410: Bad Girl’s Club

Another transitional jacket! This is one of my absolute favorites, it says ‘Bad Girl’s Club’ on the back and my name on the front. It’s from the Varsity Collection by Canadian designer Hilary MacMillan. It’s from a couple of years ago but a piece I’ll have forever. Last September, I visited Hilary’s Studio in Cabbagetown and wrote about it here.

Posted a short Reel in the jacket on IG, click the video below to watch on Instagram with music.

If you’re ever looking for a great place to take colourful photos in the city, this wall is on Orfus Road near Yorkdale Mall.

409: Like Plants, We All Grow

This week has been hard, I feel so drained and tired. Maybe it’s the rain, or the lockdown, I’m not even sure anymore. Work is good and I look forward to laughs with colleagues. I’ve been going to bed early but skipping my morning run to catch a bit more sleep. I’ll get back to it next week.

A new month always feels like a new start and May is my fav month. My birthday is May 8th and I think Sean and I will be sending the weekend up north.

In other news, my plants are FLOURISHING. I love tending to them and watching them grow. I’ve got a bunch of cuttings growing in water. Like plants, we all grow and I’ve changed heaps over the last year too. I trimmed my Monstera about a month ago and the new roots are about 2″ long already.

Hang in there, we’ll get through this NEVER ENDING LOCKDOWN.

Day 408: A Bike and A Bowl

I haven’t been taking as many photos over the last few days. I feel like my life is so boring these days! With everything shut down, there’s nowhere to go, nothing to do, and we’re not allowed to hang out with friends. I can’t wait for this damn lockdown to be OVER. It’s still going to be a few weeks before I get vaccinated. I really hope Ontario gets it together, we’re all getting so sick of this.

So today, I share a photo from my bike ride and a beautiful smoothie bowl. Hopefully, the next month brings some excitement. I have a couple of campaigns coming up so those will be fun to share. ?

Day 407: Lazy Sunday

Lazy Sunday, spent at home, it’s just me here, all alone.

In the house, I will stay, lazy lockdown, day after day.

Day 406: She’s Only Happy In The Sun

Had a quiet Friday night after a long week. Sean got his vaccine yesterday and we spent the night watching The Serpent on Netflix. Idk why but just love a serial killer story, thought the show was really well done.

This morning we cleaned up the roof patio, tossed a few old things, and packed some in the truck for the cottage. I biked over to meet April at Dundas & Ossington in the afternoon. we walked to Kensington picked up ome groceries and got coffee. It was so nice and sunny out. Felt great to be outside the house and in a different part of downtown. I biked back home and spent some time reading on the roof. I am loving these warmer days.

I was planning to do some work on the garden but I sliced my hand pretty bad with a bred knife making breakfast so I’ll have to save that for another time. No plans tonight, I’m sure we’ll find something to watch.

Title is a song from Ben Harper that always makes me think of my sister. ?

Day 404: Error Spring Not Found

This happens every year so we shouldn’t be surprised! Still, every spring we hope, we truly hope that warn sunny days will arrive by May. The long-term weather has us above 10 degrees next week and into May, so I feel pretty good about that. My birthday is Saturday, May 8th and I would love to tan outside. Just throwing that out there to the universe!

Today is pandemic diary day 404, in website owner/internet terms, a 404 error is when a website doesn’t load. It indicates that the server is reachable but the specific page is in error.

You’ll most often get a 404 when the page name has changed or the URL was typed in wrong. Since we had snow yesterday, ‘Spring Not Found’ is an homage to a 404 error where you’d get a message like ‘Page Not Found’ or ‘Server Not Found’. I thought it was funny. ??