Sweet April Showers Do Spring May flowers

Sweet April Showers Do Spring May flowers

Last weekend I spent heaps of time outside doing stuff and today my allergies kicked in. HELLOOOOO MONDAY! I also think I have glass in my foot. I feel like I’m on extended digital detox since Costa Rica. Today I return the Ford Edge, it’s been so great having my own car. Just love getting up and hitting the road! My goal this week is to spend heaps of time writing my blog.

I quite like Monday, it’s an opportunity to hustle hard, do your best work and take it a bit easier each day till the weekend.

Here’s to a great week! 


Title quote is a short poem, by  Thomas Tusser 

FYI Spring Sale @ Polette Eyewear – 25% off!

It’s spring and who doesn’t love new sunnies! The eyewear company in France I’ve been rocking for the past 2 years has a sale on rn for 25% off! Use code ‘Spring’ at the checkout, sale ends on April 26th. Writing a quick post from the cottage as I’ve been working my BOOTY off doing yard week etc around this place to get it ready for summer.  I’ve been taking time to relax since my Costa Rica trip, that digital detox was like hitting the reset button. I’m looking forward to a great week!

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polette eyewear, france, casie stewart

I’ve been part of the Polette Blogger team for a bit now and amassed a big collection. I love that they’ve got heaps of different styles, new ones all the time, and you can afford to pick up more than one pair.

They’re got a new means of distribution cutting out rhe middle man and sending you glasses right from their factory where they have a lab and lenses. They’ve got great prices and so many original frames. I love getting their emails because there are SO MANY NEW ONES all the time.

I never leave home without my sunnies no matter time of day or season, but I also find I lose/break a few along the way. These are a few of my favs!

1-casie_yellowheart, love

Cottage Open, Spring is Finally Here! 

Cottage Open, Spring is Finally Here! 

Had a great time at the cottage this weekend. The weather was fabulous! Spent some time reading my book in the sun yesterday between yard work.  There are heaps of leaves to rake, gardening, cleaning, etc.

Check my Snapchat story HERE for videos and the wonderful sounds of nature ?

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Travel | My Digital Detox Diary on The Co.

Casie Stewart, diary of a digital detox, toronto, costa rica,

I know I’ve Mentioned how great my last trip to Costa Rica was but was the first real vacation I’ve taken in a while. I’m feeling inspired and I’ve got a fresh perspective on life. I wrote about the experience on The Co. by Jones Media and it’s on the front page today! Read it here! 

Today I’m picking up a little Ford Fiesta and cruising home to spend some time with mum. Tomorrow I’m speaking to the grade 6-8 kids at her school about bullying and following your dreams. I wish i had someone like me come and tell me everything will be ok, it’s cool to be weird, and that the job I’d be doing didn’t exist yet.

Still eating healthy since my trip and exercising daily. About to go for a run! ? It’s truly amazing what a good getaway will do, staying at Anamaya Resort is a magical experience. Here’s to a wonderful day!


A photo posted by The Co. (@voiceoftheco) on

Gettin’ Fit in the 6ix w/ The New FitBit Alta

Gettin’ Fit in the 6ix w/ The New FitBit Alta

Before vacay I joined a bunch of blogger buds at Sport Chek to test out the new FitBit Alta. Remember, with companies like PromoCodeWatch that offer discounts on Fitbit products, make sure you use this when before you hit the checkout button! I’m sure you would like to save as much money as possible on something as cool as a Fitbit. Since receiving the device, I’ve become obsessed with making my 10K steps each day. It wasn’t hard to surpass my daily goal in Costa Rica, I was so active! I forgot to pack my charger so after about 5 days, it died. I was super impressed it lasted that long tho, if only an iPhone could do that! Here’s a couple snaps by George Pimentel from our workout with celebrity trainer Harley Pasternack.

We were set to train outside but it was pouring down with rain, hence the raincoat, but we picked out head to toe New Balance gear and set up our devices for an indoor workout. I am seriously loving the leggings, they’ve got a drawstring and are super soft, comfortable.

Blogger bud Sasha Exeter
OG blogger bud Nelia aka styleblog.ca

Ready to hit the road! We took a brisk walk through the PATH underground walkway then arrived at the Toronto Athletic Club to sweat it out.

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Travel| Refreshed, Recharged from Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica!

casie stewart, costa rica, anamaya resort, pura vida, yoga, yogi

I’m home. The last week has been so wonderful. I wrote down some thoughts about my Anamaya Resort/Costa Rica experience last night and it’s hard to explain it all in words, but I’m gonna try. Working on an article about my first real digital detox (SPOILER: it was awesome!), and posts about staying at Anamaya Resort, the yoga retreat, the INCREDIBLE food, activities, new friends, the circle (I’ll explain), the treehouse, and a style guide to packing light for jungle living.

One things is, Anamaya is an incredibly amazing place to go alone, with a family member, partner, or when you really need to hit the reset button on your life. After 7 days of gluten, dairy, and mostly sugar free free, with no red meat, heaps of fresh juice, tons of water, sunshine, and fresh warm air, I feel alive, and calm.

[iframe id=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/5tiGSZ4KAJU”]

Picked up groceries today and loaded up on healthy grains, coconut milk (instead of my usual lactose free), heaps of veggies, fruits (papaya and plantain too), and I’m going try and keep this way of life going. Made a new BFF and am hopefully going back to stay with her in Costa Rica in October.

Here’s to a wonderful week and *hopefully* spring like temperatures!


This is My Life | Treehouse ✔︎ Hammock ✔︎ Sunshine ✔︎

Today has been a great day, the whole week! Really taking  a break from my phone. I’m sitting in this hammock right now blogging via WordPress Mobile. Have yoga shortly, then dinner, and a circus performance at Anamaya Resort. This trip is incredible. Have so many photos to process and share when I get back home.

Hope you’re having a great day! PURA VIDA!


Fashion | Celebrating Spring Style w/ Hudson’s Bay & Fashion Magazine

Fashion x Hudsons Bay, casiestewart, blogger, fashion,

During fashion week I worked with   Denim & Supply Ralph Lauren to celebrate spring style with Hudson’s Bay and Fashion Magazine. The event was in the contemporary department on the 3rd floor and there was no shortage of activations including a Sandro sponsored photo booth, Maje sponsored nail bar (gold nails!), BCBG sponsored gelato bar (chocolate coconut? yes, yum), an amazing fashion illustrator, candy bar, and mojito bar. 

Here’s some of my fav ? from the night. Most are from Snapchat & iPhone 6s but the pro ones are by David A Pike.

Wearing all RL Denim & Supply, Steve madden boots also from HBC
Wearing all RL Denim & Supply, Steve madden boots also from HBC

Before the event I stopped by the Denim & Supply section at HBC to check out key trends for Spring/Summer 16 season. Things to note – cropped denim (cute for tall and perfect for short peeps like moi), dresses (top I’m wearing is a dress), wovens, anything white, and shredded denim. I really love white denim for summer, and picked a pair of the cropped whites for myself.

I was really torn between this white dress and the military jacket. There are a bunch of great jeans and tops as well. I think I’ll go back for the cropped denim jacket. Gotta have at least one of those in the wardrobe.

Fav looks from Ralph Lauren Denim & Supply Spring/Summer 2016
Fav looks from Ralph Lauren Denim & Supply Spring/Summer 2016

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Anamaya Resort – Welcome to the Jungle, Pura Vida!

Anamaya Resort – Welcome to the Jungle, Pura Vida!

Good morning from Anamaya Retreats in Costa Rica! Yesterday was our first full day here and it was magnificent. I’m really making an effort to take a digital detox on this trip but documenting is something I love. I’m running on wifi and often not able to connect with the online world. I’ve been taking photos, making notes, voice recordings, I wanna remember all my thoughts and feeling on this journey. It’s absolutely beautiful, photos don’t do it justice!



Feels good to be back on the yoga mat too, I’ve been a bit slack this winter and this trip is like hitting the reset button. Our menu this week is all gluten free and local, Anamaya has a farm that we’re visiting Wednesday to see where a lot of our food comes from.


We are staying in a treehouse that is 50ft up with a yoga/hammock deck, and a loft bedroom. It’s the most beautiful treehouse I’ve ever been into, it’s fully equipped a king size bed, drinkable running water, and AC. It’s giving us some good inspiration to build one at the cottage.


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Fashion | #tbt 90s Street Style

casie stewart, lauren onizzle, kreayshawn, pink mafia, anna von, toronto, street style, vintage

A couple years ago Lauren and I were show by Becca Lemire for Pink Mafia with Anna Von. Mica styled us up in this RAD vintage gear, overalls, florals, Versace, bomber jackets, all pared with big glasses and bandanas. It was super fun! I hardly had any tattoos back then, the big one on the inside of my arm is fake.

I found one of these photos in a search for pix Loz and I yesterday and wanted to re-live them all. We rolled up this this old school barber shop on Dundas and snapped a few shots in there. The old Pink Mafia office is in a super old building at Bay & Dundas with a cool old elevator and fire escape. The Converse I’m wearing were customized to say ‘Casie’ at a Marcus Troy MMVA event in 2011.

I love searching the archives. Can you believe next month is 11 years blogging? DAMNNNN. Time flies when you’re having fun. that’s why you need t document, so you don’t forget.

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Return on Enjoyment: Finding That Work-Life Balance

casie stewart, cabo, mexico, vacation, TD canada, millennials

I find taking vacation or ‘staycations’ essential to my sanity. If you’re following my Twitter or Snapchat you’ll know that I’m always on the go doing something, events, speaking, dinner, travel. I love it, but tbh it’s pretty exhausting. Putting heaps of energy out (friends, work, or social) can take a lot out of you. In a recent TD survey, they found that us millennials have a hard time finding balance between financial and work commitments, and taking time to relax is a challenge. I can totally relate to this.

TD found that 46% of millennials don’t take their allotted vacation days, mostly due to heavy workload (31%) and lack of travel funds (29%). Back when I was working in an agency, I hardly ever took vacation, felt pressure to work late, and when I did take vacation, found myself constantly checking my phone and responding to emails. I know I’m not alone here!

The survey found, 90% of Canadian millennials agree that vacation time, even mini-vacations or “staycations”, are essential to keeping them happy. Taking time to recharge doesn’t have to be expensive, I find a good binge weekend with some cooking, takeout, and a nap (or two!) boosts me up. Having a financial plan and a budget will help you get that ROE – Return on Enjoyment. ?

This weekend we opened the cottage, going there, even for a 24 hour getaway gives me leaps and bounds of energy. Don’t have a cottage? Make friends with someone who does (heh heh) or check out options like Airbnb or Glamping Hub for affordable getaways.

Working from the cottage in Muskoka, casie stewart, cottage
Working from the cottage in Muskoka

Millennials like us can save for activities by creating a financial plan to account for funding life’s pleasures (or unexpected moments). We could all use a little more vitamin SEA, amiright? ? Other activities with good ROE – concerts, a spa day, beach day, a trip to Toronto Island, a picnic in the park with your BFFs, or a nice long bike ride in the sun. (Spring will be here soon!)

Spa visit on a recent trip to Cabo, Mexico
Spa visit on a recent trip to Cabo, Mexico

Getting to a happy work-life balance can be a bit of a challenge, Hellen Buttigieg, life coach and founder of We Organize U has a few tips we can all use. I personally like her mention of ‘relaxing’ looks different to everyone, sometimes blogging is a really relaxing things for me since I started it as a hobby and I love writing. Other times, it feels like work and I’d rather do take a yoga class, nap, or go out for dinner.

  • – Millennials often set high expectations for themselves when it comes to professional advancement, but it’s important for them to recognize that taking time off can actually benefit their work life.
  • – Making time for yourself can help boost productivity and makes employees better equipped to handle challenging tasks, clients or colleagues.
  • – Maintaining a work-life balance is essential to one’s health and well-being – to avoid the anxiety that comes with leaving a heavy workload behind, book time off during slower periods and space out the days throughout the year.
  • – Relaxing also looks different to everyone – whether you want to invest in a new hobby that can be experienced time and again – so maybe something like an airsoft hobby? If this is something that you are interested in then you can easily find the Great Airsoft Guns Great Prices and the biggest selection here. If you don’t want to start a new hobby, then plan a getaway, what’s essential is to take a break, refresh, and invest in some much needed time for yourself.

Next time you’re feeling overwhelmed or like you can’t afford a vacation, remember it all starts with a plan. Write down your goals, where you want to go, what you want to achieve, and set a budget to help you get there. If you need a hand getting that in order, stop into your local TD branch for helpful advice.

You 100% can get there. ?

* this post is sponsored by TD in my ongoing partnership, all stories and opinions my own, see other posts in this series below!

Planning for Life’s Unexpected Moments w/ TD Canada 

TD Savvy Saver Quiz – Are Your Finances on Track?


Social |Changes to Instagram Newsfeed ⤵️

instagram, new timeline, casie stewart, follow me

Word on the street is that the new Instagram timeline is dropping tomorrow. Here’s what you need to know! Apparently 70% of us are missing posts we actually wanna see, this new algorithm will hopefully make it better. For advertisers, this means you really need to pay to play Hopefully, the changed algorithm will result in more likes for us all. Although, I haven’t been in need of many more links since finding the best powerlikes service on the internet.

If your favorite musician shares a video from last night’s concert, it will be waiting for you when you wake up, no matter how many accounts you follow or what time zone you live in. And when your best friend posts a photo of her new puppy, you won’t miss it. – Instagram blog

If you’ve been on IG the last 24 hours you might have noticed a ton of posts tagged #turnmeon or #turnonnotifications, this is people asking for you to make a slight change so you don’t miss their posts. It’s kinda annoying and tbh, I don’t want to notifications from everyone, there’s a bunch of people I follow that I should probably just unfollow. BUT, if you want to turn on notifications for your fav peeps, it’s v easy.

How to Turn on Notifications in Instagram

  1. 1. Tap the little ?? ?? ?? on the top right of any profile
  3. 3 Enjoy posts fro your fav peeps. Try here w/ my profile ???

Over the last decade, one thing I’ve learned about the internet and content creation is if you make great stuff and tell good stories, people will want to read it. This is where CONTENT IS KING comes from. If you want to build a following or grow a brand, you need think about what you’re posting and where. The platform it’s posted on today might not be there in 6 months or it might totally change functionality. It doesn’t just stop with posting good content though. Instagram is changing so much now that you can even directly message people from your computer using things like igdm, which is helping people stay connected to one another as well. So it’s certainly an improvement!

Being good at social means being agile and ready to change at the drop of a tweet.

If you share content that gets a lot of likes, comments and shares, based on the new algorithm, your content will be seen by even more people. Good photos and lots of natural lighting are a great way to get likes. Buying an instagram likes booster is also a good way to get likes. It could be a good method of actually getting some recognition on the platform in lieu of natural engagement, springboarding your Instagram to allow for building up popularity.

On Instagram as a platform…

To be honest, I feel like Instagram is on it’s way down. I like the idea of a curated stream, I think the algorithm will be good. How many posts do you see now that are from Snapchat? Once a platform stars being the secondary place content is posted, I feel it’s the decline. I’ve seen a bunch of apps rise to popularity then quickly decline when users hop over to the latest thing. Social is ALWAYS CHANGING.

Only time will tell if my prediction is true! Until then, make sure you visit my profile, and turn on notifications if you want. I’m heading to Costa Rica this weekend and I assure you, you don’t wanna miss it’s beauty!


This is My Life | Special Day of The Year ☀️

I’m pretty excited because today is one of my most fav days of the year, the day we open the cottage! ????✌?️?????✋?

We’re en route to Muskoka to see how it handled the winter and do some cleanup. It’s a fair bit of work but I take joy every moment. Being up there is so relaxing, the fresh air, lake, trees, country roads. It’s so calming.

Make sure you’re following me on the Snapchat ? for a little bit of cottage life.

Speaking | United Nations IWD 2016 & Planet 50-50

Speaking | United Nations IWD 2016 & Planet 50-50

This past weekend I was joined by mum and my sister for an event with the United Nations Association of Canada where I spoke on a panel for IWD 2016. Although International Women’s Day was on March 8th, we celebrated the economic, political, cultural, and social achievements of women in an afternoon at the Fairmont Royal York. Visiting the Royal York was always so iconic growing up and to be speaking there as a grown up felt pretty neat. Having my family there made it even more special. The first question I answered from the stage was about inspiration and I proudly shared things mum taught me and a quote from her.

[symple_testimonial by=”” fade_in=”false”]Just because you don’t have money, doesn’t mean you can’t compete, you just have to be more creative.

– Judith Stewart, my mum[/symple_testimonial]

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This Is My Life | I have found that if you love life, life will love you back.

This Is My Life | I have found that if you love life, life will love you back.

I’ve kinda neglected my blog the last week… Posts have been few and far between but I’ve still been active on all the socials. Over the last 10 days I won a Canadian Screen Award as an innovator in social & digital media (Voice Pioneer), I spoke at a conference in Edmonton where my name trended in Canada (ahhh!), spoke at the United Nations of Canada International Women’s Day event, and was a director on a TV commercial. So, safe to say lots has been happening! I’m happy and healthy and wanted to let you know, in case you’ve not peeped my daily Snapchat stories (follow here ?), read tweets, or seen posts on Instagram. I’m hustling hard to make 2016 the best year ever! So far, it’s been amazing.

These flowers were on set yesterday and now they’re brightening my home office and filling it with a springy scent. I’ve FINALLY organized the spare room to have an office that’s tidy, with a great work station, and bright light. I’ve been spending more time at the 1188 offices since January but I’m planning to spend more time working from home and the cottage for the next few months.

Title of this post is a quote by Arthur Rubenstein and it really resonated with me today because although i’ve slightly neglected my blog the last two weeks, I’ve been showing my life extreme love and appreciation. Each day I’ve put my head and heart into my work and feel like the universe is rewarding me with gratitude and more of what I truly want.

On the day of Canadian Academy of Film & Television’s #AcademySocial Awards I had a complimentary psychic reading with Angel Morgan at the Spoke Club. I’ve not really been into that type of things but with heaps on the go, I was interested to see what she would say. The first thing she said when I walked in the room was ‘WHOA, you have a very strong tiger medicine’ meaning I have very strong business energy. She mentioned a few things about my sister that she could have never known, including the cat food indecent Jenie had the night before. ?

She said I have a very masculine energy, a very ambitious energy. She said I’m in a good place in my career and she saw people around me clapping. Later that night I won the award and that weekend I really killed my talk at the conference. Lots of claps! ? It gave me a bit of confidence that calmed me down when all this stuff could have really stressed me out. Something else she mentioned was that I should share my story more, not just what’s on the surface. Whilst I am now debating having a regular psychic reading, I’m taking all this with a grain of salt. But what it did make me think about is sharing more opinions, thoughts, feelings, struggles. I’ve always kept my blog as a little ray of sunshine on the internet, a place you can always go and see bright colours, a smiling face, usually mine haha. I plan to write more. I started blogging as a way to keep more memories and I can’t thank the internet enough for helping me create this space. Next month, April 2016, marks 11 years of blogging, it’s something I’ve done since I finished university, done my entire career. It’s NOT something I ever plan to stop, this is my diary, my place to share stories and moments, this is my life.

Today I’ve been listening to Gwen’s new album and I’m into it. I need to charge my phone.

Looking forward to opening the cottage this weekend and taking some long weekend time to relax with the fam. Next weekend we are heading to Costa Rica for vacation, an actual NO WORK getaway. Can’t wait. It’s been a WHILE since I went on a trip and wasn’t working.

Hustled hard today and shall reward myself with a mani/pedi. Perks of working form home and being your own boss. ?? Thanks for following along my adventures. Wherever they may be!



This Is my Life | Behind the Camera

This Is my Life | Behind the Camera

Going into this week I was thinking it would be a pretty easy one, after last week’s crazy, I was ready for some chill time. BUT, as usual, something came up! I’m grateful for opportunities that come my way and I’ve learned I really only have one speed, GO. And fast. Aside from *just* fashion week things, I’ve been tasked a new project at 1188, casting & co-directing a commercial. Last year I directed 2 commercials and I realllllly want to do more this year. I’ve always said ‘be careful what you wish for, you just might get it!“.

I’m a firm believer that thoughts become things, intentions become actions, if you channel your energy in the direction of your goals, you’ll be closer to achieving them. So, here I am, wrapped casting auditions for about 75 ppl today. (Snap says 100 but there’s always a few no-shows!)

This is Sergio from Brunch Store Casting, he’s cast people in Say Yes To the Dress, Food Truck Face-off, Amazing Race, and more. He’s auditioned me a few times too. Today we sat at the table, behind the lens, picking people we though fit the request. V judgey. Casting people is pretty fun, I always thought it was something I’d like to do and I’ve had a few casting gigs over the last few years. It’s always a learning experience. We were looking for a couple, so a man and woman enter the room, they’ve never met, and we get them  to act out a short scene together on camera. I played the female role a few times, about 8 husbands. 

Looking forward to more casting and set-life adventures this year. Remember, follow your dreams and set your intentions. If you believe you can do it, you can. 


IWD 2016 – Women @ Work Managing Career, Family & Legacy

Yesterday I was feeling pretty overwhelmed. I know we all have those days. I’ve been working on something with my speaker agent, prepping for a keynote in Edmonton, and then there’s a mounting email, and social updates. Sometimes I feel like I just need to shut down and take a break, I wonder how the heck I’m gonna do it all?! That’s usually when I ring mum and she talks me through, reminding me not to give up, and how hard I’ve worked to get here. She reminds me I’m probably tired, and maybe hungry. For this, I’m grateful. I call her almost everyday with something, so today on International Women’s Day, I’m especially thankful.

When I got off the phone with mum the other night I arrived at the Rotman School of Business at U of T for a special presentation with TD, their 10 Lessons: Women @ Work Report. I was happy to see my friend & fellow social entrepreneur Gracie’s smiling face and we sat down together, all ears. Tweets from the night can be found at #YourStoryYourFuture.

TD partnered with University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management to release a joint report that uncovers insights about how women across the country perceive the challenges and opportunities in advancing professionally.

Career, relationships, family, finances, it’s hard (and often stressful) to manage this stuff all at the same time. I don’t have my own kids yet but there’s challenges with a blended family, we’ve got a sassy 8yr old 50% of the time, and Sean and I are both entrepreneurs, managing very different businesses. Learning about the challenges of other women in professional careers, really made me feel better about my own challenges. I don’t share things I struggle with very often but managing the blog, clients, marketing, fiancees, the house, staying on top of it all, is hard work. It’s also hard work to make it look easy or glamorous. ?

The report, 10 Lessons: Women @ Work Managing Career, Family & Legacy, is the result of a year-long research project and essay competition that engaged close to 400 working women from across Canada. 10 key themes emerged on how women can achieve success. Research for this report started in February last year when TD and the Rotman School launched an essay competition inviting women from all across Canada to submit personal essays describing their experience navigating family, career and legacy aspirations.

The report is now online and I encourage you to check it out here. If you feel the stress of managing career, relationships, finance, or mental health, you are not alone.

Key Lessons From Report:

  1. Being financially prepared for the unexpected to allow you to better deal with unexpected events including illness, divorce, and unemployment
    • I wrote about planning for unexpected expenses a couple months ago, you never know when something will break at home, you lose a job, or someone gets sick. It’s really important to have an emergency fund so you don’t risk losing everything if something happens. See that post here.

[symple_testimonial by=”Walid Hejazi, Associate Professor, Rotman School” fade_in=”false”]”A key finding from our perspective is the significant role education and financial preparation play in contributing to solutions and future successes in furthering women’s careers,”[/symple_testimonial]

  1. Develop business acumen which happens through formal education, on-the-job experiences or self-directed learning
    • I feel that formal education has drastically helped me in my career, I studied marketing at college and university and the skills I learned there have helped my business skills in every other area. My on-the-job experience in start-up, tech, finance, and the agency has really helped my freelance work. It’s important to always be learning and educating yourself! However, there are some business skills that can’t always be learned. To lead your own freelance work, it’s vital to have business skills, like assertiveness and decision making. Assertiveness is a skill that is essential in business, which is why my friend sent me a link to a course by Development Academy (click here). Skills like that are so important, which is why it’s so beneficial to attend classes to help those skills develop properly. Furthermore, in social & digital media, I need to know more than my clients so they want to work with me.
  1. Understand the trade-offs of a career break.
    • I’ve not taken a career break (yet) but it was interesting to learn about this stuff from some women who have.
  • The first element to consider when ‘taking a career break’ is the true cost involved. Consider long-term financial and skills implications, when making the decision to opt out.
  • The second element to consider when ‘taking a career break’ relates to the challenges of reentering the workforce. Finding work and feeling your skills are relevant and current can be difficult following a career break.

[symple_testimonial by=”Beata Caranci, TD Economics Special Report, Career Interrupted” fade_in=”false”]One key finding was the lifetime impact on lost earnings due to child care absences from the workforce can be larger than they appear at first glance. Such absences were found to generate a persistent 3% wage penalty per year. When added to raises foregone during an absence, the cumulative earnings loss of a career break is amplified, and can be quite large added up over the span of a woman’s working life.[/symple_testimonial]

[symple_divider style=”dashed” margin_top=”10″ margin_bottom=”10″]

The second part of the night was a talk by Laura Vanderkam from her new book ‘I Know How She Does It’. She interviewed a ton of women with children under 18 who make $100/year to see how they spent their time. I was really inspired and am very thankful to receive a copy of her book. I’m starting it today!

I find hearing other women’s challenges really helps me feel better about my own struggles. I woke up today ready to face the world and checked a bunch of things off my to-do list.

Thanks TD Bank for inviting me to this event, inspiring me, and sponsoring this post.

casie stewart, toronto, blogger, speaker, influencer, casie_pinkheart


Events | New Creations Festival at the Toronto Symphony

Events | New Creations Festival at the Toronto Symphony

If you’re looking for something cool to do tonight, check out the New Creations Festival at the Toronto Symphony Orchestra. I’m heading back from Edmonton to meet Sean there for a date!

The festival wraps up tonight w/ Water by Jonny Greenwood from Radiohead.. It adds the beautiful sound of tambura, vocals from Brett Dean, and DJ Skratch Bastid wraps it up with a remix from the festival. Check out KNOCKING AT THE HELLGATE.

[iframe id=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/Oziuu3Fk0_s”]

I’m partnering with the TSO to share some of the great stuff they’ve got this season and remind you how much fun it is to go. Last time I went for was a couple years ago. I love live music and the TSO offers a whole bunch of great shows at a beautiful venue.

[vimeo id=”3689591″]

LMK if you’ve already got a ticket! 


Mill Street Brew, Segway Tour, HTC Vive, Photoshoot

Mill Street Brew, Segway Tour, HTC Vive, Photoshoot

Hello spring, is that you? How nice was it waking up to warmer temps today?! So lovely! ☀️ Spring is just around the corner. Daylight savings is this weekend too! Weeeee.  I’m at the 1188 office today and the sun is making the office nice & bright.

On Saturday afternoon I hung out with Mill Street Brewery and a bunch of bloggers & media for a brewery tour and to learn about the brand. It was super fun. The team at Mill Street is v chill and I loved getting to know them. If you follow me on Snapchat you’ll have seen the tour happen in real time. [Add me here!] Learned that 30% of the hops they use comes from […wait for it] NEW ZEALAND!  Love when there’s a Kiwi connection ???.

The other cool thing we did together was ride SEGWAYS. This is my segway gang. It was super fun and we had lots of laughs. Felt like total nerds but tbh I don’t really CARE what other people think!


On Saturday night we were in the 1188 studio shooting for an upcoming project. It is v handy to have a BF with a studio! The guys set up all the lighting and we were rollin’.

I quite like being behind the camera too!

vcasie stewart, 1188, photographer

I got to try out HTC Vive and IT WAS ONCE OF THE COOLEST THINGS I’VE EVER DONE. It’s not out for another 6 months and it is truly a next level experience. I was drawing in 3D in a galaxy of stars where I wrote my name and made a pink glittery fire ball. I also tried fruit ninja and it was AWESOME.

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Here’s to a great week, it’s beautiful out! 


Events | Towards Tomorrow w/ Toyota

toyota, towards tomorrow, casie stewart, square one, wheels, vr, scion

This week I ventured out to Square One is Mississauga. I hadn’t been there in YEARS, man that place has really changed! Toyota invited me to check out their pop-up inside the old Target store that’s directed at millennials like me with a love for tech & digital. Yesterday the story was featured in Marketing Magazine and Strategy online with me in VR as the lead photo. Huzzah! The event is spearheaded by Desperado and Saatchi & Saatchi Canada.

Scroll for my experience & see some stuff I made ?. Toyota’s ‘Towards Tomorrow’ opens this weekend during mall hours and is around till the end of May.

Being an artistic individual, I was feelin’ the digital paint/graffiti wall. My creation features pink wheels and rooftop gardens, because why not? I’d love to see customizable car colours and more gardens in the future.

towards tomorrow, toyota, casie stewart, VR, samsung, square one

Toyota is looking attract next gen of car buyers by giving us tech-focused experiences and a place to interact with cars outside the dealership. “ Inside the space you’ll find the iM (read my review), Rav4 Hybrid, Prius C, the 4th-gen Prius, and a slew few tech showcases like VR driving with Samsung Gear VR, digital painting (love this), a selfie station (see top photo??) all with sharing capabilities for social & email. If you’re keen to get behind the wheel, you can test drive the vehicles on display and a couple other models outside. Test driving is always fun because you can really get a feel for the car and whether it is the right car for you, trying out different models and testing them to see whether they are worth purchasing is important, you may also want to check out different deals such as PCP deals to accompany your potential new car! Test driving is extremely fun….

“Clearly, our customers today are well-educated, using the web and have a greater idea of what they want. They certainly still want to see the vehicle, drive the vehicle and touch the vehicle to make sure it fits. But they want to do that in a pressure-free, non-traditional retail environment,” says Cyril Dimitris, VPof Sales, in a recent Canadian Auto World article.

If you’re heading to the mall with the whole fam or you’ve got a couple kiddos in tow, there’s a colouring station with toys. I sat dowm to test it out and give it ???. As for my drawing? I dunno, I got creative and added wings, grass, a sprinkler, and free toys to this thing that kinda looks like a car. ? Never know that the future holds guys!

towards tomorrow, toyota, casie stewart, VR, samsung, square one

If you’ve got any questions about the experience feel free to tweet me or @toyotacanada.

casiestewart, toronto, blogger, towards tomorrow,

Post sponsored by Toyota, story all mine. Next time I’m working harder at the paint station!

towards tomorrow

All Smiles – I Finally Went to the Dentist!

All Smiles – I Finally Went to the Dentist!

I can’t remember how long it’s been since I went to the dentist similar to Tandartspraktijk Antwerpen Euro Dent, even though they provide a great service so I hear (shame, I know). It’s something I’ve been thinking about but I’ve kinda just put of each time it comes up. One of my friends, who moved over to the UK, had a terrible accident a week or so ago. She slipped and banged her face on the edge of the bath, breaking her tooth in half in the process. I felt so bad for her! Luckily for her, she was a regular visitor of this Emergency Dentist Glasgow, so she went straight in for an emergency appointment to get it fixed. That’s what really got me thinking that I should find myself a dentist. Well, a friend messaged me on Facebook a couple days ago about a dental practice run by her brother, thinking we’d get along well. Michael invited me to pop into NOWSmile and write about my experience if I enjoyed it.

Well, it was great! Dentist. A person I would never have described as cool, but I have to say my dentist is probably one of the coolest people I know. If I was nervous at the start, before the end, I was so calm and relaxed, which is what everyone wants visiting the dentist. NOWSmile is more like a dental spa than your traditional dental office.

I was kinda nervous that he was going to tell me my teeth were rotten, had cavities, and I had gum disease or something. You always think the worst! Turns out, my teeth are a-ok. I should floss more, which I’ve been doing since my appointment. Dentists recommended a check up every six months, so I think I need to take this into consideration, especially if I want to improve my oral hygiene.

I had a stain in the middle of my front teeth that had been bugging me for a while and now, with one cleaning it’s gone!

Look at those pearly whites!

casie stewart, NOWsmile, dental, dentist, toronto

Clayton DeCorte opened NOWSmile Dental about a year ago at Bloor & Bathurst. The office feels a bit like like you’re at someone’s house when you walk in, or like you’re in for a beauty treatment. Was happy to see a stack of fashion & design books, nice furniture, and a couple TVs playing daytime shows. Traditionally, every time I went to the dentist is was like ‘oh god, here we go’, it was never this stress free.

casie stewart, NOWsmile, dental, dentist, toronto

Clayton is a Registered Dental Hygienist with the College of Dental Hygienists of Ontario (CDHO) and a member of the Canadian Dental Hygienist’s Association (CDHA). We talked about tattoos and had a bunch of laughs and he cleaned my teeth while I watched The View. Haha.

They’re making a keen effort had to be eco-conscious and socially responsible, read this after my appointment and felt even better about my experience. I’d like to see a digital x-ray. The future is here!

  • – LED lighting where applicable
  • – biodegradable dental packaging of our sterilization solutions
  • – paper-light/paperless office
  • Micrylium products for disinfection control which provide a safer and kinder alternative to harsh chemicals
  • – NOWsmile utilizes digital x-rays for less radiation
  • – composite resin fillings that are mercury free no latex products in the office
  • – None of the chairs in our seating lounge area or in our dental operatories contain leather
  • – animal friendly cleaning products

casie stewart, NOWsmile, dental, dentist, toronto

I smile heaps but since visiting I’ve been so pleased. I lived with an ugly little on my tooth for way too long. ?

If you’re due or overdue for a cleaning on those teeth or need a dentist give NOWSmile a call 647-749-0456 or visit nowsmile.ca, IG @nowsmiletoronto, or Facebook/nowsmiletoronto.

Thank you Clayton for having me in! ?



Speaking | International Women’s Day Panel at United Nations Toronto

united nations toronto, casie stewart

Excited to announce I’m speaking at the annual United Nations Association in Canada event for International Women’s Day. I’ve invited my mum, my favourite teacher from grade 8, and my sister will be there too. I’d love to see some more familiar faces! Bring your mum, your bff, your BF, or come solo and hang out with us.

The event is at the Fairmont Royal York Hotel on Saturday, March 19, 2016 from 12- 4:30 pm. 

My panel is about Women and Entrepreneurialism. The discussion will be led by other female entrepreneurs including Jacquila Rose, Melissa Macher, Morgan Toombs, and singer/songwriter Domanique Grant (who will also be performing).

About The Event: Step Up for Parity: The Global Pledge towards planet 50-50

The United Nations Association of Canada, Toronto region invites you to the annual International Women’s Day event. The event will feature a series of panel discussions that will focus on the significant contributions that women have made in the economic, political, cultural and social sectors.

The first panel will highlight non-profit organizations with key note speakers from North York Women’s Shelter, Plan Canada and White Ribbon, who will explain what they are doing to promote women’s rights.  The second panel will have a discussion on female leaders in the workforce, and the third panel will cover women and entrepreneurialism with a discussion led by entrepreneurs such as, Jacquila Rose, Melissa Macher and Casie Stewart.

Oscars, Awkwards, My Fav Dresses, & Behind the Scenes

Oscars, Awkwards, My Fav Dresses, & Behind the Scenes

Watch the awards last night? They seemed to go on forever! I’m glad, along with the entire internet that Leo finally won. There were some totally WTF moments, Stacey Dash, those three Asian kids? I know people are upset about the lack of black nominees but I wasn’t expecting the ENTIRE show and all the commentary to be about it. I don’t find Chris Rock to be that funny. Everything that came out of his mouth was about race, everything! Jokes about Will & Jada were mean, the ‘black bloke from Star Wars — Darth Vader’, using those kids as a  joke was rude.

The show used to be so much fun and last night, everything was SO political. Then, you have these crusty people who didn’t even clap for a winner.

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In other news, my friend Joey Salmingo was on the red carpet for E!. It was so neat to follow along his behind the scenes, oh y’know, hanging out with Ryan Seacrest and all.

My friend Kelsey was a producer on ‘Claude Lanzmann: Spectres of the Shoah’ that was nominated for Best Documentary Short along with Adam Benzine. She was so excited and looked absolutely beautiful on that red carpet. It was neat to see photos of the stage from her seats while watching at home on my own couch. 

Red carpet press line selfie #oscar2016

A photo posted by Kelsey Lynn (@kelserspix) on

Following adventures of people I know was more exciting to me that watching the show. I felt it dragged on and made me feel uncomfortable several times. Following along on Twitter was once again, the best commentary. Shoutouts to Toronto and New Zealand who both got mentions as well. 🙂

These are my fav looks from the red carpet. I absolutely love Alicia Vikander, she can do no wrong that woman!

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Media | Interview on DaniPress

Media | Interview on DaniPress

I sat down with the lovely Dani, traveller, photographer, dreamer, and owner or DaniPress. We chatted about life, work, and some of our adventures. I was instantly in love, she’s cool, funny, and a smart entrepreneur.  Her #10witha10  series features people doing cool things, a snap with an instant camera, and 10 questions about work/life.

Read the interview here. 

“If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write something worth reading or do things worth writing.”
Benjamin Franklin

Check out DaniPress.

Travel | CO/NNECTED: Tech Travel Must Haves

casiestewart, jones media, influencer, tech, travel,

I wrote about a few of my fav things, read it on The Co. here. I’ve got a few items I don’t leave the house without, this stuff is in my bag for work and long trips.  Gadgets & tech for a worldly adventure or a weekend getaway.

The Co’s travel and tech expert Casie Stewart shares the ultimate globe trotter’s guide to staying connected while abroad.
[Read more]

  1. PureGear braided Apple 
  2. Belkin BOOST↑UP™ adapter
  3. This is Ground Cord Taco, Fitzy Cord Keeper
  4. Happy Plugs, Telus
  5. Rudsak Clutch


Other things I never leave home without? Burt’s Bees original, a Sharpie, and a great pair of sunnies. Happy to share any other fag gadgets or travel apps. If you’ve got a question or something to share, leave a comment or tweet me @casiestewart.

Wishing you safe & happy travels!

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Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television – Pioneer Award!

U P D A T E: I  W O N !

Thank you for voting for me and supporting me all these years. You, the internet have been here the last 10 years like no one single human could ever be. For that, I am forever grateful and give gratitude.

It’s crazy awesome to win an award for something that didn’t even EXIST a decade ago. Thank you. Don’t ever doubt yourself, you CAN make magic happen, you have to believe in yourself.


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Something exciting happened yesterday! I’m a finalist in the Academy Social Awards celebrating social media innovators in Canada. The awards are hosted by The Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television, the Canadian version of The Academy in LA that does the Oscars. Oh hello! This wasn’t even on my radar, especially after being sick and going non-stop with travel and work. This award is celebrates pioneers in the industry, this year marks 11 years of my blog.

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Winner’s of the 2016 #AcademySOCIAL will be announced live at the event on March 10th 2016. #AcademySocial​ will shine a light on the incredible talent and achievements made by social and digital media innovators. More in the video below. 

[vimeo id=”156277969″]

Don’t forget to VOTE. You can vote daily but that’s only if you want to remember.  Thank you for following along all these years, I’m planning some great stuff for 2016!

Artventure ? Artist Project + Winter Stations ?

Artventure ? Artist Project + Winter Stations ?

This weekend was relaxing and cleansing.  Yesterday Sean helped me deal with my room sized closet of disaster hoarding (let’s get real here!) and it was therapeutic. I can’t believe how much crap I was holding onto. Including clothes, we removed about 15 garbage bags from the house. I feel so much lighter.  I’d left a ton of things undone and unpacked, they started piling up. I didn’t foresee everything going as calmly as it did but it was truly wonderful to have someone you love say ‘we need to do this’ and help. I’m still fighting a cold but overall my head feels more clear than it has for a while. A messy room makes for a messy head, being clutter free opens the mind.

On Saturday I took Em to The Artist project. Art is her best subject and a fav of mine, so we set off an an artventure exploring. Lots of neat stuff to see. I was there on Thursday night for the opening party and we picked up a few pieces for the house.

Next we went to the Winter Stations in the Beaches and hung out with my sister. It was really nice to be outside, in the sun getting fresh air. The stations are around till March so there’s plenty of time to visit.

Was really quite hoping the warmer temperatures would stick around a bit longer but it looks like we’re getting a cold spell this week. Thursday night is the ‘Muskoka Bound’ cottage life theme dinner at Lisa Marie with U-Feast. I can’t wait, been thinking about those ribs since I had them a week ago. There’s only a few tickets left, get one here.

Here’s hoping your Monday is off to a great start. I’m heading to an important meeting with myself, a much needed manicure. 🙂

With love,casie_pinkheart