Let’s Get Sexy

20111213-145347.jpgI recently had to replace my iPhone and when I found out it wasn’t $600+ and was $200, I splurged on nice new bras & panties. It’s something I rarely do but is oh so nice to treat yourself. Especially this time of year when you’re budget often goes to treating others.

I have some friends at Buytopia.com who graciously gave me some gift certificates and asked me to share this fab dealio with you. $25 for $50 at any La Vie en Rose in Canada.

If you purchase the deal, leave a comment! I’m going to give away a $50 voucher to you.

Ways to To Enter for the $50 Gift Certificate:

1) Like on Facebook by recommending above & sharing with family/friends.

2) Buy the deal here & comment below.

I will randomly pick someone from the likes and comments. Prize will be PDF sent via email.

Tell your Mom/sister/boyfriend to buy it for you!! I will pick someone tomorrow as THERE ARE ONLY 12 HOURS to get the deal. Join the 2,600+ other people to got it and treat yourself or someone you love.

I’m off to the Eaton Centre to get some holiday spirit 😉



Ahhh. WHIRLWIND the last few weeks but nice to home. Not going anywhere but the parents till January. Reckon what happens now -March will determines most of 2012. I love this time of year and if my lunch meeting gets rescheduled today (I was still in CST not EST, whoops!) then I am going to the Eaton Centre and walking on Queen to see if I can catch some holiday spirit. Lots of work the next couple weeks, feeling really good about it. Can’t wait to spend time with my family & friends now that I’m back in the city. Those killer bites on my ankles are so ugly right now. I’m dyyyyying to go for a pedicure but they’re too gross to show ANYONE.

These shots are from a recent afternoon shooting with My City Lives and the Biz Media Agency. Kate was on set as my PA and took some great shots, her flickr here. I love that my hair is growing. Lipstick is my most fav ‘999 Ara Red’ by Dior.

In other exciting news:

SXSW– My Speaker profile is live! Check out this fancy Gold Registrant -Panelist. See you in 2012 Austin!

Air Canada, En Route Film Festival 2011- I made the credits for Working It Out  a short film by  Matt Apedaile. His film is one of the top finalists and will be shows in Air Canada flights. Watch in in the sky or here!

HoHoTO – Toronto’s biggest most fun charity holiday event is Thursday. I have a ticket. Get one here.

Community 54– Some friends opened a rad shop, check it out here. Gonna be there for a party Friday.

Independent Fashion Bloggers – I’m there.

I would love a BLT.
Stop. Showertime.

WP 3.3


Interesting, Quick Photo. Testing 1,2,3…

Barbie Style








you missed this yesterday

I didn’t even feel it.



In case you were worried 🙂

Sent from Andy, my iPad.