the most annoying thing you could ever ask me

“what are you up to these days? how is everything going?”

What does that even mean? Really? Like, how is EVERYTHING going? Well, let me think, do you have all day to sit down and listen to me tell you? Would you like for me to re-write my daily blog in an email? Do you even really wanna know?

Could you not just have looked at my profile on any zillion social networks and seen where I work or that I recently uploaded photos and went to a party or two.  Facebook makes it so easy for old friends acquaintances to see what you’ve been up to. So, why do people ask such general and impersonal questions?

If you’re my friend on FB you’ll be used to seeing my little square face  in your news feed with photos, blog posts and status updates.  IF we’re friends, (emphasis on the IF) it’s pretty easy to see what someone’s been up to.  I always check a friends profile before I message them, that’s what Facebook is for! Duh.

So, when and old friend asks “what are you up to these days? how’s everything going?”  I think to myself, we must not be friends and you probably don’t care.

Urgh, rant much? if you ever wanna ask me something crazy, fun or just plain outta this world go right ahead.

Happy Day 🙂

Originally posted January 2010

be sure to wear some flowers in your hair

I’m going to San Francisco next week!

t minus you.

March 19, 2006 – Sunday
Category: Travel and Places

I have learned about time,
It is measured in my mind.

First step towards the future.

Time heals all;  I can catch me if I fall.
You can’t catch me at all.

imma cut you

I’m stoked for Halloweeeeeener. Can you believe we’re almost half way through Roctober already? Sheesh gonna be 2K11 before no time. On Sat the 29th in the day I will be doing something cool that I can’t tell you about yet (save the date) and in the night I will be at Tequila Bookworm for the People Downtown halloween-bloodbath-dressup party.

Love this pic, Andrew Revesz took it during Nuit Blanche at the Playdead Mansion. Am I scary? Oh and look who is a sexy Playdead Cult model… Marc Andrew Smith!

I haven’t decided on a costume, ther ear so many things that pop into my head. I love dressing up. The 2010 Zombie Walk is on Saturday, October 23rd, 2010. My crew starts at my house for makeup at 1:30 then everyone meets at Trinity Bellwoods 15:00.

Exciting. What are you being for Halloween?

Hey pumpkin, IMMA CUT YOU. Hey ROcktober, ILU!!!!!!!!!!


i used to have poetry blog

on myspace.

it’s a time warp…

january 2005: bio

hello, my name is casie. welcome! welcome to the wonderful world of casie. you are about to be introduced to my life that is filed with light, love and excitement. i live in toronto and love it. i work downtown in recruiting. if you are in IT and need a JOB…ask me. i also work for moxie promotions. i love helping people and believe that giving is its own gift. it makes me feel happy.

i like to write things. i like to read books and magazines. i like to make things and sew things too. creativity is a big huge part of my life in everything i do. i love music, all kinds. i am inspired by so many simple pleasures. i love being in front of the camera or having my picture taken. i love sun. i love the sand, the ocean and surfing. i really really love good style. fashion is deffinatley my passion! i enjoy playing bongo drums and dancing in the park. i love to dance arms over my head. there is nothing like reading a good book! i am a canadian born kiwi from new zealand. i have been to NZ for many visits and i used to live in australia.  bondi beach is my happy place! my life is filled with light and energy and i try to radiate that where ever i go. i love to have fun.

a twitter bio is now 160 characters – my how times change. myspace seems so cluttered and ugly now. it’s just a mess of patchy conversations with people i don’t really know. the ones i do know never use it, unless they are in a band but i rarely ever check myspace. it’s the last place i’d look to reach someone.

bondi beach, 2004

i loved living here. these are my uni friends, that’s me across the middle. we used to hang out so hard at that bondi beach. it is a topless beach. at first it was like ‘so weird’ but after a while you get used to it and everyone has their tops off. man it was fun. i miss it. i wanna go back, soon.

i now it’s hard.

i know that you lost someone so dear, the person you love, your heart. the one who is closest to you, who makes you smile and holds you close to wipe your tears. i know it’s hard but you can get through this. i love you and i am here for you and i am not going anywhere. i will always be here.

you know you can reach me anytime. my phone is attached to my hand and there are a zillion ways to reach me and you know them all. i know you feel alone, but don’t. there are so many people that love you and care for you and one of them that loves and cares for you the most, is me.

i am thinking of you.

the best thing in the whole world when you are down is having that friend, a hug and someone to lean on. friends, i am here for you and i love hugs ♥