The Dark Side of the iPhone 5S Lines by @CaseyNeistat

The Dark Side of the iPhone 5S Lines by @CaseyNeistat

Casey Neisat is my fav YouTube film maker. He’s my fav other ‘Casey/Casie” in the world. Check this vid he made about the crazy peeps that were lined up for days in NY  to get the new iPhone.

After watching this I went to the Apple Store online and thought about purchasing the new iPhone.  The iPhone 5s lines were insane, I don’t think I’d wait in line like this for anything! I love my HTC One and still have an iPhone 4S but there’s something about the Apple cult, it’s really hard to leave once you’re in. I might get one this week.

Would you wait in line like this for anything? Do you have the new iPhone?


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Caitlin Cronenberg Portrait Studio at NKPR’s #ITLounge

Caitlin Cronenberg Portrait Studio at NKPR’s #ITLounge

During TIFF I was a busy little bee. one of my stops was The IT Lounge, hosted by Toronto- and New York-based public relations agency NKPR. In an exclusive collaboration with fashion magazine W, Caitlin Cronenberg took the helm of the portrait studio, snapping photographs of some of the most highly anticipated celebs.

The theme was Modern Vintage (which I LOVED) featuring elements of heritage and classic. Décor included antique furniture and trompe d’oeil sets, with the concept for her Portrait Studio based on Casa Susanna.

#ITlounge #TIFF via @casiestewart #thisismylife

There were also a ton of great brands present in the lounge including Avon, Tweezerman and Roots Canada, Cold Stone Creamery and Italian heritage brand Barilla. Natasha & NKPR, thank you SO MUCH for all the goodies. Avon was lovely and sent me a bunch of lipsticks and the Tweezerman set are the best I’ve ever had.

Check out all the portraits from the NKPR portrait studio at and see the work of Caitlin Cronenberg on her website.

 Happy Friday!



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View the Vibe: Nikki Beach’s Awesome Digs (And a Fashion Show!) #TIFF13

During TIFF I was at The Spoke Club for a Nikki Beach fashion show and interview for ‘Behind the Red Carpet’ documentary. I ran into Sam & View The Vibe and they had a quick chat with me on camera. See below for their interview and I’ll get to posting my photos soon. This week has been SO BUSY!

Nikki Beach’s Awesome Digs (And a Fashion Show!) from View the Vibe

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A Piece of Powerful Positivity for You Peeps

A Piece of Powerful Positivity for You Peeps

Love this drawing by Ani Castillo. Us bloggers really are a mix of skills and talent! She is married to one of my colleagues at Community and the talented artist who did our branding on I love her work! See more of it here.

Very busy today so sharing this piece of positivity with you. It’s been a while since I posted this great video. Reminds me of myself every single time I watch it. I really do love life this much. Powerful!

Sending sunshine your way!



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A Disposable Waterproof Camera is Always a Great Idea

A Disposable Waterproof Camera is Always a Great Idea

It’s only been a couple weeks since we got back from our Disney + California trip. Sadly, the seasons are changing and Fall weather is on its way. I’m wearing layers and socks.

We were all heading down to the pool on this day and I decided to pop into the hotel gift shop and see how much a disposable waterproof camera was. It was one of the best $20 I spent on the trip. It’s so rare to have actually printed photos anymore and these are just a few of the selections I’ll keep forever.

We had SO much fun on this trip. I can’t help but start planning my next vacation. This time, I’m looking for a digital detox, somewhere I can go surfing and shut out the world.

Here’s to summer, best friends, and daydreaming of California sunshine. Thanks again to Joyce, Angela and Disney for sending us on a trip we’ll never forget.

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Drug Driving Ad from New Zealand

Drug Driving Ad from New Zealand

Love this Drug Driving ad from NZ. Us Kiwis are creative ones. Lorde is killing it on the music scene right now too. Blogged about her in November last year and now she’s travelling the world. Represent Team New Zealand, oi!

Hope weekend is treating you well. I’m taking it easy today and lazing/working around the house.


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Spotted on the Disaronno Global Blog! #TIFF13

Spotted on the Disaronno Global Blog! #TIFF13


Disaronno _+ Interview Magazine at #TIFF #thisismylife

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‘It’s All About ME’ Feature Documentary Nominated for Award at Commfest Film Festival

‘It’s All About ME’ Feature Documentary Nominated for Award at Commfest Film Festival

It's All About Me movie #thisismylife

Screen Shot 2013-09-10 at 1.52.50 PM

On Saturday the theatre below is going to be filled with people tuned in to watch my first ever feature as a non-extra on the big screen. I’ve been in TV and movies before but this documentary is the first time I’m in a real film festival.  It’s nominated for an award too!

Owly Images

Planning to get my nails done, a fresh shave on my head, and a new tattoo on Friday for the 13th. (I know Mum reading this will be happy cringing to hear that! ha. LOVE YOU MUM)

There are a limited number of tickets available and you can get one here. Watch the trailer below and follow @allaboutmemovie on Twitter. We shot this just over a year ago and it actually seems like forever. I have pink hair and refuse to read the comments. Gahhh.

Ok, now I’m a little nervous.


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Behind the Red Carpet #TIFF13 #film

Behind the Red Carpet #TIFF13 #film


Hi from my most fav park int he city, Trinity Bellwoods! Also wearing my most fav summer sunflower dress from American Apparel paired with these Jeffrey Campbell kicks from Nasty Gal.

Today we wrapped the last shoot day for ‘Behind the Red Carpet’ a TIFF 2013 documentary. Pretty excited about this one. There are a couple A-List stars in it as well as a few notable Toronto people involved with the Toronto International Film Festival. I’ll share the trailer as soon as they cut it!



I love being on camera.



Biked to work today and found a brand new rack to lock it up. She’s lovely my lil’ bike. So jazzed about this warm September weather. Huzzah!


Hope you are enjoying the day!


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HTC One Guest Post by Vanessa Grillone

HTC One Guest Post by Vanessa Grillone

What do you value in life or in a job? What do you want for your future? What are your goals? I’ve been trying to answer these questions as clearly as I possibly can without being influenced by others. I’m finding it tougher to be authentic in my twenties, than I did when I was younger. Your mid-twenties come with a lot of second-guessing, a lot of doubt, and many many questions.

#HTCOne Guest Post by @VanessaGrillone on @CasieStewart #ThisIsMyLife

With the constant use of social media comes the pressure to conform, which is why I follow blogs that feel authentic. Blogs that aren’t solely about every single product said blogger uses. Seeing them hang their individuality proudly makes me want to be authentic, online and in person and every other way possible. That’s a huge factor in my love for You can tell that Casie doesn’t blog for the sake of blogging, she writes about things she likes and ALWAYS aims to inspire her readers to have a better day, to have a more positive outlook on life, and to LOVE their lives. She has a style all her own and an authenticity about her that shines through the screen. I can’t tell you how amazing it is to be writing on THIS IS MY LIFE. This blog has inspired me in so many ways and has lifted my spirits on even my worst mornings.

I’ve been lucky enough to meet Casie and was thrilled to see that her online personality is one in the same with the woman that stood before me. I always find it interesting to attend events, meeting your Internet friends in person is quite a nerve-wracking experience. Am I the same person that they interact with online? I get a little anxious when they ask what I’m into, what I’m doing a part from blogging. Pizza-girl Specialist doesn’t exactly light up my resume but it is a huge part of who I am and why I’ve become who I am today, and yet I’m still embarrassed about it. Why? Who is there to impress other than myself?

All of these questions have answers but they can only be answered by me, and only if I can stay true to myself. This is my life and I have to make the most of it, documenting the important things while being my most authentic self.

I’m so thankful to HTC and Casie for giving me the opportunity to have her as my influencer (helping find my online voice), to write on one of my favourite blogs, and to encourage me to document my summer with my HTC One. I’ve taken so many photos and now have a way to hold onto some memories, to remember who I was this summer and who I want to become.

Here’s to more adventures this Fall and hopefully a little more clarity in the coming months.

Vanessa Grillone
Twitter @VanessaGrillone

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Variety Studio at Holt Renfrew w/ Moroccanoil #tiff13

Variety Studio at Holt Renfrew w/ Moroccanoil #tiff13













Who Would WANT to Be NORMAL?! Not Normal FTW!

Who Would WANT to Be NORMAL?! Not Normal FTW!

NOT NORMAL! #thisismylife

I woke up to a FB notification from William Jones this morning and he said this ad make him think of me. I don’t know if it’s just because I was half alseep but when I watched this…I felt a little emotional. I’ve alwasy been ‘not normal’, had my own style, made my own path, and done things in my own way. Probably the Taurus in me and strong influence from my parents to ‘be myself’.  It’s great to be part of a world where we embrace the NON NORMAL.

NOT NORMAL is the philosophy that has guided the design of MINI for over 50 years. And it’s the same philosophy that connects the brand to people who drive MINI today. In a world where so many people are trying to fit in, MINI extends an open invitation to those who would rather stand out: .

I  hope my blog inspires you to go out into the world and BE BOLD, BE YOURSELF. Think of your life as a movie, YOU are the director, you decide what scene is next and who is in it. You are the STAR!

HAPPY TIFF! Have a beautiful day!


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A Look Back at #TIFF12 on @CoralTV

A Look Back at #TIFF12 on @CoralTV

Last year I did a 3 part series on Coral TV surrounding TIFF. Check out this vid of me around Yorkville talking about where celebs stay, gifting lounges, and styling a total babe at the Diesel flagship store.

See the original post “Just the TIFF” here. Make sure you subscribe to our channel at so you don’t miss any upcoming episodes! I’ll be doing daily TIFF recaps of all kinds of fun things again this year. I have four events tonight!

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Mickey, Minnie, Donald, and Duckface at Disney!

Mickey, Minnie, Donald, and Duckface at Disney!


Can you believe we met Donald Duck and made duckfaces? Oh yeah, it happened! This was right near Ariel’s Grotto in Disneyland Adventure Park. We had a cocktail and went on some roller coasters.

Love Lauren’s selfie w/ the Duck himself.







Disneyland was SO MUCH FUN! Deff worth going on a vacay there without the kids for some fun in the sun. It was wonderful to let loose and be young again! See the entire set here, all photos with Canon Rebel SL1.

Thank you again to Disney Canada for sending on the trip of a lifetime!

Enjoy the day!



It Helps to Have Good Luggage

It Helps to Have Good Luggage


We packed up to leave LA with our suitcases in the back seat of the convertible. The sun was shining bright, tanning my shoulders, and I could smell the sweet salt of the ocean as we left Santa Monica. It felt like I was in a movie.

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* Found this post in Drafts, it’s about setting goals and writing things down.  I wrote is January 2012, I said I wanted to go to England and that same year i went in December. Proof writing things down really works! Get a good sleep tonight and roll into the office tomorrow with a smile on your face. 🙂 xo CASIE

Watching Helvetica right now. This movie is so good. I want to go to Germany. I love the accents and style. I want to go to England too. Tattoos and travelling are totally addictive. So is documenting.

The space between wanting to do something and doing it starts with writing it down. I always write things down. Get a pen from your damn drawer and write it down. I’ve definitely accomplished more goals that were written down vs. not written down.

That’s all for now.

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September Spec Styles

September Spec Styles

If you’ve been following my adventures this summer, or longer, you’ve noticed my vast collection of sunnies and spectacles. I love glasses. They’re fashion for your face. Over the past couple years written about glasses form, see them all here. The prices are good and they ship super fast (2 days avg). Spec!


My most recent selection are this tortoise shell pair by Derek Cardigan with polarized lenses. I recorded an interview with him about a year ago, check it out here.


Sunglasses are a great way to transition between seasons. Whether you’re looking to shield your face from the sun (or cameras, helloo TIFF!) or just jazz things up a little, you can get all the hottest styles from Clearly Contacts.

Clearly Contacts


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I wish I could share posts to other sites like Facebook, Twitter, tumblr, Pinterest. Remember when it first came out? It has changed heaps. I think there’s potential. I use so many other Google products and have  thousands of photos from Picasa web albums that are now Google+ photos.

We shall see…



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2013 Chevy Camaro Convertable in California

2013 Chevy Camaro Convertable in California

We had so much fun cruising around in the 2013 Chevy Camaro Convertable in California. We randomly decided to get a rental once we got to the hotel and I’m so GLAD they had this. It was $25 more per day than a compact car  from Hertz and so totally worth it! You deff need a car in LA. I can’t imagine being on vacation or living there without a car. I loved hitting the open road and driving to the beach, top down of course.

I loved Venice Beach the most. It reminded me so much of where I lived in Bondi Beach in Australia. Did you know that the real Abbot Kinney was a tobacco millionaire who founded it in 1905? Oh the things you learn on Wikipedia.



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Long Weekend Cottage Life #Muskoka

Long Weekend Cottage Life #Muskoka





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Visit Greece at Trinity Taverna in the Beaches

Visit Greece at Trinity Taverna in the Beaches


Yesterday I travelled to Greece for lunch! Ok, well kinda. It was my first time at Trinity Traverna in the beaches and I went with w/ bunch of colleagues as a celebration. We sat down for a delicious, relaxing, lunch in the sun on their patio. Oh god, I love summer.



Was quite impressed with how beautiful it is in there. It actually feels like you’re on vacation.


Next time I am ordering one of these whole fish.



These shrimp were so delicious! I really want to go to Greece though, actually.
Hope day is off to a great start! LONG WEEKEND I FEEL YOU!


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Hot Pop Factory 3D Printing Workshop

Hot Pop Factory 3D Printing Workshop



This workshop last night was great! I designed and printed my first object. I have a few 3D printed things but nothing I actually made myself. Creating is THE BEST FEELING!


Creation Stage 1



Printing Stage 2

Makerbot and Makerbot Replicator 2  Printers


This PBR art is 3D printed in layers. Rad.



If you are interested in 3D  printing check out the Hot Pop Factory website for merch and their upcoming workshops. I’m gonna design some stuff this weekend and print it! My dreams of 3D printing have come true!



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(New) Office Space

Came back from vacation and guess what, I have a new office! It’s very bare and needs some flowers and better lighting. Also some photos and probably one of those motivational posters or something.  Thinking of getting one of those sun/UV lamps to bringing some sunshine. Office Space is one of my fav movies though, actually.

It’s nice to be back! I missed this place 🙂

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We Can Live Beside the Ocean, Leave the Fire Behind

We Can Live Beside the Ocean, Leave the Fire Behind



Went to Santa Monica today. Beautiful. So chilled out. I love California so much. I miss surfing, salt water skin, and sandy hair….


Sitting on the tarmac now about to head home. Can’t wait to go through photos from this trip, I have hundreds!

Back in the office tomorrow then cottage this weekend. Will be a nice calm before the storm of TIFF!

With love from California,




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Route 66? #disneyvacay

Route 66? #disneyvacay

Ok not the real route 66 but the one at Disney Adventure Park. We went on so many rides today it was really fun. Just came back from cocktails at the pool and now it’s time for fancy dinner.

With love from California,



Laguna Beach + Catamaran Cruise

Laguna Beach + Catamaran Cruise

Laguna Beach + Catamaran Cruise #disneyvacay @casiestewart @saroox @laurenonizzle

Yesterday we went to Laguna Beach. It was fun. Lauren, Sarah, and I had a little photoshoot after our BBQ cookout. I have heaps of photos to share but we are all meeting for brekky so I gotta run. Here’s some GIF action of us girls and tweets from the crew yesterday.

Laguna Beach + Catamaran Cruise #disneyvacay @casiestewart @saroox @laurenonizzle

We drove home in our sweet convertible and caught the end of the sunset before making it back to Disneyland. Today we hit Adventure Park and go on as many rides as we can! Follow our adventures on Twitter/Facebook with #disneyvacay hashtag or click HOME above to see the live feed.


Laguna Beach + Catamaran Cruise #disneyvacay @casiestewart @saroox @laurenonizzle

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California here we come, Right Back where we Started From

California here we come, Right Back where we Started From

I really wish I had a mashup of Drake ‘Started from the Bottom’ and the song from the OC so I could have made the title of this post “California here we come, Right Back where we Started from the Bottom”. We are off to Laguna Beach and Orange County for the day. Yahoo! Follow all the updates on my homepage at

With love from California,