Day 460: To The Cottage

Sean and I drove up to the cottage in the afternoon and after the week I had, I was so ready for it. We plan to do a bunch of yard work around and clean things up outside. I hadn’t been back up for a couple of weeks so am quite looking forward to sun, relaxing, and getting my energy back up.

Day 459: SHE’S BACK!


At this point, I am pretty certain I had a reaction to getting my first Pfizer shot I got just over a week ago. During this process, I learned that *if* you had Covid, you might have a more severe reaction to the vaccine. I had never been tested for Covid and didn’t have any symptoms during the pandemic, but will never 100% know unless I take an antibody test. I have no regrets about getting the vaccine and will 100% still be getting my second dose as soon as I can.

Day 458: Sick Day 3

The good news is I don’t have Covid, bad news, still sick. I was worried it might be strep throat so made an appt to see a doctor.

They did a rapid test to determine it’s not strep but a viral infection (?). I’m not 100% sure if this is connected to the vaccine but after looking at all the possible side effects of the Pfizer vaccine, it looks like it.

The doctor said to keep resting and drink lots of fluids. I am really hoping I feel better, being sick is the worst. Thankfully my work is lovely and said to take the time I need. Here’s to hoping I wake up feeling better tomorrow.

Day 457: Sick Day 2

Sean got home from the cottage last night and was not expecting to see a zombie. I was swollen, slow-moving, and he said my skin looked almost grey. I am not doing good at all. I can’t remember being this sick.

I got my first Covid-19 test last night and am waiting for results. I hope I don’t have covid. I hope I don’t have covid. I hope I don’t have covid. I hope I don’t have covid. I hope I don’t have covid.

For now, I’m isolating myself in my room and avoiding Sean. I hadn’t seen him in days and now I have to keep my distance. I hate this. Wasn’t able to work today. Feel like death. Please cross your fingers that I don’t have covid.

Day 456: Sick Day 1

Yesterday I wasn’t feeling so great and spent the whole day on the couch. I’d planned to meet some friends in the park but just wasn’t up for it. Played Animal Crossing for hours and watched Netflix shows back to back.

Today I woke up feeling like DEATH. My whole body hurts, face & neck are swollen and my throat is sore. I’m hoping it’s from the vaccine and not a cold but at this point, I don’t know. Took the day off from work as I can’t focus on anything.

Day 453: Patios Are Open!

The day has finally come! Patios are open in Toronto so of course, I went to one! Natalie and I met up for a girl’s night and snagged a spot at Hemingway’s. I used to work there over a decade ago and it hadn’t been back in ages.

It was nice to be back and we had a bunch of drinks, so fun. One of the bartenders I used to work with was still there and we laughed a lot. Hemingways is owned by a Kiwi and there is memorabilia from new Zealand all over, love it.

Over the summer, I’ve booked off Friday afternoon so pretty excited to make the most of an almost-long weekend, every weekend. Woo hoo!