Day 107: Take a Break, Read a Book

Today I did some work in the morning and then I read my book on the dock. I’ve been reading an advance copy of The Three Mrs. Wrights by Linda Keir and is SUCH a great summer read (release Sept. 29, 2020). Three wives, one man, a thrilling story of their escapades, deception, lies, and love. I started it Monday and will finish it tomorrow for sure. It’s the kind of book I wish were longer because I don’t want it to be over. It would make a great movie!

If you’re ever looking for book recos, check out my reading list on Amazon. I’ve been adding books as I read them and still have a couple more for the list. I love a psychological thriller or fun chic-lit summer read. Another great book I finished last month was Big Summer by Jennifer Weiner. Eventually, I’ll get them all in a blog post with some reviews!

Tomorrow we have a boat parade at 2pm and Sean got a whole bunch of new fireworks for Canada Day. We are also getting 5G internet! LOOK OUT!

Day 106: The Hummingbird Bar

What a difference a day makes. 

Your heart breaks, your body aches, you need rest. 

It’s a test, a level you have to pass. 

The feelings you’re having won’t last. 

Get some sun, read a book.

Find a mirror, take a look. 

Like hummingbirds at the feeder, 

Tomorrow’s sugar will be sweeter. 

We have hummingbirds and they drink the sugar water, they’re realllly into it. Making a mess, drinking, coming back. Closest to a bar I’ve been, cutest birds I’ve ever seen. Hard to get a good photo of one, they move so fast! ??

Been writing a lot more lately, little verses here and there. I love to write, to rhyme, to take inspiration from things I see and hear. I made this video last week and wasn’t sure it turned out so I chopped it up and gave it an edit,. took a page from my own talk to ‘use what you got‘, I think it turned out pretty good!

Day 105: A Fear of Impending Doom

I took a selfie and didn’t realize how dark the sky had gotten. Sean is inside Canadian Tire while I wait in the car. We’re meeting someone at McDonald’s in 20 min to buy some lights for the cottage. 

I’ve felt anxious for days. I’m tired. Yesterday I napped for almost four hours, today I napped for one. I hardly ever take naps, I guess my body is exhausted? It’s Pride today and it’s gone online like everything these days. Last year we were in the parade with Telus. A couple of years ago we were on the Netflix float with the cast of Orange is The New Black.

I’m finding it hard to locate happiness, I have to actually put down my phone and look for it outside in the world. The phone is full of things that stress me out. I watched CP24 today and there is a lot of gun violence, riots, fighting, sickness, and death. It’s hard to handle.

I’m grateful I saw my family on Friday. It makes me smile just thinking about hugging and laughing together in the sun. 

Jen Kirsch published an article in The Star that pretty much summed up how I’m feeling. Been thinking about how she mentioned the anxiety we feel with this pandemic, the risk, the guilt, sadness, regret. Going out, seeing people, did we say/do the right thing?


I feel some guilt that after about 80 days of blogging, I’m behind on 10 days. But then again, that’s pretty amazing I blogged that much at all! Can’t feel guilty, gotta let it go, it’s ok. 

The sky cleared up a bit and the sun is out. Sean is walking to the car and we have 7 min to meet the guy. 

Everything is gonna be ok.

Casie Stewart, signature, iPad Pro.

Day 104: Saturday Drive

Left early in the morning to come back to the cottage. There was a bit more traffic than we’ve seen the last couple months. Passed a few sweet hot rods, I always send photos like this to my dad.

Was so tired when we arrived, I napped for almost four hours. I hope I’m not sick! It’s so nice to be back, maybe it’s the clean fresh air making me sleepy.

The water level is quite high, while I was away sean had to prop the dock on cinder blocks to keep it out of the water. There was some serious rain last week!

Day 103: Mum’s Retirement!

MUM IS RETIRING TODAY! I am so excited to see her after months. She’s worked hard her whole life and today we celebrate her retirement.

If you know mum or want to send a message, photo, or video, please do! I’ll do a dramatic live reading for her this afternoon! ?

Also if you are in the area, she’s still at the same house, drive by and honk your horn or come say hi in the backyard! ?


Day 102: What Would You Do If you Were Free?

I worked in the morning and then went out for a bike ride to meet Miche & Jackie in the park. Wore one of my fav bathing suits from Bathing Belle as a bodysuit with these old American Apparel shorts. They used to be so tight and now they’re a bit big. Haven’t been running as much this week but the bike keeps me moving.

Saw this on Sterling Road as I was heading downtown, stopped to take a photo up close. Been thinking about this statement, what would you do if you were free?