Day 445: Sometimes I Don’t Feel Like It #21

It’s been a little while since I updated and to be honest, I just didn’t feel like it. Over the last 20 days, I often opened WordPress to write so many times but ended up saving drafts, only counting the days. The last 2 weeks have been hard, we’re still in lockdown, I haven’t been vaccinated, I miss my parents, going places, doing things.

Sometimes I just don’t feel like it, being on the internet, sharing my life. Over the years I’ve written 20 posts with this same title, you can read them here. Work is going good and I’ve finally gotten into the groove of being an employee, it took 8-10 weeks. I hadn’t worked full-time since 2013 so it was quite an adjustment. I really love the work I’m doing and can’t wait to share an exciting project. I’ve been riding my bike a lot lately, and going for walks after work, seeing friends in the park. It’s the only thing keeping me sane!

With the pandemic, work, relationships, family, and general anxiety, I haven’t felt like sharing here. I still post something to my IG Stories most days, Instagram, or pop up on Twitter but each time I went to write, I couldn’t do it. I’d been on such a good run with blogging for the past year and was feeling down about not posting. I really enjoy blogging but I feel like this year caught up with over me the last few weeks. I missed a few days, then it felt like a lot to catch up on and before I knew it, it was almost a month. I’m keen to update the last couple of weeks so I have memories to look at. Journaling is such a beautiful thing and once I started writing this, I was reminded how much I love it.

I think a key takeaway is to not be too hard on yourself. If you need to sleep, sleep, get takeout, leave the laundry pile, skip a workout, or take a day off, it’s OK. We will get through this pandemic and won’t remember the individual days but how the experience changed us. I think it’s changed me for the better.

Day 431: Mellow Yellow

Had a nice park date w/ Chloe after work/ So nice to see her, it had been ages. Opened a few packages on Stories this morning and they were all so nice. Lays sent a box of chips and I got a huge box of goodies from Sitti Soap. Their annual box goes to support refuges and is a BIPOC + woman-owned business. Check it out here.

Day 430: Rethinking

Nice picnic with April today. I walked her most of the way home with my bike and then biked back. I have this thing where if I see a mirror on the street I always stop and take a photo. Have you noticed? I love capturing my outfit on a random background and the different shapes the mirrors are in. Seeing more than one on a short ride is unique!

We decided to dip into some alcohol-free beverages that were sent by Grüvi. The beer & champagne were pretty good! I’ve been rethinking drinking the last few years and gone through stages where I don’t drink at all. I’ve noticed that since I’m staying home more (not going to events) and weigh less, I can’t handle alcohol the way I used to. For years I’d be at several events a week and have a few drinks each time. Now when I do have drinks, I like to mix in an alcohol-free option to slow down the effects, water, soda, or something like these cocktails with no booze. If you’re ever looking for mocktail recipes my friend Sarah has some on IG.

In other news, my hair is really long and DARK. I can’t believe how long it is. I love it so much and don’t see myself going back to short anytime soon, or ever. I can’t wait to get back to Sassoon and have my hair done. I’m going to keep the colour close to this just with a bit more blonde. if you’re ever interested in my hair journey, there’s heaps of Sassoon post from the last 5 years here.

Day 429: Meet Me in The Park

A couple of years ago I was doing yoga almost every day with Sandy at Yoga Yoga in the Junction. I hadn’t seen her in ages and this morning to text me about going for a walk together. It was perfect timing as I didn’t have plans and Sean was back at the cottage. She said ‘Meet me in the park‘ and we decided to hang out on the grass at Sarauren Avenue Park. Idk why I’ve never really hung out there as it’s such a nice park. Bellwoods has been really busy lately, this week there was someone with a gun, and people keep leaving garbage there. Nice to discover a clean & safe place right around the corner from our house.

One of my fav sunset views is this one along Dundas West right at the top of Sterling Ave. It’s not exactly spectacular but idk, I just like it. I biked home feeling energized and inspired. It was so nice to laugh with Sandy again.

In other news, I ordered THE CUTEST set from Aerie. I posted to my Story and ended up sending the link to a bunch of friends when they asked about it. I ordered another similar set in blue. It fits so nice and the material is very stretchy, kind like a swimsuit.

Week is off to a great start! I took a vacation day on Friday so it’s a short one! Weeee!

Day 428: Family Day at the Cottage

Lovely family day at the cottage. We all worked together to get the place ready for summer. Emily spent a chunk of the day power washing the concrete and it looks so nice. I set up a herb garden in our new planter box that Sean out together. Decided my garden gloves were too boring and added a few Hayley Elsaesser iron-ons to make them a little more fun.

We set up one of the patio sets near the woodpile for another sitting area. I started listening to Seth Rogen‘s new book ‘Yearbook‘ on Audible. It’s so funny! Highly recommend.

Absolutely LOVE this Hinza Tote I ordered from The Curator’s Shop. My sister’s childhood BFF Leah Mackie started The Curator’s Shop with a friend and they have all kinds of boxes you can order filled with gifts.

We’re heading back downtown tonight so I can be home for work tomorrow. Emily has been doing school at her mum’s so we’ll drop her off on the way.

Here’s to a good week!

427: Sun’s Out!

Had a nice run this morning, I love running in the woods! I am obsessed with my Apple Watch and love the notifications and positives vibes from Nike Run Club. Sun’s out! Spent some time reading in the sun and working on my tan. It’s amazing how this weather can make your mood.

Sean, Em and I worked artound the cottage getting it ready for summer. At night we had a nice fire, listened to music, and roasted marshmallows as the sun went down. I am living for this weather!