Travel | A bad day at the cottage is better than a good day at work! ?

casiestewart, cottagelife, muskoka, the loft toronto, fashion, muskoka

I was a bit slack on blogging last week. Was feeling overwhelmed, I’ve had so much going on lately I feel like I’m constantly running. This weekend we closed the cottage. It was so beautiful out, the weather was fabulous, saw lots of stars, sun was shining shining, the leaves had fallen.  It was lots of work but nice. Something like ‘A bad day at the cottage is better than a good day at work.‘  

casiestewart, cottagelife, muskoka, the loft toronto, fashion, muskoka

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Travel | Travelcuts DOCUMENTARY Finalists – Vote for Your Fav

Hola and Happy Tuesday! Last week I viewed all the entries for the travelcuts documentary film festival and piked my favs. There were a handful of awesome entries. I’m dying to jump in a plane and go on an adventure after watching.

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It’s easy to vote, just share the hashtag that goes with your fav entry. I’ve listed each hashtag with the videos below. If you visit you can see the 3 finalist videos and easily vote there too.  Voting goes until Nov. 17th and the winner will be announced the following week at the screening. Exciting!


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Motivation | Monday I’m Ready for You

Have to return my little car from Scion Canada today. It’s been so nice driving my own car the last week.  Back to driving Sean’s truck for me. The iM is 4-door and a cute little hatchback that’s been great for city cruising. Driving to London, ON & back to TO on the highway was great too.

I’m working at the 1188 office most of this week. Speaking on an influencer panel tomorrow with Jones Media. Later in the week I’m filming some holiday stuff with Umbra at their store.

Feeling happy and ready to take on the world! So nice and sunny out today. The weather is STILL (fairly) WARM. ITS AMAZINGGGGGGGG.

Sending sunshine and good vibes to you through the Internet ??☀️


This Is My Life | Sunday Scroll ☀️

Yesterday I drove through this great rainbow. Stopped to admire it.    

 Scrolling tumblr heaps lately  

Watched Dirty Dancing on Friday night. Always reminds me of my childhood. Watched it about 100 times.

Having a pretty chill weekend, binged Master of None yesterday, all 10eps. Good show. Recommend! 

I met Aziz Anzari once at Parts&Labour in Parkdale.   



Speaking | TEDxWesternU Livestream

Speaking | TEDxWesternU Livestream

Hello & good morning. It’s early on Saturday morning and by the time you read this my talk will probably be over. See below for the TEDx Western University livestream. I’m the opening keynote at 9:20 and speaking about Social Media & The Human Condition. If you miss it the video will be online eventually. Here’s hoping all goes well! There’s some great speakers today. Check out the full schedule at

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This Is My Life | I’m doing a thing.

I’m doing my first TEDx talk this weekend at Western University and I’m pretty excited about it. The theme is The Human Condition and I’m talking about the internet and myself.  I think you will find intersting. PLUS it’s only about 15 minutes!  I’m not sure what time I’m on stage yet but I would really love you to watch me. I don’t ask for much and I seriously  think it will be entertaining and maybe you’ll even have some feelings.

Last night my sister and I went to visit mum for dinner and had an EPIC sing along to Adele on the way. I will edit the video this weekend but you might pee your pants. This is a small indication of the passion we had performing.

We all went out to buy lotto tickets together and this is my mum on the phone. Is she not the cutest ever. LOVE YOU. I should check mine, imagine I won?

Made me happy to see this on the table at mum’s house. I asked her for dinner to make shepherds pie and self-saucing chocolate pudding like she used to when we were kids. Nothing quite like family time and laughs around the dinner table. Since Scion Canada gave me a car this week I’m trying to make the most of every moment.

I’ll make sure to tell you when my talk is on Saturday as soon as I find out. When I don’t think about it I’m kinda nervous but when I practise and start rehearsing or talking to myself in the mirror. I feel excited!

Hope you’re having a great day 🙂 


Spring in November, Isn’t it Lovely?

I am seriously loving this weather! I went for a bike ride this morning to get a coffee. I’ve been a bit slack on blog posts this week as I’m seriously prepping for a TEDx talk this weekend.  I’ve been giving myself a little goals of doing some work and then rewarding myself with a coffee or with lunch. I’ve got a lot to get accomplished this week! Next week I’m shooting a holiday project with a major design company and I’m really excited about it. I set a goal to do more video so I’m pretty stoked about all the collabs I’ve got coming up.

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In other news,  I recently discovered how great dictation is on my MacBook, I can literally talk and it types everything I’m saying. I’m doing this today because I’m feeling a bit frazzled! 😛 Prepping for a speaking gig involves lots of talking to yourself. Dictation and iPhone voice memos are my saviour this week. THANKS APPLE!

Scion Canada hooked me up with a car for the week, which I am LOVING! I’ve never owned my own car and it’s so freeing to just jump in an hit the open road. Today I’m heading West with my sister to have dinner with mum.

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Yesterday I went to WEST (wearables) conference at the MaRS discovery District. On this panel is one of Sean’s business partners, J.Lee Williams,  talking the future of VR in film and television.


I also stopped into a preview of ALDO Spring/Summer 2016. Take a little scroll through my fav items in this little Vine. You’ll find these at stores early next year. I’ve been making more short videos so pop over to to see my recent creations.

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OK, time for me to get a move on. Forever being distracted by the internet! Currently watching the Prime Minister, Justing Trudeau get sworn in via Periscope.



A Reminder.

magic happens, casiestewart, comfort zone, borderline artistic


This Is My Life | Keeping Up With The Joneses

This Is My Life | Keeping Up With The Joneses

Last week I filmed a little something for my friends at JONES Media. They’re launching a cool thing soon and you’ll find me in it.

Side note: Don’t know if you’ve ever seen the movie ‘The Joneses’ but I’ve watched it about 30 times, pretty sure it’s on Netflix. I won’t ruin it by sharing it with you but the concept is something you might find interesting.

I love these bright lights on my face, being mic’d up, and the camera rolling. It is so much fun. I’ve always loved being on camera! PUTTING OUT GOOD VIBES FOR MORE AND MORE AND MORE. 

Tap video for sound on mobile. ?

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Thanks to these awesome peeps, great working with you! Sarah and I go way back.

It was SO nice out on Friday. Have you checked the weather for this week? We might break some records! It’s said to be over 15 degrees for 3/5 days. HALLELUJAH!   Let’s hope this is a glimpse into the winter we’re gonna to have, leave the deep freeze for the Arctic!

This week I am prepping for TEDx in London, Ontario – I’m speaking! The topic is The Human Condition and my talk is Psychology of Social Media & Narcissism. I’m really excited about this talk and putting the finishing touches on it.  I’ve booked another talk in Alberta for the spring. Winter may be on it’s way but things are heating up over here!

Check out this interview shared by my friend Lisa on Hip Urban Girl or my profile on the National Speakers Bureau.

casiestewart, signature

This Is My Life | Halloween & Chill

casiestewart, halloween

Had a nice Halloween this year. Was a bit more chill than years before, didn’t go out-out on Halloween night. After taking Em & friends trick or treating we stayed in, got takeout and watched Netflix – first time I actually watched Nightmare on Elm Street.

On Friday eve we saw a dude in front of us with binoculars, I was puzzled to know who the creeper was. He was peering out the window, stopping and looking through them. It wasn’t until I noticed his shirt I screamed ‘WALDO> I FOUND HIM’. We all had a laugh. Drove up to snap his photo. Good costume mate!


Friday night we stopped by Maison Gothique hosted by Grey Goose Canada at Brasaii. Sean was a very convincing Fidel Castro while I was his pinup sidekick. I like this black hair look. Having long hair is something I’m not used to at all. It’s always in your face and gets caught on your jacket and stuff.

We danced the night away at the Tricon Films party after. It was heaps of fun. If you follow me on Snapchat you’ll have seen it already. Good music. heaps of cool peeps, a stripper pole, and great costumes. [Snapchat: casiestewart, add me!]

On Saturday I’d been scrolling Pinterest and Facebook looking at costumes all afternoon and threw this look together for trick or treating. Luckily I’ve got a stock pile of wigs and lashes to make anything into  halloween.  Wearing this kind of super long lashes is kinda weird, they block a bit of your vision but look fabulous.

Seeing all the little rascals run around for candy was pretty cute. they all got candy wasted shortly after.

Save this for next time you need to call in sick!

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Hope y’all had a safe and happy halloween. Now that it’s November it’s 100% appropriate to put on the holiday music and think about Christmas. I’ve got a bunch of presents checked off my list and put on my fav playlist yesterday.

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60 days  till the new year, don’t put off till then what you can start today!

This Is My Life | Photoshoot w/ Motorola = #Motoshoot!

motorola 360, motoshoot, photoshoot, mike ruiz

Last night I popped over to the East end for a shoot with Motorola inside the studios at 388 Carlaw. A bunch of bloggers & Toronto influencers were welcomed to try on the new Moto 360 watch and get shot by none other than legendary fashion & celebrity photogrpaher Mike Ruiz.  Who is a totally hot babe btw!

Nothing quite like bright lights and a famous photog to spice up an otherwise rainy day. The night was hosted by She Does the City and the set was super fun with vibrant colours and shiny balloons.

Mr. Ruiz was shooting us with the new Moto X Play phone. It has a 21MP rear camera and 5MP front facing camera. It also has a water resistant coating (useful is you’re a bit klutzy!). I can’t wait to see all the snaps he took.


We all came home with the Motorola 360 Watch and the Moto X Play phone. I picked Rose Gold to match my new iPhone 6s. It’s really pretty! The Android Wear app is in the Apple Store now and connects your Apple device to the watch.

Thanks Motorola Canada + She Does the city for a fun night w/ Mike Ruiz. I love when things get real cute!


Contest | Doritos Crash The Super Bowl + $1 Million

Contest | Doritos Crash The Super Bowl + $1 Million

I spent a good chunk of time watching entries for the Doritos Crash the SuperBowl and this is one of my favs. The Doritos contest is back and I would love to see one of my friends submit a commercial and Crash Super Bowl 50. SUBMISSIONS END IN 16 DAYS.

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My fav part of the SuperBowl has always been the advertising and my friends at Doritos Canada asked me to share some info about the LAST Crash’ the SuperBowl Contest. Last year, Canadian Graham Talbot (and his twin bro) created a Doritos commercial, “When Pigs Fly,” that aired during Super Bowl XLIX. He also took home a $50,000 USD prize and was the first winner outside the US. YASSS CANADA.

Over the past nine years PepsiCo’s Doritos brand has given away more than $7M USD in prize money and helped launch careers by hooking winners up with once in a lifetime job opportunities. This year marks the 10th and final year of the Doritos Crash The Super Bowl contest.

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The winner not only gets to attend to the Super Bowl (50th annual and in San Fran, love that city!) to see their commercial air, but $1MM USD and the opportunity to work with Zack Snyder who recently directed Batman VS Superman.


Winning video from the 2015 Superbowl:


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How the competition works:

At the you’ll find a whole suite of assets to help make your creative dream come true, sound effects, music, product shots, end cards, logos, etc.

  1. Make a video – 30 second brand commercial for Doritos
  2. Submit – by November 15th, 2015
  3. Vote – starting January 5th, 2016
  4. Win – announced February 7th, 2016
This year, three finalists will attend the SuperBowl and watch the game in a suite and find out with the world who is the winner.  The grand prize winner will take home $1MM USD and the opp to work w/ Zack Snyder & Warner Bros. The two runner-ups will each be awarded a $100,000 USD prize. If a Canadian did well last year I have confidence that we can do it again. Canada is home to some of best talent out there.
If you have any desire to collaborate or have me as an extra in your video I will support you!  Visit to see all the current entries and more info.

Events | Woodbine Racing 2015 Season Comes to an End

Events | Woodbine Racing 2015 Season Comes to an End

This weekend, before heading to the cottage Garret, Sean and I stopped by Woodbine for the last big race of the season, the Breeders Cup. Over the past few months I’ve attended a bunch of great times there with friends. Almost everyone I took this season came home with $$. I’m still working on my luck!


One of my fav events of the summer is the Queen’s Plate. Carla had never been to the races so I took her as my date. It was a nice sunny afternoon and we started with the Hats & Horseshoes party. All season, Woodbine hosted a selfie contest with a $1,000 gift card prize. It was easy to enter, snap a selfie with the racetrack in the background, post to Twitter or Instagram with #OfftotheRaces and you were in.

Aside from the Queen’s Plate there’s Woodbine Oaks, the Pattison International, and Breeders Crown. Before Dawn moved back to Scotland I took her for an afternoon at the races. Woodbine Oaks was a fun one for us as there were rock n’ roll bands playing for us to jam out to.

My sister Carynn was the big winner of the summer with a near whopping $100 for the day. We went in the middle of October and it was an absolutely gorgeous day. We dined at Futures where they offer a sit down lunch, private viewing area, and full buffet. They also make some pretty good cocktails here! 😉

I’d like to thank Woodbine for a fun summer. It was great sharing my #offtotheraces experiences and taking friends for the first time. My Grandad really loved the races and I feel like he’d be happy to know I’d been going.

Until next summer horses! Have a safe & happy winter 🙂


casiestewart autograph

This Is My Life | Weekend Cruising in an Audi A7 TDI

This Is My Life | Weekend Cruising in an Audi A7 TDI

I really loved driving this car. I picked it up Friday in Ajax, cruised back to the city then spent a couple days in cottage country. It was beautiful to drive on the highway and also be a passenger in.

Two features I really loved were heated seats w/ several massage options and the fast accelerating. I fount it a bit long for city driving/parking but it was v. luxurious. I feel an Audi would be a good car for us, I think the Q5 or Q7 is next on my test drive list.

The exact car I had was equipped with $20K in upgrades including a $5k Bang & Olufsen sound system that was pretty amazing. You can bet 100% I was cruising to Drake and them singing along and crying to the new Adele.

I really love test driving new cars. I grew up in the garage and around my dad’s hot rod shop, so I’ve always been around lots of different ones. Connecting to the nav system with my phone is something I like to test out right away, no issues with the A7. It was great to take calls through the speakers or use Google Maps via my phone to navigate.

Thanks Audi Canada for letting me take this beauty for the weekend. We had a great time together!

4 Companies Offering Great Customer Service

One of the things I really love about Telus is their commitment to customer service. They feel great customer service starts from the ground up and they’ve made a commitment to telling Canadians they need to Expect More from their telcom providers.

Today I’m sharing a couple other great customer experience stories from other companies putting customers first.

Little Burgundy – Broken Boots

Near the end of summer I purchased a killer pair of boots designed by Jeffrey Campbell from I’ve been wearing them regularly but recently the cool cut-out heels broke.   I didn’t want get stuck on the phone ringing customer service so I sent a tweet with some photos to @LittleBurgundy and they replied within about 30 minutes. It took about 5 min to fin d a new pair of booth in store and the return was easy.

I really love when a company is socially connect and able to help their customers over Twitter.  Nice work guys! Now I will check out the sales and probably buy more. 🙂

Go Daddy – Server Upgrade

I’ve been with GoDaddy for my website hosting since switching over to WordPress from years ago. I’ve had nothing but great customer service from their team. I’ve had them renew my domain (until 2022!) help with a hacking situation (on the 1st day of TIFF!) and more recently with a server upgrade.

GoDaddy recently changed their hosting and the plan I was on no longer had analytics. As a blogger and online business owner, the stats are important to me. I had considered switching to another host when their help team offered to look into my situation. Instead of just saying ‘you need to upgrade it will cost $X amount‘ they backdated my server upgrade and back dated my hosting to save me money.  It made me feel like they really valued my business and me as a customer.

Uber Canada – Lost Wallet

I’ve been using Uber since they arrived in Canada and have had nothing but great experiences. A couple months ago, on a busy day I left my wallet in an UberX car before dance rehearsal. I didn’t realize until about 2 hours later when it was time to head home. I sent a DM to @Twitter_Canada and within minutes they had contacted the driver and found out he was still on the road. The driver got in touch with me then drove to my house to drop it off. I was seriously impressed and despite him trying to refuse, gave him a big tip.

Great customer service doesn’t always need to cost a lot of money or take heaps of time, it’s really about listening to what someone needs or being smart about solving problems. Over the last five years I’ve lost/broken a number of phones or needed to replace my SIM card and Telus has gone over and above to help me out. Earlier this year I joined the team as an official Telus advocate with their #TeamTelus program. To check out the whole team of 15 visit their blog here.


Blue Skies 

It’s beautiful up here today. Had the fireplace warming up the place last night.  
New boots recently gifted from Geox. Weatherproof, comfortable + cute.   
Driving an Audi A7 this weekend and it’s so nice. Great for Sunday cruising back roads. 

Most the leaves have changed and fallen. I’m making a Pavlova this afternoon for a dinner tonight. 

Soak up some of that sunshine today!


This Is My Life | Yesterday Felt Like a Day and a Half

Yesterday was an action packed day that started with me picking up this beautiful new pink iPhone 6s. THANK you Telus! I was due to get a new phone and my old iPhone 6 has been cracked for at LEAST a month. I’ve been using my new Samsung tablet heaps for drawing lately and totally love it.

Spent a couple hours at the office before heading to Roy Thompson Hall for a private sit down with with the Indigo Girls. This was the first in a new series of events called HALLer w/ eOne Music and Roy Thompson Hall & Massey Hall. It was pretty rad!

Next was a SS16 fashion preview with Swarovski at the Four Seasons then a foodie event with Elle Cuisine catering.  This week has been awesome and I’ve got 4 things to go to tonight. Tomorrow night is no exception, Sean and I are hitting up Buffer Fest’s opening night gala. Buffer is a YouTube festival.

Tonight I’m heading to fashion week and wearing an outfit similar to this but different designed by Rachel Sin. My outfit is from her SS16 collection. Never a dull moment! 

Look what came in the mail today! This is amazing. I can’t wait to take it home!

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Been colouring  my hair all week with these fun little Dippity Do chalks. Today’s colour is violet!

Ok, I’m running behind, and have spent too much time on the internet once again! Have a wonderful night. If you are looking for entertainment I’ll be Tweeting from back stage and front row at the fashion week tents!


Giveaway | It’s Your Turn to Have a Pringles Party! #VivaTortillas

Remember that Pringles fiesta party I had the other day? Pringles sent over a case of their new tortilla crisps for me to snack on. Since I can’t shouldn’t eat them all myself, I shared with the office. They’re long gone now but I’ve got something for YOU this round.  Scroll down for details!

Pringles has put together a prize pack perfect for chip lovers everywhere. I want YOU to experience the playful fun only Pringles can deliver, now in their delicious tortilla crisps. Imagine, you could be the office hero too!

The new chips come in three flavours – Nacho Cheese, Zesty Ranch, and Original. The nacho cheese ones are my favourite. Check out their Facebook page to see some of the fun vides they’ve made with the luchador crew.

Tweet to Win!

It’s pretty easy to enter and you can do so once a day. Winners must follow both me @casiestewart and @PringlesCA. Contest closes on October 27th. Open to Canada but sorry no Quebec. 😉

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Spooktacular! Halloween Haunt at Canada’s Wonderland

Spooktacular! Halloween Haunt at Canada’s Wonderland

I really love halloween. I mean, I love it so much I take every opportunity to celebrate it during the month of October I can. I visited Canada’s Wonderland for Halloween Haunt on October 2nd and it was so much fun. See my post on the Canada’s Wonderland blog here or scroll away.

My sister and I have been dressing up for halloween together our whole lives so when I was invited to #CWhaunt there was no one else I’d rather go with. We  headed to the park just in time for nightfall. You’re not realllllly supposed to go in costume but we put on zombie faces so enhance the night.

We started in the VIP Pre-Haunt lounge making our plan for the night.  We had Fright Lane passes which outlined all the haunted houses and allowed us to skip the line. The Skeleton Key is for getting into secret rooms at the haunted houses for extra scares.

The eerie sounds of scary music had us a bit spooked so we decided to ride the coasters to get our jitters out. First up, Levithan. Having a Fast Pass made our night spoooooktacular as we were able to zip past lines and jump on the rides right away.  We sat down beside two young men who looked a *little* creeped by our makeup choices. After we screamed our heads off flying through the night sky, one of the guys said “your makeup is a bit messed up”. My sister turned to him ‘that’s because I’m dead!” We laughed loud and hilariously like The Joker and headed to the next ride.

I was really impressed with the performances we caught on the stage. The scary looking man below was whirling around this box with flames inside. It was amazing. next up,  4 skeletons did am impressive trampoline act jumping to and from the platform behind them. It was quite funny! 

My favourite made of the night was Cornstalkers. Being in a cornfield is creepy, never mind monsters and dead people jumping out at you in the night with scary music and horror sounds. Jenie and I made friends with a monster in the Skeleton Key room (who was a total babe). This was the scariest one.

I HIGHLY recommend visiting Halloween Haunt at Canada’s Wonderland. It was the first time for both of us and we had so much fun. it was the perfect scare to get us in the halloween spirit. I’m hoping to go back before All hallows Eve!

For tickets and information visit



Canada Votes | I Voted!

Canada Votes | I Voted!

4:32.49 – how long it too me to vote this morning. Went early to avoid the rush, was done by 9:50! It was so easy. I had to replace my licence recently so took the paper one w/ my passport & voting card.

Don’t get discouraged if there’s a crowd today, let it excite you! This is a big day for Canada and an opportunity for change in our awesome country. Dress up, take a selfie, go with a friend, go with your bae. VOTE!

Today also marks the first day of World Master Card Fashion Week in Toronto so I dressed stylish and wore Canadian. Fur vest and jacket by Rudsak Canada, collar is Ted Baker London, book bag Zara, new boots Geox, vintage glasses.

Hoping for change today! If you need to know what or where to vote visit Polls are open till 9:30pm!


Tech l New Gadget – Samsung Galaxy Tab S2

Today is an exciting day, new tablet! This is my first post from the new gadget and I’m going to be spending heaps of time with it this weekend. I used to draw all the time with my old iPad but I gave it to mum a couple years ago. I’ve got my stylus ready to reactivate my old blog borderline artistic. Yahooo! Big thanks to Samsung for hooking a sista up.




Events | Thomas Sabo Opening at Eaton Centre #SABOinthe6

Events | Thomas Sabo Opening at Eaton Centre #SABOinthe6

Last week I celebrated the opening of Thomas Sabo’s latest Toronto store in the Eaton Centre. Our special guest was none other than Jennifer Grace who you *might* know more as Native Fox. Top LA blogger & model.  We hung out at the store for the evening and chatted. She’s super nice! We had a few laughs and traded blog tales.

People were lined up before the event started to be the first to enter and receive a special Love Bridge bracelet w/ engraving. My Love Bridge is engraved with my name but I feel like I need another one with something more creative or inspiring. Not that I don’t love my name but you know that I mean! 

A few other bloggers & Thomas Sabo ambassadors were in the house, Justine (Jet Set Justine) and Alexander (Kenton Magazine).

The new store is now open for business and near the new foodcourt on the second level. If you don’t feel like venturing to the Eaton Centre you can always visit to order online. I’ve been humming and hhhaaaaaaing over a few of their rings to treat myself. There are so many nice ones, I can’t decide.

Check out some of my previous events and adventures with Thomas Sabo over the past few years here.


Cottage Life | Video + Wood, Boats, Dock, A Fall Beard

Cottage Life | Video + Wood, Boats, Dock, A Fall Beard [youtube id=”uEihYSAjbKA”]

This weekend we did a few big jobs involved with closing up the cottage. On thanksgiving morning we took the big boat out of the water (which involved me driving the truck with big trailer attached). Add that to my skills! Once the boat was away we stacked HEAPS of wood.

Was pretty exhausted after so Sean and I took a break and I did a festive thanksgiving take on the ‘flower beard’ we did in Calgary this summer. So cute. We stacked HEAPS of wood. It’s was big job but the weather was nice, worked up quite a sweat. Last task of the day was taking out the other small boat and the dock. We put on wetsuits and went for it. I think we were both surprised we did it by ourselves (and my strength!). Sean is strong, my muscles are not as good for heavy lifting.

Over the winter I’m planning to work on my editing skills so I can make more + better videos. I would love if you subscribe! Kowing you’re subscribed motivates me to work harder and produce more entertaining things for you. I’ve also signed up for Skillshare, if you use this link you can sign up for a free month. I figure this year I should learn some new skills/perfect old ones instead of just sitting on the couch or Netflix & chilling. 😛

Giveaway | The Future is HERE and So Is Pepsi Perfect

casiestewart, bttf, back to the future, pepsi perfect, pepsi

Recognize this place?


How about this?


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It’s FINALLY 2015 and Marty McFly is coming to the future. I think I watched this movie about 100 times growing up. Over the past few years there’s been some confusion on the REAL date he comes ‘back to the future’ and it’s October 21, 2015.

When Marty travelled through time in ‘Back to the Future’, the only drink Marty wanted was Pepsi Perfect. In celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the major motion picture, Pepsi is helping bring the futuristic vision depicted in the film to life. Pepsi has created a limited quantity of Pepsi Perfect bottles to celebrate the classic flick.

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A neat fact about the above ad is the that it was created by Davie Brown Entertainment, creator of the Pepsi Challenge and THE VERY SAME AGENCY that created the fictional Pepsi Perfect product in the movie back in 1989. INCREDIBLE. This is some next level product placement – fictional product becoming real 30 years later. Amazing.

I’m part of the Canadian launch with Pepsi Canada and I’ve got a few of the VERY limited edition Pepsi Perfect bottles to give away in a special Pepsi Prize Pack. I would love to share Pepsi Perfect with YOU.


How to Win a Pepsi Perfect Prize


This is a show & tell contest: Show and/or tell Pepsi Canada and me WHY you are the biggest Back to the Future Fan. I’ve opened up comments for you to leave one below or you can share via Twitter/Instagram as long as you tag @casiestewart & @pepsicanada. See the widget below to enter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

What’s Do you Win Exactly?

  • – 1 500mL bottle of Pepsi Perfect
  • – 2 Pepsi Perfect/Back To The Future t-shirts
  • – 1 Back To The Future Trilogy DVD set
  • – 1 Pepsi Perfect poster
  • – 1 Pizza Hut gift card of $25

I can’t WAIT to see your entries, I highly encourage photos form the 80’s, past costumes of you dressed up as Marty & Doc, or stories about your goals of owning a DeLorean. Open to all of Canada (excluding Quebec, sorry guys) and you must be 13+ years old. Prize is valued at $140 CAD. Contest Closes when Marty arrives on October 21, 2015.

Ok, now when can I get a real hoverboard?

This is My Life | Happy Thanksgiving! 

This is My Life | Happy Thanksgiving! 

Went for a nice kayak this morning.  It was a wee bit chilly but SO WORTH IT.

Did a Periscope for about 20 minutes with a few hundred people. Take a peek here!

New journal.

New deck.

Hope you and your friends/family had a great weekend. Happy thanksgiving! ?????


Events | Put That Money on Lucky 7! We Won @ Woodbine 

Events | Put That Money on Lucky 7! We Won @ Woodbine 

I took Carynn to Woodbine for sister date. She’d never been and I thought betting on the ponies would be a fun afternoon and it WAS.She picked the winning horse for 2 races in a row and cashed in both times.

We had lunch at Favourites on the second floor, traditional buffet with a vast array of different foods.

Both of us won a couple dollars on the first race we bet on. WOOT. Love these glasses, latest pair from in France.

Then Carynn killed it on the next race and won $72.65. Taking someone to the races for their first time THEN having them win is the most fun. Doesn’t matter how much you win, leaving home w/ extra cash in your pocket is awesome!

I love people watching, especially mid-race when they’re cheering and screaming. It’s exciting! Over the past couple months I’ve noticed more and more young peeps there, millennials. Would be a great spot for a date!

For more information about upcoming events at Woodbine visit this handy schedule. I’ll be back next Sunday for the Pattison International.

Heading up to the cottage for the rest of the weekend to celebrate thanksgiving.

Wishing you a great weekend! ☀️????


Throwback Thursday | GO JAYS GO!

Throwback Thursday | GO JAYS GO!

I decided to make an audio of this blogpost because I have such fond memories of this day. Have a listen or scroll down to read it.

The photo above is from 1992 when the Blue Jays won the world series for the first time.We’re standing on Bremner near Navy Warf facing south. I just got off the phone with mum as I was confirming a couple details about the day since I was only 10 when it happened.

In the photo L-R are my sister, Bronwyn, Carly (Bomb Girls), Paige, and me. Our mums were taking classes at a school in Cambridge that day when they looked at each other and said “what are we doing, we should be there!” after hearing the Blue Jays parade was happening in Toronto.

So, they each went to sign us kids out of schools (we were at different ones), met up, packed all 5 kids in the car, and drove to Toronto. We were there pretty early and got a spot at the front just outside the Skydome near gate 10.

Now that mum mentioned it, I remember a police officer waiting there with us. She said crowds started to form and we got moved to the front of the group near us where the office stayed most of the afternoon. He looked at our mums like they were crazy, there were NOT many kids there. AT ALL.

The parade went on forever and I remember seeing Roberto Alomar, Kelly Gruber, Joe Carter. It is one of the most fond memories of being a kid. The next day I went to school and told all the kids I was at the parade. I remember feeling cool and everything thinking mum was cool too.

When I chatted her just now she said:

“Life is about creating memories”


She always instilled this in me, reminded meto stop and smell the flowers, draw, write things down. She was always encouragung my creativity and I’m forever greteful to her for that. THANKS MUM.

I REALLY hope they take it all the way this year and we can COME TOGETHER for the parade. Sending all my good vibes for the Jay’s first playoff game since 1993. GO JAYS GO!


⚾️ ⚾️ This should get you pumped if you’re not already!  ⚾️⚾️

With Love,


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A photo posted by @baronvonfancy on