Blog Life: Sometimes I don’t feel like it. #6

Today was a really busy business day and all I feel like doing is getting a huge slice of chocolate cake and sitting on the couch. It’s my fav night for TV, Criminal Minds & Modern Family. I want to shut my brain off but there is no brain off button. I didn’t blog today until now which usually gives me anxiety but to I just didn’t really feel like today. I tweeted, had my hair done and went to a PR event. I made a couple drafts but nothing made it to publish. I’ve been reading poetry while I watch TV that I wrote years ago. I used to write all the time. Did you know I was a published author in 1996? I co-wrote an anthology of poetry and prose. Lots of work from 2003-2008 lives on MySpace in a far away blog from many moons ago. I’ve been thinking about sharing it here, I just might 😉 Updated the old drawing blog Borderline Artistic too. It’s gettin’ artsy around here ladies & gentlemen. 

Rogers included part of this old video on my episode last night, which was amazing by the way. Super humbled by the whole thing. I can’t wait to show you.



Wind Lift

The wind lifts a tissue,
Roughly tosses it up and around
Sharply throwing it to the ground.
It races thought people on the street
Catching on things as it passes
And things it meets.

It rises and meets the sky,
Gets caught.

Finds love.

Start Something Big: RogersTV @ 8:30pm CH 10 & 63

I asked the team at RogersTV to give me a screen shot from my episode of Start Something Big that airs tonight on CH10 and CH63 at 8:30pm EST. Pretty cool eh? Looks so complicated. There are heaps of components when putting together a show for TV.

I sat down with the Start Something Big team about a month ago and the reason I think you will like this segment is that I talk about how I got here, before internet. I was really involved in my community, social and media in high school which was the foundation I built my current career on after university. I had lots of inspiration from my parents and family who always encouraged me to be myself, no matter how different I was from other kids or what outfit I was determined to leave the house in. (This happened often!)

They also filmed part of a panel I spoke on during Social Media Week (Building Valuable Social Features into your Web and Mobile Applications) in The Burroughes building and talked to a few friend who’ve known me for a while. I have no idea what they said and have not seen the episode. 

I hope you can tune tonight and if not, the episode will be online eventually.  There’s a short one minute interview with the producer Neresse on the ol’ YouTube here.

Enjoy the day. Remember, you are younger today than you WILL BE AGAIN. Make the most of it. Do something. I’m going to attempt to clean beautify my room and have a productive work day.


Hello sunshine…

Spring isn’t here today but if you sit in the sunshine you can feel it.

Go get it. It’s freeeeeeeee!

playing in the sunshine

The Difference Between Popularity And Influence Online

Read this article today by Brian Solis on He’s a leader in the world of digital communication and I really like reading his stuff.    He does a lots of studies on charging markets and research etc. Here’s a few excerpts. I’d say give it a read if you are a brand, a blogger, a robot or a human. Some good meat in the report. 

Digital influence is one of the hottest trends in social media and it is also one of the least understood. Like some relationships on Facebook, “it’s complicated.

KloutPeerIndexKred and many others are investing millions of dollars to understand how our social media activity translates into influence. Within the last 90 days alone, Klout took in a Series C of $30 million from Kleiner Perkins at a whopping valuation of $200 million. PeerIndex also recently announced aninvestment of $3 million. The market for influence is only heating up with more entrants expected to debut and acquisitions or mergers likely on the horizon.”

  • Scores do not matter as much as the context of relationships
  • Brands need to take responsibility for translating these numbers into insights
  • Businesses need to develop meaningful social influence strategies and define desired outcomes.

Entire report on The Rise of Digital Influence

In other news, I’ve been added to a second panel for NXNE Interactive that will look at The Business of Influence and How to Influence Influencers (just kidding! hahahaha). Panel is about Making Social Giveaways a Win-Win for Brands and Online Communities. Will have more details on date & time along with some NXNE tickets to give away.

Have an awesome day!


deliberately undeveloped literary fragments



Tried marble nails last night. Need practice.
Didn’t blog yesterday. First day off in ages.
Made cabbage soup. Hope to drop a few LBs.
Slept funny on shoulder. It’s hurting now.
Have lots of meetings this week. Work is good.
Looks relatively warm outside. Sun is shining.
Might clean my room today. Probably not likely.
Feeling rather artistic. Breakfast with my sketchbook.
Heart’s a little empty. Missing you a bit.
Time to make coffee. Have a wonderful day.





Hanging w/ Morgan Ross at the Tiny Danza (Nixon) boys. Lots of babes here and good music. Canadian music killed it at SXSW this year and Canadian Music Week is is not to be missed. The boys are killin’ it right now.




Man of the hour/night/year Brock McLaughlin.


I really dig the Danza Nixon sound. Great guys, awesome music.
