I’ve told you about Stolen Girlfriends Club before, most fav NZ designer. My girl Anna Fitzpatrick at Red Bull in NZ sent me this awesome vid of the SS SGC collection ‘Untitled’. Check out what they did…
Stolen Girlfriends Club invade New World Victoria Park.
Stolen Girlfriends Club present their Spring 2011 collection ‘Untitled’ Gone are the runways, front row seating, backstage, and media-only invite list. It was everyday shoppers who were treated to 20 beautiful models walking the aisles of a supermarket as if they were the cat walks of Milan. Music courtesy of White Lies – Peace and Quiet (33s remix)
No runways, front row seating, backstage, or media-only invite list, for six minutes New World Supermarket (Auckland, been there) was taken over by models. The show was put together with Red Bull who have been lovers of their unconventional style since 2005.
Marc Moore, design director of SGC, wanted to present ‘Untitled’ in a location that took fashion out of its usual context. “We thought about presenting our new collection in a total random and public place, we wanted it to be like a ‘fashion flash-mob’. It’s always a challenge to keep people on their toes in anticipation but I think that today’s show really did surprise”.
She looks surprised…
Todday I’m heading to lunch to meet a few friend who is giving me a NEW fancy camera. I am going to take so many photos of everything including myself . Haha. Someone from Global News is coming to interview me after that about being cool twitter/blog. I dreamed of this kinda stuff happening to me when I grow up. Have plans to do something fun this evening too. Life is good. Enjoy the sunshine today 🙂