yesterday was great i have to run to a show now

Yesterday was great. So many great people around this event. HI EVERYONE new I’ve met. Check out my new bestie above Krista who won ANTM. She is hilar. Would be nice if I was smiling! This is us with our minders and a lovely blonde in the demin. Great shows yesterday fav’s were Zambesi, Adrian Hailwood and Cybele.

Running out for brekky and to see Ruby show. Have a massage this afternoon. Yahoo. I’m loving NZFW. TTYL xoxo

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

nzfw – day one

update 1:

lovely sleep in my monster sized bed last night. caught derek on a  new zealand breakfast show then headed with him and his handler to the venue. me venus at the media breakfast onsite. tasty brekky snacks and coffee. nails done by magic tan & beauty, hair done by ghd, makeup mac. wearing andy hall blazer, vintage skirt, nella bella bag.

oh hai

ghd hair + mac makeup lounge

venus getting hair did

saw juliette hogan show this morning and now running to sera lilly.

having the best time. love you xo

imma eat you up.

This is my fav shiz right here – Jaffas, Minties, Pineapple Lumps (got them in the freezer), a dark chocolate Peanut Slab and a meat pie. I loooooove these guys, this stuff is New Zealand ledgendary to me. I will bring some home.

It’s really fun to be a Canadian/Kiwi here for Fashion Week. I am stoked to see a bunch of shows tomorrow. Met lots of nice peeps this evening. Wore a dress by Canadian Designer Paris Li -looking forward to seeing what she says after I styled it up kinda different. It was #3  (see here) from when I tried on dresses at her place. You wont recognize when I show you tomorrow, I insist on being different. Meet my minder Venus Tong tomorrow morning at breakfast to sort out what shows I am attending.

She is a babe.

They have all day music videos on more than one channel. Remember when our music stations had that? It was my fav. Found this new song today by Kimbra on JuiceTV, their site is cool. The video caught my eye and the beat crawled up in my ears and made my body wanna move arond. Toes tapping. I am having fun.

these are a few of my favourite things right now

My driver who picked Derek and I up at the Auckland Airport this AM bright & early.

NZFW Sponsors for sharing all these goodies and placing them in my room.

NZFW Designers who have invited me to their shows. Nice having my name on everything, seats assigned. See you front row my lovelies. My eyes are on your style.

The Weston Auckland Lighter Quay for the Beautiful room on the Auckland Harbour – City of Sails baby.

The City of Auckland for WIFI everythere.

Derek Fabulous because he is my new BFF.

This song by Lily Allen I just saw on NZ Juice TV.

Meeting up with my Kiwi friend I’ve not seen in like 10 years MC Bling!

Peach out till later. Will post a pic of my outfit before tonight’s NZFW opening party if not in too much of a rush. You know how I am always slow/late. Fashionably!

Hope you are having a lovely day. I’m doing what I always wanted to and loving every single minute of it. Good thing I slept the whole way here.


Aotearoa: land of the long white cloud

Got on the plane about 11pm and shortly after we were sailing high we were given our dinner. I remember flying Air NZ when I was younger that the food was delish, guess what? It still is!

I had this seared tuna and cute salad with lobster cream dressing. The dessert was some kinda pineapple/carrot delish. After I had the main course, lamb & potatoes w/ beans. I perfectly paired my dinner with gravol and a glass of red wine so I could sleep like a baby girl. (Mind you, there were some loud ass screaming little shits on the plane. Babies don’t seem to sleep so well on the plane, who knew? Luckily I decided it was not worth hurting them or grinding my teeth so I turned up my audio to drown them out.)

This is me after 1o hours airplane sleep.

Good morning! Would you like some brekky? Why yes, yes I would! Had this stuff then crepes + fresh berries & whipped cream.

Hellooooo homeland. Nice to see you again. You can always spot sheeps cruising in pastures from the plane when you get a little closer than this.

I almost got stopped at bag check on the way out of the airport cause the scanner guy saw I had gum boots (mine are actually red Moovboots). In NZ gum boots are worn by sheep farmers and in fields etc (which is not cool with airport security). I told him mine were fashion over function and had never left a big city. He laughed, I laughed, he let me go. I sure have a way with security guys!

I totally thought today was Sunday (like it is at home in Canada) but it really is MONDAY today in NZ. I was like, why are all these kids wearing uniforms on Sunday? DOH!

Fashion Week opening party is tonight! Yeow!