this is one store i really need to visit soon ♥

I’m a big fan of Me to We style and have been a huge fan girl of Craig Keilburger since I was 14. I’ve love his passion for making a difference in the world and his determination to make it a reality.

They have this neat collection of original accessories, handcrafted by artisans in Free The Children countries. Each unique piece in the Maasai Collection is sustainably produced and uses as much local supplies as possible. Uh, hello high five!

They’re great things to pick up for your Valentine so you can give someone you love something made with love.  Win-win. You can get online, Whole Foods, Blue Banana in Kensington or at the Me to We store. They’re all cute + affordable too. Omg, my blog is such a love fest! ♥

Penda Love Chain

This piece is inspired by the beaded chains worn by Maasai warriors, who traditionally wear long strands of beads over one arm. Named for the Swahili word for “love”, the two Penda chains—when paired together—symbolize unity between loved ones. As a set with the Maasai Heart Ring – $21.99 or seperately for $10.99

Maasai Heart Ring

Rings are made from leather and glass beads and come in two colours, pink and pewter, in the shape of a heart.

Maasai Heart Key Chain

The Maasai people bead items for each other as an expression of love and appreciation. Price: $12.99 or as a set with the Penda Love Chain – $21.99

Monashee Love Scarf

This is a great thing to have or get for someone, so soft & stretchy.  Every farmer, producer and manufacturer receives a fair wage in order to make it.

Made from 64% viscose from bamboo, 28% organic cotton, 8% spandex. Price: $24.50

There’s a gorgeous beaded necklace that I would love to have on my neck too. OK gym time. K, bye.

uniquely ironic tendencies of a youth generation

theme: GINO vs HIPSTER
hosted by: Z-List
location: Tattoo Rock Parlour, Queen Street West
dress code: you are what you wear

oh hey there, NBD just hanging out with some babes

man of the night amdrew moretti. still not sure bro, are you gino or hipster? love you.

Gina Sabrina & Alex were totes out numbered by hipster girls. They looked’ hot though! I did see a bunch of gino dudes, 905’ers as we call ’em downtown. (FYI 905 is a suberb North of Toronto that has like mad Italian people ;))

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

people are brands too: meet the awesome @curtissantiago

I’m working on a piece about personal branding and I came across this awesome video by Scion Canada. The guy in the video is Curtis Santiago, he is a friend of mine and I always keep my eye on what he’s doing.

Whether it’s painting, making music, his unique style, or positive attitude, he’s someone you want to be around. It’s clear by this video that Scion is embracing the connection they find between their brand and his personal brand. As a creative person who really likes connecting with cool brands, this makes me happy. Enjoy!

The premiere of Life in a Day was last night at Sundance. Remember the youtube video anyone in the world could submit content to in the summer? I was in there somewhere. This video is pretty neat too.

I’ve got a session at The Motion Room this afternoon. Ready to work up a mad sweat. Taking Beans aka @itsbrownbarbie with me. Fun, fun!

“in the least creepiest way… i am most positive i saw you at sneaky dees tonight ahah”

always on her phone this one

i’m planning to do something special for you with darren’s salon because i am nice and i want you to feel happy. we’re sorting out all the deets but you will know about it when we’re done. i’ll give you a clue, it involves you getting your hair did and someone not paying for it. yay!

remember i was telling you about darren being in toronto life’s shopping issue recently? well, guess what? he’s in there again in the bridal issue. great skills.

if you are waiting for colour to change it is a bad idea to go outside. you have to keep your head warm, like this kinda.

this is my fav part, the shave.

stitching came undone on on of my boots. think i can return them? i got them at the docs store last summer. i tweeted about the warranty and someone asked if i got them on the 1990’s. NO, they are new. very funny. haha

ok hair done. off to kensington for a friends comedy show that i ended up missing. probably because i stopped to play here.  i am canadian ex. 1 ice rink.

this is my fav vintage shop in the city, apt. 909 on dundas. i hardly share anything about it because i want to keep you away so i can get all the goodies for myself. no really though.

oh hai again sneaky dee’s. somebody was here…

my hair has a mind of it’s own and that mind likes to PAR-TAY.

look at these studs, we’ve been friends for over ten years, coming up on 15 soon i reckon. bachelor 1 luke, bachelor 2 chris, both eligible entrepreneurs. they are getting hotter with age. if you wanna date them lemme know 😉

i’m not a fan of dark beer but the boys picked so it was 3-1.

guess what mum? yesterday i was recognized TWICE while out doing my daily activities. first, as i was walking into thee spoke club for a meeting by a cute girl and second i got this comment on my dailybooth. lucky for me he’s kinda cute too.

jrphoto88@casiestewart in the least creepiest way.. i am most positive i saw you at sneaky dees tonight ahah”

i have so many of these virgin america cards with my blog & twitter on them. once VX stop flying from YYZ they will become part of toronto history. it is good luck if you find one.

our waiter at sneaky dee’s was so nice. look what is on the very top of the pretty money. i am canadian ex. 2

well, we all know what this means. wahhh.

tonight i am going to good for her with raymi and friends. it’s a sex shop and i have no clue what we are doing. probably pillow fighting or playing with toys all over the store. happy friday ♥

ATTN #TORONTO: @nellabellabrand sample sale FRIDAY!

I just came back from a meeting and stopped by Nella Bella to check out all the stock for tomorrow’s one day sample sale. If you need have a bag obsession, need a new bag or just wanna treat yourself go stop by.

These are some of my fabv Nella Bella babies:

Little guy fits everything, camera, phone and wallet stuff! Tarek nicknamed it the ‘Casie bag’.

The bag this girl has in the photo is one of my most fav treasured things I’ve got. It has travelled all over the world with me and it’s in good shape. If you make it out tomorrow, lemme know what you get! I’d love to see.

This could be yours my friends. Love that flower print one.

I’m off to get my HAIR DID w/ Darren. Woo hoo.