thoughts from my walk today by: casie stewart

i forgot my damn umbrella. you have a bunch of brolly’s at home, idiot. i want sunnies, mum and pat are enjoying my hand-me-downs. i wonder when jack will realize who mary jane is. he’s so stupid.  rain all bloody weekend. where did summer go? know him, don’t make eye contact. nice pants, loser. getting aggravated by everyone. do i want a coffee? i got a jerk sandwich and thought of you. urgh, why do you have a nose ring dude? you’re not pulling it off very well for your over 30 age. why is everyone staring at me for fucks sake? am i naked? i like wearing hats. that orphan movie should be called there’s something about esther. freaky. kinda want one of those cheesy michael jackson shirts in china town. it’s so smelly and sick around here. if you wanna do something to stop eating, just go to china town. sick. thinking about the kitchens makes my stomach turn.  nice dress, bad shoes. you’re an idiot. they’re gonna turn, you’ll get hit if you cross right now. i wonder what that company does? i forgot i have a huge eagle tattoo on my back. get batteries. get me home already. here comes the rain. no just kidding, spitting. last night was fun. so muggy out. yum, coleslaw. hurry up elevator. i’m getting pissed off. you’re not even gonna eat the jerk. what should i do? here comes the sun. here comes the sun.

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you gotta take the time to think and breathe a bit

i took a little walk this afternoon past the place we met. it reminded me of you. i remember you saying ‘even if the coffee wasn’t so good i’d still come for the music’. the music is always good. you told your friend ‘i’m gonna go talk to that girl’. i’m glad you did. i’ve been feeling very positive and inspired despite drinking both nights this week. i managed to get to bed at a decent hour. taking a b50 complex every day helps too. sleeping with a sleep mask over my eyes keeps the sun out in the mornings. thanks Ellen for that one. i hear that people get inspired by things i do and how i look at life. i’ve learned that more this week than ever. i actually heard it from  a few people and it brightens my day to know i brought sunshine to someone elses.  i look at each day with an open mind and i see beauty in little things that people miss when they are busy, stressed, focused etcetera. i like how ‘etcetera’ looks when typed. there is a small shop in cambridge called etcetera and my second mum used to often get presents and kick-nacks there. it was beautiful and old and had glassware and picture frames and pewter stuff.  i think it’s still here. i hope it is. mexico here i come. i’m only there for about 48 hours.  i WILL NOT FORGET CAMERA and will have new laptop (Bobby) there with me. thinking about doing something cool. i’d like to ustream from the resort.  i love adventure and new airports. my friend i’m visiting is very chill and wants to relax. and that to me, sounded just right.

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you just gotta put it out there y’know

Curry chicken day from catering. My favorite. My new glasses should be arriving any day now. Maybe they’ll be home when I get there. Made plans with myself tonight, need those days. Was thinking after Mum left that I’d like to go on another trip and went to meet Tiff at the Spoke Club. Some cool artwork hanging around right there at the moment. Turned out to be a fun night. Ran into friends after she headed back to the burbs. Had drinks, smoked cigars and booked a trip to Mexico for the weekend. I say, you just gotta put it out there, the power of positive thought. It works. More on that adventure later.  Mum’s gonna ring me as soon as she reads this saying “MEXICO!!!!!!!!! CASIE!!!!!”. I can hear it. Ran into some peeps that know the blog and  made a new friend.  She’s cute, look & listen to what she said. So cute. Traveled some blogs recently and found cool cats like The Deadly NightShades collective and Agent Lover.  My fav one is this little darling in NY who’s started the Uniform Project. She’s wearing one dress for one year as an exercise in sustainable fashion while raising funds for school kids in India. So cool. She’s got 7 identical dresses and she reinvents them with style like you wouldn’t believe. She’s as cute as a button. I’d like to be her friend. I showed Sabrina ans she said  “she’s a brown you”.  God she’s cute.

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i like polka dots and argyle…and tartan too

Recently I was named on the TO’s Top Bloggers. Woot! Notable TV was there last time we all hung out and they have now posted the video introducing the crew. You can check it out on Notable TV here. There’s a bunch of cool kids in there. Mum ‘s in the city with my fairy god mother her BFF. Got a doc appt and meeting them shortly. Excited to see them. Mum always brings us clothes and sometimes shoes.

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you gotta tell yourself a couple times first

I’m so glad this work day is over. I’m dying to watch the Y&R when I get home. Sit on the couch. Give Robert kiss. Thought about him today, all alone in my room. I’m gonna bring him to work tomorrow, it’s a half day. Have a doctors appt that’s a follow up from surgery last year. I never told you about it and I’ll save it for a rainy day when it’s not as sunny. Luis is gonna come over then I am getting  a helmet.  I’ve not been on bike since last week and god I miss it. Keri is the cutest and sent me  a photo when I was away saying bike misses me. I missed it too. I find that if I tell myself enough times and write it down that I’m way more likely to actually get something done.  I wanna grow my hair back.  I’m gonna order an ipone tomorrow. Jenie got her hair done by Darren last week and is super blonde like me now. I love it. Mum said we look even more alike now. I love that too.

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larry big foot bird

It’s a cool place this city. Wandered around the Quincy Market. Lots of history and things to look at. I’ve got a Red Sox hat now too. These kids were about to do a parade. There were heaps of them around. All girls in this photo but there were mostly boys. We stopped to ask what they were doing and one of the boys said ‘put your hands over your head’. I did. What I didn’t realise was that he was on the phone and not talking to me at all. Pretty funny if you were there. Talk about big shoes to fill, Larry Bird had some massive feet. I loved learning about all the buildings around Boston. There’s some really neat ones with beautiful windows and doors that are really old. I like that stuff. Popped into Cheers to see some old friends. Everyone knew my name.  Glad to know they’re keeping it real in Beantown. Look Mum, travelled all the way to Boston and found Cambridge. It was scheduled to rain today but it did a little this morning and not it’s all sun, sun, sun. Heading out to a special party tonight. Going to jump in the pool now. Have a great day!

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