pick up a copy of TCHAD quarterly this week

Your girl is in there.

TCHAD founder George Sully & the team names this very blog as one of their favs. Here’s a sneak peek frm my advance copy so you know what the cover looks like 😉

Happy Monday!

somebody cover this bunny in chocolate! ♥

Happy Easter, long weekend & Sunday Funday. I don’t really celebrate but I AM celebrating myself  today by cleaning my room and going to the spa with a friend. I also love dressing & and having fun. Gonna wear these all day 🙂

photoset: spring hits toronto, down by the lake

Love this dress. Boots Jenie got second hand then gave to me. LOVE YOU!


This is how you know it it Spring.

Isn’t it so pretty?

Yes. (Turn head/ipad sideways)

Now we are at the Toronto Music Garden. My fav spot.

Listening to this:

Norwegian Wood

It is very pretty here.

I love taking photos.

Am I creative genius? I heard someone say that.

Sabrina’s Mum picked out these tights.

Flowers, blue. ILU.

My religionon Facebook is “when the sun shines through the clouds”.

I feel so at peace when I come here. This reno is new this summer. I took the path less travel by and it made all the difference 🙂

the hailwood tights – green & blacks

I get asked about these tights often. Adrian Hailwood gave them to me last year at NZ Fashion Week. I love them! This is what they look like up close:

They’re all one piece. I need a serger, maybe I could make them? Maybe I should dedicate one whole day to NOT internetting and actually making stuff. Like remember Zoey? I have heaps and heaps of art projects piled up in my mind. I wish I had a cottage on the island or a boat with all my art things on it. I would sail into the lake and make things. Then, after I created a mass amount of  those things with paint, marker & glitter everywhere I would come back and share it with the world.

Back to the tights, I’m thinking about getting some over here. Would you be interested?

BTW Great photo Isaac 🙂

saturday magazine review: holt renfrew spring 2011

It was all foggy like this when I woke up. So, I read a magazine.

Slept with the Holt Renfrew Spring style guide and Chelsea last night.  Finished her book before I dozed off.
Last story was a really good one, they were all good. I like her.

“Can’t live without a little attention and a lot of colour” p.11

I reckon Holts & I could be such great friends. See past magazine review of Vanity Fair here.

It was so foggy out this AM. Look at this. Could not see the island. I love that.

Very cute issue, “This Spring you can’t live without…“.

Happiness, simplicity. ☑ ☑

Some fav’s from this issue include:

  • Sense of humour & tall heels
  • My work & and a suit that makes it look easy
  • Sex appeal of stilettos in one spray
  • A natural high
  • Old friends & new classics
  • Feel good attitude
  • Good pieces, for luck and for love

Lots of nice things. I love new clothes. I should really be cleaning my room right now, but oh, how I love to blog. Haha. I wish my clothes would put away themselves!

It’s beautiful out there now. Maybe I should go outside…

stay up to see the dawn in the colors of bennetton?

Look left, straight out, yep that’s the ocean, Cape Cod.

Trafficked some sand home. It’s real crystally, like round stones almost.

Art-Dramatic setting on XZ-1 camera is quite dramatic.

See, wasn’t really THAT dramatic out.

This photo is for Kristen. She told me how she would drive over it every summer on the way to the Cape growing up. Love you.

Flying home is always a pleasure with Porter. Next flight is in the summer if not before. I hope there’s one before. I also hope summer puts a hurry on getting here.

I need to get outside and soak up some sun. Maybe I will venture to the island. Enjoy the day!