GIVING DAY 8: wanna go to a movie tonight?

yeah you. what you doin’ this evening?

Today’s gift is a movie date.

Four people win, each gets to bring a guest the Advanced Screening of The Dilema.

This one has some high* hilarity potential with a cast of Vince Vaughn, Kevin James, Jennifer Connelly, Channing Tatum, Queen Latifa and Winona Ryder.  I love me some Winona. I love Vince Vaughn too, met him while Toronto Film Festing once.  So tall.

Big thanks to Calvin & Boston Pizza at Yonge & Sheppard for giving you this night out.

Now watch this:

To win today’s contest, leave a comment with your fav Vince Vaughn movie. I’ve got a few.

* Movie is at Cineplex Yonge & Sheppard so you gotta be in the city to win it.  It feels good to do something NOT downtown for all you peeps North of Bloor!

GIFTING DAY 7: left handed with a nice @rightsleeve

Leaving Boston today and heading home to my fav city for the holidays. My appologies  to all the other cities I love, y’know Torannah has my heart!

Today’s gift  is a sturdy and bright market tote from @rightsleeve.

Rightsleeve is a Toronto based promotional design agency, check’em out on the interwebs. I posted one of these babies on last week on GIVING DAY 2 if you would like to see the exact specifications. The bag retails for $60 at stores and it the signature print from RIGHTSLEEVE, see here:

To win today’s contest, you have to name one my tattoos. There are a few but I rarely show them off.

If you want to find them you will have to look for them. If you link a photo you are even cooler. Leave a comment below by signing into Twitter, Facebook or DISQUS.

Contest includes shipping and is open to anyone in Canada.

Don’t worry, the christmas deco and black marker are not included. They were added on with Doodleberry on iPad Andy. Have a great day!

GIFTING DAY 6: baby it’s cold outside

I’ve never really worn ear warmers (muffs?) before, but the other day it was snowing/cold and I didn’t want to ruin my hair. So, I took the 180s I goti n the mail out for a spin. My beautiful yellow leather bag is by Canadian designer Nella Bella.

I wasn’t sure at first if they were my thing but they’re cute and they kept my ears super warm. The ‘not ruining my hair part’ was also quite important.

I find it pretty rad that they have ones like this WITH  earphones. I need those. I have another pair that are brown suede, kinda dressier. I wore with a long coat and a hat and I was super warm.

In Canada you can get them at The Bay, Sears, Mark’s Work Warehouse and Zeller’s or online at

Today there are five winners. Each person gets a pair of holiday ear warmers in Rhododendron Red, Snow White and Kelly Green. These 180s make good  presents/stocking stuffers. Shipping is included so you might get them in time.

To win today’s contest, leave a comment below with Twitter, Facebook or DISQUS and tell me:

If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?

Contest includes shipping and is open to anyone in Canada.

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

GIFTING DAY 5: you thirsty?

Earlier this year I went to New Zealand for New Zealand Fashion Week. It was an amazingly awesome trip. Words can not explain all the fun things  I did, the photos and blog posts will give you an idea but you need to ask me in person to really know. Thank you to Patty Huntington, Anna Jobz, the whole NZFW team, designers, sponsors and people I met for making it so freaking awesome-never-forget-fun.

Today I share with you a story and a something from my little wee wine library.

My most anticipated show for NZFW was Stolen Girlfriends Club.  It was the show I knew I’d like. This pic is me after the show w/ Venus who was my totally awesome Minder for the week. The fashion show ended with a cannon of confetti and roses. A cute boy caught a rose and gave it to me, there was glitter in my hair. I sat front row and centre and we were all in  an old theatre. Someone pointed out that the girl on the poster for the show looked kinda like me. Pretty neat.

This was the final outfit.  The models all lined up then the ‘couple’ came out last.  That’s when the cannon went off. I love the clothes they make, the jewellry and how they put on a show. So hot.

You know who else was there that night? And who had been tweeting away becoming friends before I even arrived on the scene? Kim Crawford Wines. (Found out the other day K.C Wine is Mum’s fav from NZ!).

The people were all so nice and it was a pleasure meeting them. Everyone drank out of  little jars, it was fun.  The other day I recieved a case of Sauvignion Blanc and Pinot Noir from Kim Crawford Wines. I know, it came with a really nice letter too. Very much appreciated.

Guess what? I’d like to share some of it with you today.

Today’s winner gets gift package of goodies including both the Pinot Noir and Sauvignon Blanc.

To win leave a comment below using FB/Twitter/DISQUS and use ‘Kim Crawford Wine(s)’ in a sentence.

*  Would like to give this to someone in Toronto personally  🙂

let me warm up your day a little




This is where I am an what I’m doing: Caribean Ocean snorkeling cruise! Omgizzle!! We have an underwater camera too 🙂

Sunday funday! xo

P.S. out boat has a freaking slide!!