How can I be more grateful for the love & abundance around me and share it with the world?


Went to this lovely little diner for breakfast today. It’s in Newton called Johnny’s Luncheonette, they have awesome latkes & matzo balls and all kinds of other good stuff. Been top of the ‘Best in Boston’ lists for years.


I had the most divine sampler with crunchy toast, french toast, bacon, sausage, eggs and strawberries all topped off with icing sugar and a cup of maple syrup. It’s been a few hours and I’m still full.


It was really sunny.


Title of this post is from a photo I saw of something in Courtney Love’s West Village Townhouse. She’s a contributing editor to XO Jane and the photos & captions done by Jane are simply beautiful. See it here.

I think I will live in New York at least once.

This weekend has been a wonderfully chilled out break from the first 20 days of the year traveling to and from parties and conferences in Toronto, Detroit & Vegas. I’m at my friends house for a couple hours, their backyard is like a winter wonderland forrest.

Ellen and I are doing a yoga class in about an hour. She’s a yoga teacher but were going to a new studio. After class we head back to the house for BBQ steak dinner. I’m back to Toronto tomorrow afternoon and will be happily at home for a few weeks. Yay!


Weekend Tune: “Settle Down” by Kimbra

Happy weekend everyone! Hope it’s going along splendidly! For this week’s weekend tune I thought I’d vibe off of something Casie posted earlier this week. Remember Gotye’s “Somebody That I Used To Know”? It truly does deserve a double post so let me refresh your memory…

Pretty great stuff eh? Yeah. Enjoy that on repeat for a while until you’re ready for the weekend tune…….
You good? Ready? Alright then we’ll move on.

Now some of you might be wondering, “Hey Kate! Who was that stunning lady songstress featured in the about amazingness?” That ladies and gents in Kimbra. She’s from New Zealand and her debut album Vows just came out last summer. She’s kinda of a St. Vincent meets tUnE-yArDs turned pop act! Here’s the video for her song “Settle Down”!

xo Kate

We got snow from here to Nantucket

I think I might hibernate in my hotel all day. There’s a couple inches of snow out my window and a few dozen Japanese girls outside my door. No idea what we are doing tonight. The Rocky Horror show last night was AMAZING. I need to be part of a show on stage this year. I spent most of my childhood performing on stage. I miss it!!

Have an awesome (lazy) day xo





Dear Mum, landed safe & sound. xo

I’m in Boston! My home for the weekend is downtown Double Tree, they have the best cookies. Follow my tweets for the adventure. We’re at The Bell right now. Bob is a regular and our friend Meri is on the bar. Going to Rocky Horror later!

With love from Boston,








Get out and do something. Next week is Advertising Week in Canada and there is a bunch of cool things happening.  This time of year can be kinda depressing spending a day or few hours at a conference is a good way to escape the winter woes and hopefully stimulate your brain. Two things I love most about conferences are scoping out well branded booths and good wifi. The later can be a challenge sometimes. The Detroit Autoshow had totally massive displays with lights, sound, art, fashion and cars. It was crazy how bright the lights were. CES was really, really, huge the conference floor 1.6 million net square feet of exhibit space.

In partnership with Advertising Week launches Dx3 Canada, a new interactive trade show with sessions and exhibitors related to advertising, marketing and retail. My girl Amber Mac will be onsite filming her show and there’s a bunch of sponsors/exhbitors friends/partners of mine from over the years including Say Media, Trendhunter, Techvibes, Some more details include:

  • 100 of Canada’s top digital solution providers
  • engaging free seminars
  • Amber Mac’s Technology Spotlight Interviews
  • show floor  etc

I’ve always loved advertising. Started a creative ad agency in high school entrepreneur class, was the youngest but got the highest mark. BOOM! Each week the Say Media blog posts ‘this week in venn‘ a diagram that relates to culture & advertising. This was last week’s one and it went along with an awesome post by the CEO titled ‘This is why you work in advertising.’ It’s a good read about the art & romance of good advertising, making conversations human and creating passion. Better advertising for a better world.

The DX3 Canada event is on Wednesday & Thursday next week. The trade show is FREE but if you want to attend the sessions you have to pay. There’s over 3o and lots of interesting stuff. I’ll be there as media snooping around & seeing what trouble I can cause talking to exhibitors & speakers.

They gave me TWO VIP passes for all access valued over $200. Wanna go? Comment below & link to YOUR FAVOURITE advertisement ever.  

Thank goodness SOPA is on hold or linking to your fav advertisement could get shiz shut DOWN!

Happy Internetting earthlings 🙂



Two winners of one VIP pass to DX3 are KEVIN & SHANNON. Thank you for sharing your fav ads with me. I will email your ticket 🙂


It’s a trending on twitter and it’s making news. Is this the war of 2012?  The war we knew was coming but nobody predicted exactly what because it wasn’t invented then. What if it sneaks up one day, like Sunday and ALL OF A SUDDEN… I can’t even imagine… Just think about how ANGRY and LOST you would be if you didn’t have your Internet life, love, freedom? Would I die? I might.

I know I’m being dramatic but when I think about it, it seems like a 2012 movie that I’m IN, happening in real time, right now

I don’t know much about hacking but ‘Largest Attack Ever‘ are big words.  Four peeps linked to Megaupload were arrested in New Zealand and are now being denied bail. Keri knows all about hacking and online security so naturally I went to her blog. Found this post:

You NEED to Care About SOPA and PIPA

We can’t vote in Canada on this, we’re counting on you big time, American friends! January 24 – please vote.

Sh*t is going down right now! Those feds would shut this blog down in a hot second. I’m not in the USA but I’m sure they could make me stop publishing. The internet doesn’t have boundaries the way countries do. I have seven years of links and content at least. (Back up your blog!) Youtube has the most crazy comments but that’s why it seems like this is a movie. Scary thing is this IS REAL.

Random Comments from this Video:

  • People will commit suicide, lose their jobs, and all hell would break loose if that bill passes. WTF congress?! Why censor our fucking internets?! Navyisgreat476
  • Mayans: 2012 = end of the world, 2012: pricks in congress try to censor web= end of the world “wide web” damn those mayans were right! Sarah3B247
  • This comment wins: I want Pipa Middleton, not Pipa Sopa!!! RioDeVick


If you want to put a STOP SOPA on your profile you can do it quick & easy at No matter what the outcome is with this attempt to censor the internet, things will never be the same.
