time capsule creative: november 16, 2006

Once I thought I lost the contents my first external hard drive. It was November 16, 2005. I was heart broken. Like no other love I’ve ever had, it was my everything.

Devastated. Distraught. Thinking about that day now, and you reading this, my heart, it still hurts, feels like like a day old punch.

I went to the bar and I got a martini. What the hell else was I supposed to do, I LOST  goddamn EVERYTHING?! There was a hole in my heart. And it was bleeding. So I wrote…


now i must write.
today i think i lost my work, my life my story.
my external drive showed up empty.
my brain is very full.
the words i wrote, can not be gone.
i must remember what is lost.


where what now
here me loud
my story goes untold
a life worth living
a legend will unfold



life lost.
a legend burried deep within the walls
four of them that hold my life
a broken link holds it togehter
a photo in my mind
it is all remembered.

Later that day, I decided to take all the cords apart (there were two to connect it to my PC, it was 2006) and put them back together.

It turned back on. I didn’t  lose anything. The end.

Lessons learned:

1) Make sure you back up. 2) Drama inspires creativity.  3) I might be rtrd. 🙂

exhibitIKEA: realms of bliss realms of light some are born to sweet delight

I cruised by this the night before it opened and snapped a bunch of shots in the dark.

Yesterday I creeped into the beautiful art installation exhibit by IKEA at King & Peter. It’s in collaboration with Canadian fashion designer David Dixon, fashion & design photographer George Whiteside, sculptor Bruno Billio and Thrush Holmes, popular artist, painter & owner of Thrush Holmes Empire.

I love the creativity. I could live here. Maybe one day I will.



These photos were taken the night before it opened and shot from outside.

tv on the internet

Coming soon to a screen near you.

HI from a park in Mississauga

Aug 8, 2011 | Source: Keek.com

Hi from the new Fox & Fiddle on Fort York!

Aug 5, 2011 | Source: Keek.com

hi from a photoshoot w/ @laurenonizzle!

Aug 3, 2011 | Source: Keek.com

hi from taxi

Aug 12, 2011 | Source: Keek.com

Swoon over you. Love.


We met at CTV when I worked there. He was nice and his body felt hard to the touch.

I wanna go to the movies.

you could be the life of the party

if you were more like me.

Baby you could have it all. Download here.

Gladstone Tweetgasm August 2011: Brock + Sockhop

This month’s Tweetgams was Monday night The Gladstone  hosted by the lovely Brock McLaughlin. Doesn’t he look like James Dean. Swoon.

Tweetgasm is fun. I’m going to host one in October. Stay tuned for that.

Boogie down baby. I went for 60’s Twiggy mod.

Auditioned for a ghosty show today with Lauren O’Nizzle. It was fun. I hope they pick us.

There were some nice outfits. I’m going to have a theme for my Tweetgasm too. Idea submissions encouraged.