- Reading all your tweets now! Thank you everyone for coming to #CCspeakeasy last night. How you feelin'? #prohibition #
- You guys are so kind. Ahh. Waking up to all this is lovely. In other news, our water is shut off and I can't shower. #
- Link me to your pix or posts about #CCspeakeasy so I can share with the HBO & CC team! #
- Water back on, thankful for that! Mum always remind me how lucky we are to have fresh running water after her year on a boat. #
- "Why more people juggle more balls" written by @markevans in the @globeandmail today featuring me 🙂 http://t.co/PQy6ndXx #
- Last night Sam & I took a cab to Maccas drive thru after we got home. haha. #
- Tonight it's me & XBox Kinect. We have a date. #
- I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/WbWvD57v FIAT Presents – CBS Alternate Routes: James Flames – "Python" #
- Storytime: James Flames & The Python: My friend James who runs @RebelBingo… http://t.co/WxuBiCYe #thisismylife #
- omg one of my dreams JUST came true. #yandr #
- Rescue me! http://t.co/uVzDc4QK #
- Wolf Blass cab, 10oz NY, scallops & bacon. #lunchdate (@ The Keg Steakhouse & Bar w/ 2 others) [pic]: http://t.co/4BKcOt6M #
- I love you dinner. #keg http://t.co/t2jX6P3L #
- I love this city. http://t.co/rObR9UQd #
- The #CCSpeakeasy I would say good morning but as I write this it’s already the… http://t.co/LmDhCeRa #thisismylife #
- wow, i am tired. so looking forward to Costa Rica, one week from today. #vacation #
- I want to go to Japan. #
- I got Sammy a lotto ticket for tonight but signed both our names so he has to split it with me. #
- Thinking about booking Myrtle Beach trip while @PorterAirlines still has 50% off. Hmmmm @Keriblog?? #
- #Jeopardy tourney of champs today! #
- there's nothing hot about playing with other people's lives #yandr @JoshuaMorrowYR #
- What movie should I watch tonight? #
- Why do I love McDonalds so much? #
The #CCSpeakeasy
I would say good morning but as I write this it’s already the late afternoon. What can I say? I’m still recovering from last night’s awesomeness. The Canadian Club Speakeasy was an old timey shindig if there ever was! Who doesn’t love dressing up all flapper-esque and pretending to be in Boardwalk Empire?! Here’s some photos I snapped of everyone dolled-up and a ditty for you to listen along to!
This car was outside and begging to be posed with.
The bartenders were all dapper and pulled out some tricks as they mixed the Canadian Club cocktails. They were all Boardwalk Empire themed too. The hit of the night seemed to be the Nucky!
Casie and I couldn’t help but have a mini photo shoot. The location was just so cool looking!
This 1920s girl is always working!
How handsome! It’s no surprise that Jason won best dressed! Although he did have some stiff competition…
This Barbie is so classy!
Sam and Ross all suited up! Can the men of the world just agree to dress like this all the time please? All of you guys just have a meeting and discuss it at least? Cool thanks.
Well that’s all for now! Thanks so much to Canadian Club and HBO for putting on the ritz and feeding us tasty drinks! Now excuse me while I get back to my recovery and giant bottle of water. Maybe I’ll lazy about on the couch and watch something. Can you guess what?
xo Kate
Storytime: James Flames & The Python
My friend James who runs @RebelBingo tells a story about him being a conservation hero in Zimbabue. I watched it just now and reckon you might enjoy it on this lovely Friday afternoon. Well done James.
At the juice joint with fellow members of the Canadian Club.
- Punctuation marks you never knew existed http://t.co/d66nmzCF | via @sbadsgood #
- Photo: love this movie http://t.co/GoNYyvFM #
- 7 Ways to Create a Memorable Customer Experience w/ Social Media – http://t.co/Yl6EbYJn via @mashable #
- Have you ever had a Jerry Maguire moment?: One where you are walking down the… http://t.co/TnyqEum7 #thisismylife #
- I really love he new Gmail. #
- Are Nick & Sharon gonna be a family again? #yandr #
- I wish Restless Style was a real magazine. #yandr #
- I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/UpDDcKfw Amanda Lepore – My Hair Looks Fierce #
- tonight is totally a prohibition party: locations isn’t open to the public, enter through back door w/ password. #CCSpeakeasy #
- Heather Stevens your life is over. #yandr #
- Wonder what @mastercard has in store for me Monday…. #Edgewalk shopping spree at @HoltRenfrew? #UnlockTO #
- Photo: oh what? like you didn’t know. http://t.co/SPrZpzLV #
- A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?: I’ve… http://t.co/MpXFcWIO #thisismylife #
- I don’t know much about, much about, much about…: Heard this song last night at… http://t.co/vD326jLi #thisismylife #
- I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/pUyrpFlJ Gwen Stefani – 4 In The Morning #
- I’m quite excited for tonight. #
- listening to For Emma by @BonIver on @Grooveshark: #nowplaying http://t.co/12VbIlZs #
- i feel like it’s my birthday today 🙂 #
- Casual reading @ #CCspeakeasy http://t.co/uA893qsQ #
- Casie in the library #CCspeakeasy http://t.co/JwEDiRLb #
- Location looks like this. #CCspeakeasy http://t.co/FgLQigOO #
- Open for business! #prohibition #CCspeakeasy #
- Poker prize winner is @janeccmann! #CCspeakeasy #prohibition!! #
- Afterparty for #ccspeakeasy (@ Baby Huey’s) http://t.co/atHIZ0lo #
I don’t know much about, much about, much about…
Heard this song last night at the opening of Little Burgundy in Style Exchange and loved it.
There were heaps of awesome peeps I’d not seen in a while, friends from MuchMTV and socialites. Pix are all from O’Nizzle’s Twitpic. Thanks for Style Exchange for the gift cards. I’ll be sure to use them before my trip next week. Yippeee!
A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?
I’ve been to many festivals but one of my favourites was EinsteinFest in 2005 at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. (Say that five times fast.) I was thinking about that day today, my sister and I were volunteered with a bunch of other kids. The Institute is located in Waterloo not too far from Cambridge where I grew up. I’ve been an Einstein lover for ages. Some of my favourite things are his quotes (one of which is the title of this post). Ahh memories.