it was so weird at the time, i couldn’t stop myself

i’m not sure what happened but it did. i light went on. it was a few things that lead me there. creative people around me, compliments on creative work, being surrounded by smart, successful, creative business people. thinking about ‘it’s not how good you are it’s hot good you wanna be’, one of my favorite books. i feel like i can’t really go back now. they say if you do what you love you will have success, i love doing this. i love writing and taking photos and laughing at myself and remembering thing things i forget. it makes me happy to do social good; social good in funness, good causes, good people. i stayed up all night. learning about things. reading blogs, commenting. drawing in sketchbook.when i have an idea i write it down. i’ve found some neat stuff lately and most i’ve posted on my tubmlr blog. it’s all the things i find around the internet that i don’t put here but like to share. i read a great article called ‘the 7 vices of highly creative people, posted on, Feb. 9, 200o. i know i have my vices and bad habits, but i have good ones too. read it here. “If you go through life free of bad habits, you won’t live forever, but it will feel like it. ”

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john butler is amazing

I was biking home on Monday night and stopped to the side of the road before crossing the street. I was feeling sad that day and then double sad I didn’t have a ticket to my favorite show.  My ringer was off but I reached for my phone to have a peek. Karrera was calling that exact minute and she had an extra ticket. I’ve seen John Butler in Toronto a few times since my first time in Sydney 2004. The crowd was so into this show and we all watched with amazement while sweating our asses off.  Good vibes in the air. It’s his solo tour and I was thinking I would miss his long dreds and the stand up bass. I didn’t, he over satisfied my need for good music.  I have so many videos and photos. The opening act was Nicky Bomba, also totally wicked and Australian. Karrera is moving to BC today.  She had just gotten back that day from seeing all kinds of bands for a week at Rothbury Fest. ZAAmazing stories about Grateful Dead and Willie Nelson.  I hadn’t seen Lisa Baker in ages, I miss her. We’ve all been friend since we were kiddios. Thought of her the day before when Now & Then came on before bed. Coincidence, no. Ocean is my favorite song. I made about 5 videos while he was playing, the song is long and beautiful. There’s some more videos here. If you’ve never heard of John Butler you should seriously go to Google right now and learn. He is amazing.

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there’s nothing worse than being ordinary

I’m watching American Beauty…for the second time today. I love this movie. It’s creepy and yet I find the story so captivating that when it came on again, I didn’t change the channel. It’s brilliant. I have two favorite parts beside the girls dance with the roses and the music.  I like when Angela says “OMG, you like totally love him, you wanna have like a million of his babies”. Later, Jane says  “Well, I guess I’m not a very nice girl than am I”, I like that part.  Had the sketch book out. Drew a unique interpretation of the creepy video camera guys room. The room with all the videos and the white walls.  He’s weird and I like him. Cooked up some chicken soup from scratch yesterday. You’d be proud Mum, turned out great. It was spinning in this photo.  I love cooking and baking.  Haven’t been in the kitchen much lately, should do something about that really. Now & Then just came on, reminds me of grade 8 and Lisa Baker. Stunningly beautiful video of Niagara Falls in motion, all time lapse photos. Very cool.

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a new video show on the internet

Got home from the walk and started chatting about the Kangaroo thing and how silly it was. In July I got an email, then I started a Facebook thread and lots of people heard about it including blogTO. I got a call from PETA while at the LCBO on the Friday night. It was the LA office who had heard from the UK that live Kangaroos were going to be at a dirty crowded downtown club. Saturday came around and there was a statement released, Kangaroos would not be outside the club in a cage. A job well done. Rollerderby was really fun. There are some really good pix on blogTO today. I got a great video of Aeryn. I met Aeryn ‘Dust Bunny” a long time ago and had no idea she was Captain of the Gore-Gore Rollergirls. They have hot outfits. Rollerderby is a very rough sport but don’t mind watching it. I sat in the suicide seating section for the second half, it’s right on the ground. They go fast man…and go in circles. The Gore-Gore girls won and I’m not surprised, they were killer, they are the ‘Burlesque girls who rose from the dead to exact their revenge. . . on wheels.’ Hot.

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art hives: Saturday in Kensi with Charlietron

We went into “This Ain’t the Rosedale” to check out some books. I got 2 really creative mini ones that fit great in the purse. I love those little ones. Trying on fancy hats is always one of my favorite things to do, along with trying on stuff and taking my picture in it. I went to Bungalow and as I was leaving but then found this totally rad dress that was black with RED LEATHER! I knew it must be tried on, by me. Obviously. I went to the Cameron House and the bathroom stall I went into your DJ Scootz in it from 2007. Rad! Charlie and I read books there and listened to some live music. He tried on my glasses and put his book upside down for the pic by accident. I think it looks intellectual. I dug for some scarves to find jems. Got hooked up these. Those vintage babies were only a buck a piece. God I love that, I make it look a million bux! All & all, I haven’t had a Saturday afternoon in Kensi like that for a couple weeks and it was lovely.

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sharing the randomness – 25 casie facts

This has been floating around Facebook since January. I figured since I’ve been tagged by a ton of friends it is about time I shared 25 random facts about me. The rules go as follows: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. Blah, blah, blah… Here we go: I was born in Canada to New Zealand parents and have dual citizenship (Canadian/New Zealand). I danced ballet, tap and jazz as a kid and completed in competitions across Ontario as well as Showstopper in NY & Myrtle Beach, SC. I was 5 with fake lashes and red lipstick! I wrote a book and became a published Canadian Author at 14. It was titled Jeans: An Anthology of Poetry and Prose. The Toronto Star wrote and article about me titled “Push Over Keats, Teen Muse Steps Ahead“. I went to Uni in Australia and lived at Bondi Beach. It was the best year because I learned the most about myself and WHO I really am. I hate scary movies. I get queezy and I don’t like to put bad images in my head. I’m crazy enough already! I still have all my Barbies and their vintage outfits. I hope to get them made in my size one day. I have a Green Belt in Tae Know Do and once knocked out a boy (Note: James Roszell) in grade 8 at school. Mum thought I’d get in trouble but I said “Mum, do you think he’s gonna tell anyone?“ I hate the number three. I don’t do anything in threes. I grew up around vintage cars and vintage clothes. My Dad…

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