been using Mereadesso cleanser w/ face & neck toning gel and…

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Weekend Tune: “Cheers (Drink To That)” by Rihanna

Sometimes we all just need a good pop song. Sometimes a pop song just does the trick. And this dear internet amigos, is one of those songs. RiRi just does it up right. She even samples some Avril Lavigne, and I’m going to be honest – I  am not the biggest Avril fan! But in this song? Yeah, I can dig it. Can I go on tour? This video makes me wanna go on tour. It just looks like the best kind of fun. Guess I’ll send out some roadie resumes. In the meantime? Let’s soak up those last bits of summer sun and fun. So cheers to the freakin’ weekend! And I’ll drink to that! xo Kate

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whoa that storm yesterday was CRAZY awesome.

Tomorrow I will work from some remote location downtown. Will decide where in the morning. Until then, #goodnight 🙂 # Tony aka @busblog on @klout | nothing in here is true. # Vote for me to be the face of @aboutdotme on a #TimesSquare billboard: #CASIE # Good morning! Been going to bed earlier and getting up earlier the last week. Feels good! How is you today? # New gold boots from @moovbootcanada arrive next week. Been waiting months! Weeeee # that bear will never pay you back #saynotobears # Awesome vid of Lightning TO by Jon Simonassi   Imagine me on a billboard in #TimesSquare I can. Vote for me to be the face of @aboutdotme in Times Square: # Honestly, “Approved” on copy has become one of my most fav things. # if every word i said, could make you laugh, i’d #blog forever #newpost # Thanks @jgrdnr for +K in blogging & social web. You arrive safe in EURO? # PinPointsocial Pricing @dribbble: # iphone app for @KeekInc is now avails. love the short videos. hope to get for android soon! # An Update on @Sprouter! #thisjustin # rain, rain, you sound so pretty dancing on the windows. # love it. so fun. again before summer is over 🙂 RT @laurenonizzle b-roll # part of my work today involves this, which I love #bearded # Twitter Founders Weight Behind A #NewStartup #Lift by @robinwauters via @techcrunch # This is weirdy cool RT @mashable: Inventors Propose “Liquid Keyboard” Upgrade for the iPad [VIDEO] – # Sale ends today on @porterairlines 30% off # RE: yeah! Biking is a great workout. Arms, abs & booty! I ride on the sidewalk most the time and only in the…

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