More Than Half a Million, That’ll Scare Ya

Happy Friday! We’ve passed half a million views on Coral. WHOA MAMA! Thank you for watching, liking, and subscribing. Yesterday my good friend Micahel Nus was on Candice’s show, The Edgy Veg. Watch it at

I’d like to thank you with this SPOOOOOKY video.

Look for fellow bloggers Val from I’, Lauren O from and the one and only T List charmer, Brock McLaughlin. Follow CoralTV on Twitter too 😉

BTW, visit the NEW and let me know what you think in the comments. I’ve partnered with RebelMouse in NYC to make my homepage a full content feed of all the things social. THIS IS MY LIFE is now home to EVERYTHING published by me and is updated constantly, it’s everything Casie on the Internet. To get right to the b-l-o-g see Update your bookmarks with that URL if you love the original format.

I’m off to Calgary tonight for the tomorrow’s Paul Hardy fashion show with a bunch of media & fashion notables. Got a great new dress from Jacflash and may hair done yesterday at Darren Kwik Studio. All I need now is a manicure!




It makes my little internet loving heart happy to see this amazing group of tech founders talking about innovation for this Obama video. In order to remain ahead of the pack you must always be innovating. INNOVATE OR DIE!

Let this inspire your life today.


The Art of Soup

I can’t even begin to explain how special I felt when I opened this extremely heavy package today.It came from a friend south of the border. Thank you Ellen for sending these. I love you.


As soon as I knew these cans were being made, I reached out to my best friends in Boston as asked them to keep an eye out at Target. Today, four of the Andy Warhol Tomato Soup cans arrived. The cans celebrate 50 years since Andy’s iconic work, 32 Campbell’s Soup Cans. Andy famously said “I used to have the same [Campbell’s soup] lunch every day for twenty years.”

I love their branding. Something special they did is print all the labels directing you to the website which redirects to their Facebook page Campbell’s Condensed Soup, 158,746 likes, 3,527 talking about this. Right now. I love when brands do that.

Andy Warhol has always been my favourite. An inspiration. I have blogged about him heaps. He has his own category. I also named my iPad after him. Campbell’s Tomato soup with toast has been my fav lunch since I was a kid. Before I knew him.

My blog is about to get a makeover 😉



Watch New Videos on The Coral Channel

Watch, Like, Subscribe!

Follow Candice at @edgyveg, Eva at @evaredpath, and Coral at @CoralTV. Leave comments if you have any questions, suggestions, or tips! We are a growing lifestyle channel for women on YouTube in Canada so any feedback is AWESOME.

Friday my episode of THIS is a bunch of friends and I at Screemers in Toronto getting the pants scared off of us at haunted houses. I love halloween so this episode was REALLLLLY scary fun to shoot.


Take a Break, Have a Giggle

This has been the source of a few good laughs in the office today.

Speaking | Brand-U Fab, November 1, 2012

On November 1st I’m speaking at Brand U Fabulous. This one-of-a-kind event that will provide women entrepreneurs with tools, tips and insights that will help you market and build the business of your dreams online and offline. There’s an all-star speaker line-up including Amber Mac Donna Marie Antoniadis,  Steve Lowell,  Laura Furtado, and me, an interactive discussion panel and breakout sessions that cover everything from marketing, writing, branding, to all things social media.

Why join us?

  • Understand what your brand says about you and to create a magnetic brand that integrates with your mission
  • Demystify social media and learn concrete steps to leverage your efforts to increase your followers, enhance your influence and grow your bottom line
  • Create the right buzz about your brand that will convert your raving fans into loyal, happy customers
  • Learn how to effectively communicate your story through speaking from the stage, writing and video!

The Basics:

  • Date: Thursday November 1st, 2012
  • Time: 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
  • Venue: St. Paul Bloor Street
  • Address: 227 Bloor Street East, Toronto (Click for directions)

Tickets are $99 and a portion of proceeds go to Nellie’s Women’s Shelter. Visit the website for more info on speakers & ticket options. Hope to see you there!

<3 Your positive & fabulous friend,


There you are…

Handsome. What do you think of this?

More Awesomeness

It’s been an incredibly awesome day so far.  I can’t wait to get home tonight and soak it all in. And catch up on the Young & The Restless, finally.

Today on YouTube my recent video with Shannon from Money Awesomeness on featured.

Watch, Like, Subscribe to Coral!

On Friday’s episode I gebehind the scenes at Screemers and get realllllllly scared in the Haunted Houses! I’m off to Calgary Friday evening for a very special fashion show on Saturday. New Samsung 20.3 megapixel camera arrives Friday too. It has WIFI! FTW. This is THE FUTURE.

Somebody pinch meeeeeee!


Rdio & Sync in the 2012 Ford Fiesta

Earlier this year I drove to Austin, Texas from Toronto in a Ford Focus with two friends, it was the playlist that made the long drive bearable. This summer I’ve been used Rdio, a music streaming service that is fairly new to Canada. You can use listen your favourite music on all devices online or off. You can also create playlists with friends and share your tunes on Twitter & Facebook. Rdio has been a hit at the cottage, awesome on the subway, and perfect for road trips. My free trial ran out last month and I IMMEDIATLEY went to pay for the service. That’s how you really know something is amazing. Below you will find my road trip playlist from my Montreal trip in August. It’s good to work with.

It took about six hours to drive with traffic so having access to TONS of music in the car was essential.  I have the Rdio app on my iPhone and connected it to the Ford Fiesta using Sync & USB. You’ll need to turn on Bluetooth in your smart phone in order to connect it using Sync. If you are having trouble at all the manual has step by step instructions on getting you connected. Make sure you plug the phone right into the USB jack if you are not using Bluetooth. I got frustrated wondering why it wasn’t working until I realized… I plugged it into the car charger and not the actual car. Whoops! Using a USB to connect is a fool proof way to get your music from device to car.

Happy Music Monday 🙂



Space Jump: Red Bull Stratos Happened


It was incredibly awesome to watch this with the world today. The wifi at the cottage is super high speed and I watched it on my phone before hooking computer up to speaker system for the full experience. This is THE FUTURE. I must admit I was very nervous for him and it gave me anxiety!

Happy Sunday. Hope you are having an awesome weekend 🙂





It’s That Time of Year Fear

I love Halloween.



We were guests of Screemers last night. Omg it was so fun and terrifying. Can’t wait to see the video!

Just got to Muskoka. It is incredibly beautiful right now. Cottage radio oldies FTW.

Have an awesome day 🙂

Ah Sey One Reggae Night During TIFF

During TIFF I went to an intimate & awesome reggae show at Harlem in King Street w/ Steve Carty. Show was awesome. Lots of cool peeps were there. TIFF seems like ages ago now! Thanks to Ryan Emberley for the photos. See the whole set on C Daily. The night was hosted by TIFF’s Cameron Bailey and the monthly event is a production by Sceneopolis. Performances feature Brendan Canning on turntables and The Sattalites.

Happy Friday! Have an awesome day 🙂



Good Morning

Woke up and my room was filled with pink sky. It’s raining now and I’m safe at work hibernating inside the computer. SEE! (Inside computer talking to you right meow.) I thought it would be nice to say hello & good morning. Having a full time job doing something I love really makes my blog more exciting and enjoyable to write. I write to remember. It started out as a daily journal in 2005 so I could keep more memories of people, places, things, and thoughts.

Now, coming up on eight years later I have documented my career starting fashion, working through jobs, tv shows, travel, hairstyles, and many outfits. I’m extremely grateful for the journey my blog and I have taken together and that you are along for the ride. Was thinking about that this weekend and I thought I should write it down.

Enjoy the day. This is the only October 1oth, 2012 that WILL EVER BE.

Make it memorable 🙂




Money Awesomeness + Best Apps to Manage Moolah

In my most recent episode of THIS on Coral, I teamed up with Shannon Lee Simmons, host of Money Awesomeness, to review the best personal finance apps to help you manage your money. You may also want to check out sites online for helpful advice regarding your personal finances, like this one – Check out her top picks and watch us have a bunch of laughs together. It’s so much fun doing shows with the other Coral hosts. A hoot I tell ya!

Managing money isn’t easy, especially when it feels like you have tons of bills that need to be paid. Lots of folks often need tips to get your personal finances in order, as numerous people find themselves falling into debt because they can’t keep up with their expenses and the rise in the cost of living. Fear not, these apps and perhaps Credit Cards for No Credit can help you organize your finances whether you’re in debt or not.

Listed Apps:

Check out Shannon’s website for all kinds of tips on how to manage your finances. She really knows her stuff. Getting your finances in order lifts a HUGE burden, freeing your mind (and $$) to focus on other things. Whether it is choosing to fix your credit on your own or opting to speak to someone like a finance advisor, sorting out personal finances is really important, especially if this is an aspect in your life that causes a lot of stress.

About seven years ago, I was on W Network show called Maxed Out and didn’t know how to manage money or debt. Getting my finances in order made a huge difference and I finally paid off school last year.

In other news, my episode of Maxed Out is now playing on Oprah’s OWN Network! It airs next on Oct. 30th. OPRAH FTW!

Hopefully some of these tips will help you out. If you have any questions for Shannon about finances or me about apps, ask us on Twitter or in the comments on YouTube! Follow Shannon on Twitter @shanleesimmons and me @casiestewart.

Have an awesome day!


All things Coral:

Blunnies Come in Shoes Now: These are my new pair!

The other week I recieved an email about the new Blundstone shoes. I’ve wanted a pair of boots for ages, so I replied right away and set up a time to visit the store. Blundstone boots come from Tasmania, Australia (I’ve been there) and all the shoe styles (like traditional boots) are unisex.


Tried on both traditional boot in round & square toes, and the new shoe style. I went with the new shoe. They’re cute. Shoes retail for $149/pair and are available in Blundstone retailers across Canada and I got mine at the store on Queen West. Of course 😉



They come in three different colours. I picked chocolate suede.


Ian Heaps of Blundstone Footwear said ““The new shoe style is perfect for those who want the Blundstone quality and comfort in a lighter format. “The shoes are great for around the office, but also transition well into the evening. They provide lasting comfort with Blundstone’s signature “slip on/slip off” convenience. They are everything you would find in a Blundstone boot, in a smaller, lighter package.”

I love the way they get worked in over time. This pair belong to Casey from the Blundstone store on Queen (same name = awesome) and hers are about a year old (left) and the other ones are brand new. I’m pretty sure my uncle has a pair of these, they always remind me of New Zealand.


Guess who else wears Blundstones? The Sheepdogs.

Founded in 1870, Blundstone is Australia’s leading manufacturer of quality footwear and IS STILL a family-owned company. I reckon they’ll fit right into my wild lifestyle. I love the orange bike outside the shop, my shoes looked good with it.


I saw this contest on the website and am sharing it with you. I don’t work for them but I am really excited about my new shoes and would love a trip (back) to Australia so I’ll be entering too. If you win TAKE MEEEEEE! Ok bye.


Thanks Blundstone for the shoes and Casey in the shop for helping me out. Looking forward to pairing them with fall outfits.

Happy shopping and have an awesome day 🙂



This month indie week is back in Toronto and ready to showcase some amazing local & global talent. Last year my friends NIXON (the band Brock McLaughlin manages) won the Indie Week International competition. Check ’em out.

I have 3 pairs of tickets for you guys to check out some indie tunage.

1. You must tweet something creative to me including my Twitter & @indieweek twitter or click this button to Tweet something silly I made up. 

2. You must be able to pick up wristbands at The Hideout on Queen during the festival after 7pm.

3. You must be legal drinking age which in Ontario is 19 ok? You need photo ID to get wristbands.

4. You must be excited to see some awesome music and have a good attitude. So debby downers. 

OK GO!  Contest is over at 5pm today so I can send all the weiners winners names to Indie Week 🙂


Give thanks every single day.





Gratitude journal.


Sazerac Lounge Media Dinner

A couple weeks ago I was invited to Sazerac ok King to sample their menu and have a few drinks. I love these kind of events. We all sat down and tried the best from the menu paired with drinks to complement the selections.  I sat with Brock, Pay, Dan, and Andrew posted about all the things we ate on his blog  Photos by Ryan Emberley via his site C Daily.  Thanks Sharyn & team for the invite!  Sazerac is located at 782 King Street West.


Work, Work, Worker Bee, Babe Friday

Lots of work today. Busy office bee buzzing!

gif animation

I love having an espresso machine in the office!

Today on Twitter This Happened:

Storified by CASIE STEWART · Fri, Oct 05 2012 13:24:05

Mmm espresso! #LoopcamCASIE STEWART
“@casiestewart: Sushi surprise! Via @alison_kaizer #lunch” cutie!Alison Michelle
Rung Mum at her office and she’s out picking flowers. What a gem. Can’t wait to head home for #Thanskgiving! STEWART
Thanks @MolsonCoorsCDA! Don’t mind this txt at ALL! Insider FTW! #Molson Beer Store @33 Carlingview Dr. open Mon 10-6! STEWART
Don’t be scared. It’s just that time of year. STEWART
Watch all of this week’s vids from @casiestewart @shanleesimmons @SaraLynnCauchon @edgyveg ––KmuOZrsLrhpwvTfRH76_OoUU&feature=view_allCORAL
Listening to Cello Suites by Johann Sebastian Bach on @Rdio: #favCASIE STEWART
I loved our #bloggerbabe lunch ladies @alison_kaizer @caronsue! STEWART
#Halloween is a #marketing goldmine. Here’s why brands should better align with this spooky celebration:
Hoping to see some friends at @the_hoxton for an #ExtraordindaryNight, filled with #Drambuie cocktails & fun! Canada

What a Legend Steve Jobs. You continue to inspire me.

To mark the one-year anniversary of Steve Jobs’ death, Apple replaced their homepage with a tribute video to Steve Jobs and a letter from CEO Tim Cook.The 1-minute, 45-second video on features black-and-white still images and quotes from Jobs.

“It’s in Apple’s DNA that technology alone is not enough — it’s technology married with liberal arts, married with the humanities, that yields us the result that makes our heart sing and nowhere is that more true than in these post-PC devices,” Jobs’ voice can be heard saying on the video, a quote taken from the iPad 2 launch in March 2011.

My office is all Mac everything and so am I. He changed my life 🙂 This is my FAV Apple video, released in 1997 for the Think DIfferent campaign. Here’s to the crazy ones!


Seen Zombie Girl? She’s Danger. Loves Brains.

I love Halloween.


Zombie Family photo.

Eat your baby.

This one is weird.

Mum would freak if I had a zombie tattoo. I have a ship there now.

Lauren and I were Fashion Zombies last year as the walk was post Toronto Fashion Week. Fashion Week will kill you.

My sister and I did the walk in 2010.

Been a Zombie w/ Kory a few times. MISS YOU!

Two fav Zombie photos (I took).

Scary clown & Scared Litte Girl.

I love dressing up so much. Next week I’m in Screamers!

Let’s talk costumes!?!? What are you wearing?

<3 Zombie Girl


Thanksgiving last year all the kids were home.



It was so fun.  I love thanksgiving because it’s just about hanging out and hangout out is my favourite.  I miss my family in New Zealand. I can’t wait to see Mum. Taking Dad to Canada Rugby final this weekend, VIP.

This is my first actual “long weeeknd” in two years. I have worked every day no matter what day it was. I’m not gonna change much about what I do on the holiday but it changes how I feel.

Thanksgiving Day is a holiday to give thanks for the blessings in one’s life, particularly the harvest. It is a day off work for many Canadians.

Happy Friday & BON WEEKEND!


Nuvo Burlesque – I’m in an Army of Sass and it’s HOT.

It’s been three weeks of rehearsal for our shows in December. I waited a couple weeks till we had something to show you. I could literally make GIFs of everything we do. Lead by creator & choreographer of Nuvo-Burlesque Carla Catherwood, and commercial choreographer Lindsay Ritter, we are the ARMY OF SASS.

I saw the Electronic Cabaret a few times this summer and I knew I needed to be part of it. This is one of the coolest things I’ve done in the last year (at least). I have a video of us doing a routine but I am shy to show you my skills just yet.

This is a sneak peek of what we’re working on. I hope you come to the show. There are about 50 of us. It is burlesque like you have never seen before and I am SO STOKED to be part of it. My sister Jenie is also in the troupe along with the lovely Jaclyn Genovese, Carolyn Van and a whole bunch of other babes.

  • PERFORMANCE: Friday December 7 & 14, 2012

  • WHERE: The Virgin Mobile Mod Club, Toronto

Until next time my friends,

<3 CASIE & the Army

P.S. If you’d like to dance with us there is a DROP-IN CLASS Wednesday night’s 8:30-9:30pm at King West Fitness. LMK if you decide to come. It will be the highlight of your week!

Work, Work, Worker Bee Babe

Busy day today. This weather is great for working. I was invited to Blundstone, the Australian boot company to check out their new style of shoes.  They come from Tasmania, I’ve been there. Toured a brewery and went to a spa in Hobart. Will share those tomorrow. Have dance tonight at King West Fitness for Nuvo Burlesque’s Army of Sass. I’m stoked. It’s so much fun. Things are going great at work. I really love it here.  Do you love my new glasses? They’re ‘Love’ by Derek Cardigan for Clearly Contacts. I’m terribly excited for Halloween BTW.

Hope you are having an awesome day!



Heya, we’re hiring at work. Perhaps you know someone awesome who would be great to join our team? Have them apply to you Huzzahhh!






Innovate or Die: Burberry on Social & Style

This video inspired me today. Burberry is the most innovative fashion brands (according to Mashable). I feel they are one of the most innovative brands in the world.  I want to visit the ‘store of the future’ in London.

I’m blown away. I have such a heart on for innovation  My goal is to stay ahead of the influencers and be known as an innovator. I love being GenY and living in such an exciting time. I love technology. I will be a CEO one day.  A stylish one in a burberry trench.

Over & out. 🙂


CIBC Run for the Cure 2012! Team 5318008! We did it!

Yesterday my team 5318008 did the CIBC Run for the Cure. It was so much fun and the weather was FABULOUS! Thank you to everyone who donated. As a team we raised $1,840 and in dividually I raised $160 for the Canadian Breast Cancer Association. I would 100% do it again.

The whole 5K was full of laughs, stories, and fun.

And a bird pooped on Lauren’s head!


Cheers to my whole team for doing the run. It was nice to use our superpowers for for good. Photo credit to Frikshun & Lauren. Check out her blog at and Sarah’s bloggy at

Do something good for someone today. 🙂