Some of my favourite tech things right now for SPRING.

casie stewart, telus, telus store, technology, iphone

This is Sacha (above) and we work together on Telus. I’ve been partnered with the Telus team since 2009, my longest relationship! Working together has brought us closer as friends and every time we meet to ‘work‘ it hardly feels like we’re doing a ‘job’. I’m smiling as I write this thinking of all the LOLs we had last week at the Eaton Centre Telus Store. Don’t know if you’ve been in a Telus store recently but there’s HEAPS of home, audio, fitness, and fashion tech, aside from phones.

I cruised the store picking out some tech things I love, to share with you. Here’s a few of my favourites right now and why I love them.

JBL Clip 2 – Travel & Party On with This Loud Lil’ Thing

I was sent to CES (Consumer electronics Show, Vegas) in January with Harman, the parent company of JBL. This little speaker packs major power and the 2017 version is waterproof not just water resistant. At CES they had them planing tunes in the water.  Last year at the cottage I used this little buddy so much and it’s my go-to travel speaker for hotel room dance parties. It’s surprisingly LOUD for it’s size.

Lose your stuff all the time? Me too! Get a Tile!

I backed Tile when it was a Kickstarter a bunch years ago. It’s a little plastic thing with Bluetooth that connects to an app on your phone.  You put them on your stuff to track it and the device makes a noise when activated. I can not tell you how many damn times I have lost my keys in the house, in a purse, in a jacket, in the couch, behind the couch, in the blankets, in a drawer, or in the pantry (yes).  Turn on the app, locate keys, listen for sound, then rush to your Uber before he drives away. Life saver. The new Tiles are also super small.


I love my iPhone so much but for SOME REASON I can’t take care of it like a grown up. Up until Sacha and I hung out last week, I was going around without a screen protector on my new iPhone 7+.  WHAT WAS I THINKING. I picked one up that day and high recommend you don’t leave home or the mall without one.

* I dropped my phone the following day and it must have been a sign because I would have for sure cracked my screen. I recommend one that’s glass and something that goes edge-to-edge. A good one can be $30-50 but think how much cheaper that is than getting your screen repaired. Right? Exactly. Grab a case while you’re at it. 

I can’t force you to protect your phone, stop you from losing your keys, or make a party happen (ok that I can do) but I can suggest you peek your head in, and take a stroll at your local Telus store. I think you’ll be happily surprised!

Over the past few years through my work with the company, I’ve helped out in community projects, raised money for the Make a Wish Foundation, taken Emily to WE Day, supported WWF, donated electronics, and more. I’ve always loved their commitment to communities, people, and the environment. We’re planning some more things for this year and I’m really looking forward to it.

They recently brought back the ‘Future is Friendly‘ slogan and this commercial shows how they do so much more than just phones.


CEREAL KILLERS! Creative Typography at @weare1188

weare1188, cereal killers, cereal, national cereal day

Got an email last week about National Cereal Day and I know the 1188 dudes love cereal. So, I asked the agency to send a bunch of boxes and I would post about it in exchange.

Welllllllll, the 1188 crew loved the idea so much we made cereal typography art. Jeff Woo with the typography skills! 

The office ‘free blog food’ rule is you have to let me take a photo of it. Here’s a few bowls! I want (Jeff) to make more stuff like this. It was fun and I love sharing with everyone bc like who doesn’t love cereal/snacks? Thanks Kellogg’s & Strategic Objectives!

Thankful for the 1188 team because I don’t know if I would have had an idea this great let alone the skills/patience. ??

 The office is ALWAYS open for snacks so feel free to send if you would like us to try! ?


Years ago I was on a tv show called ‘Maxed Out’ and I told the host I wanted to be a brand and partner with other brands, and essentially be ‘paid to party’. She told me ‘You can’t do that, you’re not paris Hilton, you don’t come from money’. At the end of the show I launched with a landing page that said ‘COMING SOON’. And the rest is history…

I LOVE this video and Casey Neistat is my fav person on the internet with the same name as me for sure. If you were looking for some motivation, here it is. I’m so proud to be a creator, I’ve been building the internet for over 10 years, and I’m not stopping anytime soon. Here’s to making more things and making a difference.

‘The haters and doubters are drinking champagne on the top deck of the titanic AND WE ARE THE FUCKING ICEBERG’


you will never be younger than you are today, make the most of it

P.S.  This latest video from Gunnarolla has me laughing my head off. He is a very funny and talented friend. If you aren’t following him yet I recommend you do because LOL. Enjoy!

SCROLL – 5 Good Things for Monday, March 6, 2017

SCROLL – 5 Good Things for Monday, March 6, 2017

Hello & happy Monday, here are a few good things to start your day. ☀️

On Sunday I went to detox yoga at noon and it was a really good class. Sean picked me up after and we got groceries and other stuff. Lately I’ve been more conscious of things I’m doing and why. I think it goes back to that sound bath I went to in LA. I swear something happened that day. So, instead of laying the couch and scrolling I’m sitting on the bed writing. I promised to write more.

Although, one of my favourite things is sitting and scrolling. I love reading Steph’s The Catch Up or Weekly Enabler Posts on her blog LEOPARD is a NEUTRAL. I also love Gracie’s recipes, yesterday I tried to make cauliflower rice but it ended up being mash. Which was still good.

I tried to do a newsletter but I failed miserably, despite ‘wanting‘ to do it I only sent it once. Sorry subscribers. ? Maybe one day I will get there but baby steps are ok.

Here are five things I think you might like too.


Kristen Sarah created Hopscotch The Globe and has been travelling for 13 years with her husband. They’re also moving into an AIRSTREAM. If you haven’t read noticed, is one of my travel goals.


OCCUPIED VR (Sean, my bf’s company) is featured on the VICE Creators Project right now. Watch it here or check out my behind the scenes experience at the shoot in yesterday’s blog post.


This place is all over headlines with it’s “worst view in the world”. The ‘Walled Off Hotel’ (a play on Waldorf?) is in Bethlehem and looks right out to the concrete wall around the West Bank.The decor inside is crazy/awesome, every room is decorated  by Banksy. It’s about £30 a night and reservations open March 11th March.  BBC has a set of photos but the website is better.

“Walls are hot right now,” the press statement quoted Banksy saying, “but I was into them long before Trump made it cool.”

Exit through the gift shop…this is his store ??????


Hawley from Sidewalk Hustle posted a TON of street style from Paris Fashion Week and this is my style inspiration for the week. I will try to not wear all black (and leggings) to at least one thing over the next 7 days. Honestly, that’s like all I’ve been wearing. When is spring?



Wednesday is International Women’s Day and I would like to invite you to come to an event called SHE WENT FOR IT hosted by DITTO. It’s at King & Spadina (, tickets are $5. Last year for IWD I spoke for the United Nations Association of Canada. It was pretty cool. This year’s event has food and drinks, we can totally hang out and celebrate each other.

I would be happy to buy a couple tickets for some of you. If you leave a comment with your thoughts on this post, I’ll pick a few people!

Thank you for reading. You have the opportunity to make today great, DO IT! 

casie stewart, autograph, famous, blogger, canada, toronto






P.S. Here are two more things I couldn’t resist adding! 


My fav UK blogger – BANGS–  is feeling the same vibes about blogging that I have been feeling. GOOD READ. I love her writing. [read more]


This co-working place is FULL of plants, talk about office goals. I love it. The air in there must be so great. [Fast Company]

Behind the Scenes w/ @OccupiedVR + VICE @CreatorsProject

Behind the Scenes w/ @OccupiedVR + VICE @CreatorsProject

I popped into Wallace Studios during this shoot to see Sean and the Occupied VR team at work. I love catching him in his element! Occupied VR is the *new-ish* company created by the 1188 Films Inc. partners created to focus on VR, 360, etc. work. They recently did the VICELAND CUT-OFF documentary w/ Justin Trudeau.

It was so awesome to see how this VR experience was created. Screens were setup to watch the super-slow motion shots in real-time, inside the VR experience. I’m really not the best person to explain!

Check out this behind the scenes video by VICE Creators Project

Both 1188 and Occupied VR have done some reallllly awesome projects, visit or to check them out.

If you’re interested in creating something, send me an email at the office!

casie stewart, toronto, blogger, speaker, influencer, "this is my life"

The Secret to Getting Ahead is Getting Started

The Secret to Getting Ahead is Getting Started

I’m not sure if I did something or what but my lower back is so sore today. I can do a forward bend but if I only go 15-45 degrees, it hurts. I’ve got a heating pack on now and I’m watching Dragon’s Den/not moving till tomorrow. I did however, still go to yoga today.

Six weeks ago I would have probably cancelled anything that made me leave the house with this pain but since I’ve been working out I feel stronger. A couple days ago I told my yoga teacher (Sandy) how I came to class even though I was feeling blerghhh and tired and she said

“Nobody ever regrets going to yoga”

She was so right. Today I initially cancelled going to the nooner (via the app) but when I was home from work at at 11:45 I decided to just GO FOR IT. Jumped into my gear, ran out the door, and was there 2min early for the 12:15! IT FELT SO GOOD.

There was only other person in the class with me so it ended up being semi-private. I feel like it was a stroke of luck after hustling to get there! I’ve been going to class at least 3 times a week for just over a month and I’m so happy for finally dedicating time to myself for myself. And screen free!

Last year I wrote about JOMO, The Joy of Missing Out and I’m still on that vibe. I’ve spent the last 5-7 years doing so many things every weeknight and lately, making time for yoga has been a really great change. If I ever think about teaching yoga, I know will give me all the information I need. I’m more mindful of the events I do go to, and I make the most of my time when I’m there. It’s like the secret to getting ahead is just getting started.

Don’t ever feel bad taking time for yourself. Remember you can hit a reset button on healthy eating or positive habits any single day of the week. Tomorrow you’ll wish you started today. ?

P.S. If you’re near Lower Junction and wanna join me for a class check out Yoga Yoga Studio!

Waiting for it, that green light.

Waiting for it, that green light.

I wasn’t really feeling like myself today. I don’t really know what it was but there’s a good chance it had something to do with the drinks Sarah and I had AFTER seeing Book of Mormon last night. It was totally hilarious, highly recommend. So funny.

I slept in and dragged myself most the day except for the amazing creative idea Shawn Hawaii  (A+ real estate agent!) and I had in the middle of the day for a 12th anniversary blog party next month. After doing some planning I started having anxiety about the whole thing and thought maybe it’s silly to plan a huge party for myself? For the blog? (This idea is really good tho and it would be SO FUN.) It’s a lot of work and might be expensive, but it’ll also be a huge thank you to everyone who’s been part of the blog all these years. You reading right now and every other set of beautiful eyes that’s ever graced these pages (web pages ?). All the agency people I’ve made friends with and so many great clients. All my friends from the internet (which is actually real life because they are the same thing but you know what I mean). It would be so wonderful to see everyone and their smiling faces in a room. I might even cry if that happens. Happy tears! ?

Being on the internet is hard sometimes and other times it’s awesome. Theres days when I daydream what it is like to be a person who doesn’t Facebook or check notifications. Someone who can go for a walk without checking their phone or taking a photos. I mean I can do that, I just don’t. In other news, there’s new LORDE. New Zealand represent. Love her. 

casie stewart, toronto, blogger, speaker, influencer, "this is my life"

The terrarium is mine. I made it at a workshop with Hawley (Sidewalk Hustle) at the Google Shop recently. Cool eh! My first one. I made another one the following weekend. Obsessed now!

I promise to write more.


I promise to write more. I promise to write more. I promise I will write more. I will write more. I promise to write. More, more, more.  I promise to write more about things.  I promise to write more stories. I promise to write more often. I promise I will write more. I promise to write more random stories. I will write more. I will write more stories. More. More everything. I promise to write about more things. I promise to write more. 

I promise to write more. I promise to write more. I promise I will write more. I promise to write. I promise to write more often. I promise to write more posts about everything. I promise to write more about my life. I promise to write about more things that bother me. I promise to write more feelings down. I promise to write more about funny things that happen. I promise to write more about my work. I promise to write about more. 

I promise to write more. I promise to write more. I promise to write more. I promise to write more. I promise to write more. I promise to write more. To write more. I promise to write more. I promise to write more. I promise to write more. I promise. I promise to write more.

Words. About myself. About life. About living. I promise to write more.

casiestewart, blog, blogger, toronto, canada, travel, tech

P.S. I was walking home from yoga the other morning and someeone in the neighbourhood had two of these tiny fur tiger things just sitting out on the columns at the end of their walkway. I looked at them and it was like we had a moment. Took this with Portrait Mode in on my iPhone 7+ (no filter). Such a cool feature. Mine is from Telus obvs. I don’t know if they are still there but I will never forget their stare and sharp, sharp teeth.

My Blog is 12 years old in a month. Here are some thoughts I have about blogging.

My Blog is 12 years old in a month. Here are some thoughts I have about blogging.

Someone asked me the other day ‘If I knew what blogging would turn into now would I do it over?’ These questions are kinda dumb because they could never happen and are totally hypothetical in an alternate reality that doesn’t exist.  

HOWEVER…I don’t think I’d start now if I hadn’t started over a decade ago. Not for the thousands of hours at events and meeting people, or what feels like a million nights alone at my computer. Sometimes my hands actually hurt from scrolling. BUT maybe I would for the trips and the stuff, if I tally it up it really does seem kinda glamorous. I feel like that though, is why a lot of people start these days which is totally backwards. It also shows when you try that hard, it looks desperate. Clinging to any ol’ brand that’ll throw you (budget) bone or some free face cream. 

A blog isn’t just a money maker, a way to get ‘free stuff’, it takes a lot of work. I only started making money in the last couple years, and for most of the years I made less than zero many months and other jobs kept me afloat. (BTW, I still have other jobs, I’m producer/director at the 1188 studio and have a speaker agent)

It was always a hustle and I thought about quitting so many times that I never even told you about. 

I started a blog to keep a diary about my life because I have a sh*t memory and to be honest, I was drinking a lot at the time and I would always forget things. These days, I scroll past posts on IG or FB and literally shake my head saying ‘what the f*ck?’  Someone promoting healthy one day and then fast food the next, or every alcohol, and every brand of shoes. How the hell do you build brand loyalty or a voice with that type of behavior? I haven’t stopped thinking bout this great post by Jay Strut a couple weeks ago where he mentioned ‘cement influencer’ and I spit out my tea.

Then there was this one…☕️?

If guess if I was going to start now I’d start because I had something to say or wanted to see a change, be the change. 

Maybe I’m getting old or just getting over it. I miss when people used to write about things they loved or how they felt. Maybe the best thing I can do is be what I want to see in the world. Be even more honest in my posts, by that I mean writing about my life more like I used to. The days I don’t wanna can’t leave my house or are overwhelmed. When something really exciting happens. 

My blog is 12 years old in April and I think it’s about time I started writing more. 

Thank you for listening to me and helping me build my voice over the years. I love hearing from you so don’t feel you have to hide behind the screen, I’m here. I’m always here, on the other side of the internet. 


FYI Toronto Vintage Clothing Show!

FYI Toronto Vintage Clothing Show!

This is quick personal note to tell you the Toronto Vintage Clothing Show on this weekend. I love vintage clothes and have been collecting them my whole life. I swear one day I will have a closet big enough to house them all!

The Toronto Vintage Clothing Show has heaps of clothes and accessories ranging in price and brands from streetwear to top designers. Keep an eye out for Chanel!

Details at

  • Exhibition Place
  • Saturday March 4, 201710am-5pm & Sunday March 5, 2017 10am-4pm
  • Admission $10 (cash only) 12 and under are free
  • There are ATM machines on site (line gets kinda long tho fyi!)

Bueno Has an Awesome Trip Giveaway Right Now. ✈️ You Should Enter!

Bueno Has an Awesome Trip Giveaway Right Now. ✈️ You Should Enter!

I spent a while going through all my travel posts to write this one. I love adventure and travel, going places and discovering new things. It makes me feel alive. I’m in a constant state of ‘where and I going next?!’.

Heard about the Bueno Getaway contest and had to tell you about it. Aside from winning an amazing trip, you will probably get some chocolate! I’ve loved Bueno since I was a kid, the soft, creamy, hazelnut goodness just melts in your mouth.

You should enter, the prize is a trip to one of 15
incredible places in the world valued at $8,500.

I’d so love to visit all the great places on the Bueno Getaway:   Paris, Cape Town, TokyoBuenos Aires, Nairobi, Goa, Xi’an (Terracotta Army), Lisbon, Moscow,  Lima, Santiago. I’ve been to the North American destinations Austin, TX, NYC, and Tulum.

There’s 3 easy steps to enter the contest: 

  1.  Pick your continent

  2. Choose your destination

  3. Enter your PIN

 Take the Bueno Quiz to Find Out Your Dream Destination

It’s my dream to one day visit Marrakesh, Morocco. The winning trip there is described so beautifully, totally sounds like my kind of adventure.

Marrakesh, Morocco:Living on the edge, everything for the moment, a walking “yolo”: these are just a few ways to describe your philosophy on life. (Right?!!!) Funny enough, they are also a few ways to describe the culture of Marrakesh. Your adventure could start in the ancient Medina Market, overwhelmed by craftsmen and artists. It could continue in Ville Nouvelle, where you’d explore dinner featuring flavours you never dreamed existed. There is only one constant in Marrakesh: beautiful unpredictability.

A Few of My Fav Trips

Travelling gives you a feeling you can’t get anywhere else, it takes you places physically but also mentally, it opens your mind to new experiences, people, and food. These are a few of my favourite recent trips, missing from this group are Costa Rica and New Zealand.

My next trip is somewhere warm for a real vacation and then a couple days in NEW YORK CITY for work.

Remember you are never younger than you are right now so make the most of each day. I would say buy the ticket and take the trip but in this case…

P.S. If you win and need someone to go with, I’m here!


The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it. 

The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it. 

Been loving yoga the last month. I feel good! It’s hard to stay focussed on eating well considering how much I love food, chips, and eating the go. I’ve been cooking in the Instant Pot a lot and trying to have homemade food on hand.

Was at Sassoon last week for a trim. Love having a partnership for my hair bc it is pretty high maintenance. Always need a trim or colour to stay looking fresh. 

Last weekend I made another terrarium. TD Hooked me up with all the goodies so it was pretty easy. 

The weekend before I made a terrarium w/ Hawley & some friends at the Google Shop.

We had one really nice day out last week and now it’s cold again. I am really loving staying home more and yoga. I feel like I needed to take some time to focus on me, like my actual self. I’ve focussed on doing that more since my LA trip last month. Feels good.

Hope you’re enjoying the weekend!

Title quote: The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it. – Richard Bach

2017 Canadian International AutoShow w/ @VWCanada

2017 Canadian International AutoShow w/ @VWCanada

Recently I went to the AutoShow with VW to check out what’s new for 2018. It was a PA day so people were invited to bring kids and pets along for the special event. I documented it all with my Snapchat Spectacles and they were a hit. You know how much I love tech and these things are rad, watch the video here. I’ve always loved cars, we spent heaps of time in the garage and hot rod workshop w/ dad growing up . It’s incredible how far car tech has come!

Volkswagen is known for great performance, reliability, and safety, ‘a good German car’ as I’ve heard so many times. We were looking at the 2018 Tiguan Redesign, 2018 Volkswagen Atlas, and 2017 Volkswagen e-Golf. There was also another little one I just loved, scroll down to see!

The event was hosted by Amber Mac, George Pimentel, Afiya Francisco, and Heather Davis. Amber of course talked tech aspects of the new cars, George took photos, Afiya talked about style and how your car fits your lifestyle and aesthetic. Heather is a family road trip expert and she shared how the 2018 Atlas was a great family car for travel, seats 7!

2017 VW AutoShow Event Hosts

The 2018 Tiguan Redesign is a great car for people who like adventure.  I like the aesthetic of this car, it’s sleek but tough, you can tow a set of seadoos or boat (up to 5500 pounds) and pack all kinds of stuff in the boot. Perfect for #cottagelife

New Kate Spade Boots, Ted Baker scarf, jacket from Venice Beach, and Spectacles of course!

My fav was the VW Beetle Dune. A few people said this was a perfect car for me. I love a cute little convertible! It’s actually quite spacious with 4 seats and enough room for a couple suitcases in the trunk.

Ready for a road trip? I AM!

One of the cool new things they launched at the AutoShow was the 2017 Volkswagen eGolf. This a 100% electric car, perfect for someone who loves technology and sustainability.

It’s got a fully-digital cockpit and all the fun of the OG Golf without the gas. There’s also an option for 12.3-inch digital display behind the steering wheel. This baby can go up to 150KM/hr (but don’t) and almost 200km on a single charge.

The future is HERE. 

All-New 2017 Volkswagen e-Golf

Virtual Casie, in Virtual Reality!

The VR experience was very cool. It was my first time wearing a sub pack and the gloves for wireless movement and touch in VR. I touched long grass, threw snowballs, and stacked rocks to make an inukshuk all in virtual reality. Well done on this guys!

The AutoShow is on right now until Feb 26th at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.

There’s heaps of rad cars at the show but I definitely recommend popping by the VW booth in the North Building to see what’s new for yourself. The VR experience is totally worth trying. It’s a glimpse into the future!

For past adventures at the Toronto International AutoShow or the Detroit International AutoShow go here.

Doing it for yourself. 

Been doing heaps of things around the house. This was my winter plan and I’m totally putting it into action. Got a new desk this weekend and my boudoir/office room really coming along! It’s a lot of work changing rooms around. We’ve got lots more to do on the house but it’s coming together.

Last weekend we got a beautiful new kitchen faucet. Being grown up is pretty great. Getting excited about a new faucet may seem lame to some but to the elite it is perfect! I always worry about new things being put in just in case it’s not done correctly, but I do know that I can call people like the Portland plumbers Sarkinen Plumbing to come and sort stuff out… just in case (always prepared!)

I wanted to buy them all, so cute gahhh!


Purchased a 3mo pass for YogaYoga near my house and I am SO LOVING IT. I really want to get in shape and after a week I really feel stronger. It’s nice to feel my body move like that again.

I can’t wait for spring an dI’m staying home until it gets warm!

You’ll never be younger than you are today so go out and make the most of it.

Valentines Day Skating + Love ❤️ The #CityPlaceRink is OPEN!

Valentines Day Skating + Love ❤️ The #CityPlaceRink is OPEN!

We started our Valentines Day a little early this year! On Friday night Sean and I went to the CityPlace rink for winter festivities at Canoe Landing Park. Snow falling in the winter can be so magical and romantic. I love the crisp winter air!

cityplace rink, casiestewart, cityplace, toronto, skating, ice skates

CityPlace is a little nostalgic and romantic for us since it’s where Sean and I met.  ❤️ We lived in different condo towers on Brunel Court and Fort York Blvd. when we first started seeing each other 6 years ago.  Crazy how time flies!
The area has changed so much since we lived there. We were in the first buildings built close to Spadina and there are so many more buildings now with almost 20,000 residents.
cityplace rink, casiestewart, cityplace, toronto, skating, ice skates
The snow made the night even more magical! Luckily its walking distance to everyone in the ‘hood!

This CityPlace Social was a chance for the developer (Concord Adex) to bring the community  together. Everyone who came to the social was hooked up with free hot chocolate, roses, and photo ops while skating under the moonlight.  There was a great performance by Canadian National Team figure skater Michelle Long too.

A rose for you my love!

The CityPlace Residents Association website details news and events in the area. They’ve got a ‘Learn to Skate’ event on Saturday February 20th, more info on that here. They’ve also got summer events like movies in the park and a farmers market.

The CityPlace Fort York BIA launched recently to help grow the community as more businesses make it their home, see what they’ve got going on via Facebook.

After the rink (and lots of photos) we had a lovely diner at Hunters Landing. Great place, good food, and we had a great server named Matt. They’ve got a special Skate & Date menu for Valentines but we just got a couple apps & pizza.

It was such a nice way to spend some quality time together doing something different in our old neighbourhood. Perfect Valentines Day!

Valentines Giveaway

I’m hosting a contest giveaway for a CityPlace prize pack which includes a $100 Gift Certificate for Hunters Landing. You can enter once per day. Contest open to GTA residents only. Winner will be picked on Friday!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway & post sponsored by CityPlace!

Some Stuff I Directed for Bacardi Canada Instagram

Some Stuff I Directed for Bacardi Canada Instagram

Had a fun time directing this shoot for Bacardi Canada’s agency with 1188. We spent two days on set in a studio. one shooting the people and another shooting product. We had a cast of about 5 people, most found via casting with the addition of my sister, Brock Mclaughlin, and Garrett.

I love doing these fun shoots! Safe to say we had heaps of Bacardi left over!

Slow Motion

The shot. All turnt up. #Fuego #FuegoFace #RedRum #SpicedRum #Tabasco #BACARDI #TruePassion #party #weekends

A post shared by Bacardi Canada (@bacardicanada) on

The shot. All turnt up. #Fuego #FuegoFace #RedRum #SpicedRum #Tabasco #BACARDI #TruePassion #party #weekends

A post shared by Bacardi Canada (@bacardicanada) on

Continuous Pour


First time #Fuego. #FuegoFace #SpicedRum #RedRum #Tabasco #Party #FridayNights #TruePassion #BACARDI #Selfie

A post shared by Bacardi Canada (@bacardicanada) on

The hair might not get him into the party but the BACARDI Fuego will. #BacardiHouseParty

A post shared by Bacardi Canada (@bacardicanada) on

I made a custom lipstick, meet ‘n00d’. Thank you @BiteBeauty! #BiteLipLabTO

I made a custom lipstick, meet ‘n00d’. Thank you @BiteBeauty! #BiteLipLabTO

The other day we drove past the BITE Lip Lab on Queen, it was snowing, and there was this gorgeous man standing in the window. I stared at him and then I was like ‘omg I know him, that’s Christopher!’. Hadn’t seen him in forever, sent him a FB, then he invited me in to make a custom lipstick.

I’d like you to meet my first BITE/CASIE colour:

n00d lipstick by casie stewart bite beauty

The Lip Lab is on Queen just West of Bathurst.

Heaps of colours and I love how they’re displayed on the wall.

You can add up to two flavours to your lipstick. I did mint (only).  I’m happy, it’s refreshing. I bet there’s some pretty great combos with these tho.

It didn’t take that long! I loved the first colours we mixed up and then Christopher got the ingredients, mixed it, chilled it on a cold plate, and put it in a tube. Then they engrave it for you at no extra charge.

Before I knew it, I had my very own unique lipstick, with my initials, and I waltzed off into the sunshine! ☀️

Now I want to make a bright red and peachy one for spring. ?

If you’re interested in stopping by, here’s your options. ▼ They said it’s super popular for mother daughter, bffs, sisters. I was there 3pm on a Friday and it wasn’t busy when I got there but there were more people by the time I was leaving.  They also serve wine! ?

bite beauty lip lab cost, bite beauty, casie stewart, blogger, toronto, bespoke lipstick


This was't sponsored they just hooked a girl up with a lipstick. I love it so much, science + beauty ftw!

Breaking Down Investments w/ @TangerineBank

Breaking Down Investments w/ @TangerineBank

Last month I spoke on panel about investments with Tangerine Bank. Not ONLY was it super fun (watch the Facebook Live below) but I learned quite a bit about investing, RSPs, fees, and funds.

Over the past few years I’ve shared my millennial money woes and it’s not been easy, sometimes embarrassing (remember the show Maxed Out?), but facing the problem head on helped me find a solution. Once I set a goal to payback school debt by 30, I stuck to it and accomplished my goal. Now I’m getting into investing my money so I have some later. I dream about retirement life all the TIME.

Investing can be fun! Press play on the video to see for yourself!



We’re LIVE at BrainStation breaking down investments with Tangerine Investments Director David McGann, Personal Finance Expert & Blogger Barry Choi, Millennial Money Expert Jessica Moorhouse, Award-winning Content Creator Casie Stewart and Chef Matt Basile of Fidel Gastro’s.

Here’s a few key takeaways I think are really important, like how much money you need, when to start, and watching out for fees.

How much $ do you need to start investing?

NOT A LOT. The most important thing is getting into the habit of putting money away. Once you start to see it grow, you want it to grow more. I love putting money in my TFSA, good security to see that nest egg.

When is the best time to start?

NOW. In the panel I said ‘a year from now you’ll wish you started today‘, this also works for the gym and eating healthy. Not matter what age you are, start putting some $$$ away. Mum set up my first mutual fund in high school after getting my first job, but I took the money out for university. I can only imagine what it would be now if I kept it all this time! ?

What do I invest in?

The right path for someone else is probably not the ideal one for you. I started with my TFSA, putting some money away from each cheque, now I’m looking at what to invest in next. There’s lots of resources online like Barry’s blog [], Jessica’s website [], or on Tangerine’s Forward Thinking blog.

What about fees?
I am not an expert on this but this year CRM2 comes into play from the Canadian Securities Commission meaning your bank or advisor has to be clear about what they are making in a dollar amount (from your investments) not just 2% or 4%. You can get lower fees taking a bit more of a do-it-yourself route (ex. with Tangerine index-based Investment Funds

If you want to learn more I reco chatting to a friend, someone you know who has money, or making friends with Tangerine. They are all about ‘Forward Banking’ and I loved working with their team on this. I’ve set up a new account and will be putting some money into new funds that I pick via the internet. I’m pretty stoked tbn. Here’s to a great 2017!

Disclaimer: This post and my participation in the panel was sponsored by Tangerine, all opinions expressed are strictly mine, ALL MINE! ?

I Got 3D Scanned by Telus at Sherway Gardens, it was COOL.

telus3D, scanner, sherway gardens, innovation, telus, casie stewart

Been to a Telus store lately? They’ve got heaps of new tech and accessories, you can find a Fitbit (I have the Alta!), pick up a Nest for home, treat yourself to wireless headphones, and all kinds of other great accessories. I mentioned a few of mine of the holidays here.

Well,  in their constant pursuit of innovation they’ve set up a 3D scanning booth setup outside the Telus store at Sherway Gardens. You can pop by and get yourself scanned! Telus will send you a digital avatar you can control with an emoji keyboard. I went to test it out IRL and broadcast my session on Facebook Live. Sherway Gardens is a hella nice mall btw, whoa. It’s been ages since I went there.



Getting 3D scanned w/ Telus hiiiiiii

Posted by Casie Stewart on Friday, February 3, 2017

I love working with Telus bc they’re always doing cool things in the community and topping up my life with great tech. ?

Wanna get scanned in 3D? Swing by Sherway Gardens before February 14th to experience the 3D scan.

The booth is set up right outside the Telus store. And, if you’re not near the GTA, have no fear, more locations will be added soon. I’ll let you know when I know. ?✌️



Smart Marketing from Netflix w/ #SantaClaritaDiet

casie stewart, netflix, santa clarita diet, zombie, undead

A couple weeks ago I saw these posts popping up on Instagram with #santaclaritydiet from influencers in the US. All the posts had hashtags like #Fitspo#NewYearNewYou #Hello2017#ImGonnaKillIt and then I was like what the hell is this diet? And what’s with the blood?

santaclaritadiet, santa clarita diet, netflix, casie stewart

Well, we all know now that Santa Clarita Diet is a new show from Netflix and it starts TOMORROW. Drew Barrymore is the mum and something happens and then she is ‘undead’. Tune into Netflix tomorrow to see what’s next. Netflix consistently makes great shows so I always give them spin. Also, since I spend so much time binge watching, we can easily can kill a season in a weekend.

Here’s the Santa Clarita Diet ‘Starter Kit’ they sent me:

This finger looks SO REAL. Its actually pretty disgusting!

I really appreciate a good marketing package and Netflix consistently blows it out of the park. One year for Valentines they sent a House of Cards themed package to go along with the season launch. Another time then sent custom House of Cards Against Humanity. At Christmas once they sent a Bill Murray Christmas sweater and Netflix show themed wrapping paper. For award season one year they sent this package to play bingo and slippers for my guests.

Award Show Bingo + Netflix Slippers!
House of Cards conversation hearts! LOVE!
House of Cards Against Humanity!

I’ll be watching Santa Clarita Diet this weekend. Make sure you are following me on Twitter bc I always live tweet what I’m watching! LMK what you think.

Do What You Want. This Is Your Year.

Do What You Want. This Is Your Year.

Earlier this month, I was in LA and it was the first time in a long time, since I went on a trip without an itinerary. It was so freeing to be on my own, open road, and do whatever want.

On my first night I went to a sound bath + breath workshop. I made a new friend in Vegas who invited me to go that night and even though I didn’t know what it really was, I went. It was really great.

It’s important to step out of your comfort zone. You have to open yourself to new experiences in order to let the light in. 

I feel like the experience changed me a bit. That night I set an intention for the week of my trip and I carried those thoughts around. I’m still carrying them tbh!

I feel calmer, more focussed.

?? This photo was me picking up my rental car from the airport. I picked a car I really wanted to drive. [Mini Convertable via Turo, they gave me a couple credits to go towards it!]  LA is so huge and it’s always rush hour so why not make the most of it?

I was driving Hollywood Blvd. when I saw a vintage store and a meat pie shop. I love both those things and was hungry. Made my next left, parked, and gave mum a ring. We chatted on the phone for 45min while I scrolled racks talking about life and random things I saw.

It made me feel so free. I had nowhere to be and nothing to do and I was hanging out in Hollywood, honeyyyyyy. I got a meat pie after that and stared out the window watching people walk by. It’s not very glamorous but it was totally stress free and just what I needed.

This trip was a good reminder to do what I want.
Stick to my gut feelings.
And try new things. 

It wasn’t all sunshine… Beaides it raining for a bit each day I had serious breakdown one night, sitting in my car, parked outside a last minute airbnb that wasn’t confirmed. [My mum will lose it when she reads this but I was ok.] I had a backup place but I wanted to be on my own and close to my activity the next day.

Everything worked out as soon as I wiped the tears and started to drive away. Of course! I got a text with the door code and turned around. I found street parking which I found out later was a no parking ‘red zone’. but the car was safe thank gawd.

On my last night I stayed at a really cute airbnb where I had the master bedroom w/ ensuite of an alley house. The host was cool and they were about to watch Black Mirror when I arrived.

I took myself out for a fancy sushi dinner that night and thought about the last few days. In the morning I went out to the car and there was a red maple leaf on the roof.

A sign it was time to come home. ??

Three Beautiful Human Minutes

Three Beautiful Human Minutes

I watched this last night before bed and then had all these feelings and started crying. Good reminder you’re not alone and you aren’t the only one going through this right now.

Three Beautiful Human Minutes

Three beautiful minutes. Do not miss it. Thank you Denmark for the video.

Share. Spread love. Spread understanding. And remember to put humanity first.

Director: Asger Leth. He thanks everyone for the love.

Posted by Nima Y. on Sunday, January 29, 2017

NEW LOOK, WHO DIS | 2017 Partnership w/ @SassoonToronto

NEW LOOK, WHO DIS | 2017 Partnership w/ @SassoonToronto

I wanted to get my hair cut before I went to LA and Vegas, but it just didn’t happen. I was been feeling pretty dumpy, the ‘I need a haircut’ feeling can really get you down. However, the day before I left for California I received an email at the bank and said ‘YESSSSS’ out loud to my phone while in line. It was from Matte PR who works with Sassoon Salon,  inviting me to be an ambassador for the brand. I love Sassoon’s precision, have a ton pinned on my Beauty Board and remember that super funky black/blonde I had about 2 years ago, total Sassoon style.

Remember this look? Sassoon Style cut from 2 years ago!

My hair has a HUGE impact on my style, it shows off my personality and it’s part of my overall ‘look’ or ‘brand’ if you wanna call it that. If you’ve known me for a while, you know short blonde hair is MY THING. Short/blonde is also SUPER HIGH MAINTENANCE, having a partner to work with elevates pretty huge expense plus I love having experts on hand. I really enjoyed my first experience at Sassoon which is great because this hair is a sizeable time investment every couple weeks. In case you’re not familiar, The blonde can go yellow/brassy and the cut looks sloppy if not cut on the regular. 

My New Cut Colour ??????

I’m super jazzed  to be seeing seeing Sassoon Toronto’s Tricia McQuillan and Kimberley Wallace for cut/colour/style/treatments every 4 weeks with blow dry/style in between for the next few months. I almost wrote blogdry haha.

My new cut gives me serious self-love. It’s short and full of personality and style. The colour is a perfect, even blonde that’s actually shiny. Hard for bleached hair! The cut is precise and car be worn a few different ways. If you’re keen for a new style and want to book an appt, call 416 920 1333 or visit (I’ve linked to Toronto!).


Working with Sasoon from January - June 2017 - hopefully longer!

2017 Tech Trends from from @WeAreWearables & #CES2017

wwto_photo, casie stewart, wearable, tech, speaker, toronto, canada, blonde, pixie, firecracker

Last week I was on a panel at We Are Wearbles TO Meetup. Five journalists took the stage on a panel to talk tech trends from CES 2017 earlier this month. I was at the conference in Vegas and there was definitely lots to see.  If you’ve not been to CES, IT IS HUGE.  Imagine Toronto’s MTCC x 10 with other demo areas set up in massive hotels (ex. Aria).

During the panel we talked about trends and products we saw on the CES floor. Mostly sensors, wearables, VR/AR, fashion, hearables, & smartwatches.

A really cool sensor I saw at CES was the Corning ‘Glassie’  a smart mirror class that has a camera in it and can take your photo. Perfect for those OOTS amirite?!

I learned about the Nex Band that has 5 customizable buttons unlike any other smart watch wearable. The Nex band is ‘a smart band that lets you create custom hacks in seconds, with no coding required!”. Very cool, like to try one of these out.  [?? waves hiiiiii!]

Lowdown Focus is the latest from Interaxion, makers of the Muse Headband. I wrote about using the Muse here. The glasses are packed with sensors including EEG, EOG and EMG technology, they also have a 3-axis accelerometer, 3-axis gyro, 3-axis magnetometer, UV sensor (UVA and UVB), temperature gauge and a pressure sensor. Pretty incredible considering they look like a totally normal pair of glasses.

The Lowdown Focus is the brain-child of Safilo, the Italian eyewear giant that produces sunglasses, sports eyewear, and helmets under its five house brands, including Smith Optics and 22 licensed brands like Dior and Fendi- read more on BetaKit

If you’re curious about any other stuff we talked about at WWTO pop by their website so see what’s hot in wearables and tech. If you’re keen to attend the next meetup, sign up here for a free ticket.

Knix That! Only Good Vibes Here! #SpinInYourSkin

Last week I did my first spin class at Spokehaus. I loved it so much, it was really intense and I was so sweaty. I felt great the next day, I could feel it in my muscles but I wasn’t dying. It was a great workout. I’m planning to go back and do it again. Last night I slept funny an now can hardly move my head, good for blogging bad for anything else.

The goal of the class that day was to KNIX bad words or insecurities you might have been carrying around, to set yourself free. For everyone who did the class in Knix Wear, a bra and undies were donated to CAMH.


“Over 120 incredible women knixed their insecurities by spinning in their skin and, all together, we took one big step towards loving ourselves. ” – read more

Travel Goals: RV Adventure 2017

Travel Goals: RV Adventure 2017

When I was a kid my grandpa Doug converted an old school bus into the ultimate traveller complete w/ stove, bbq, and a few beds. We would drive about 2hrs to the Down Under Summer Games with heaps of Kiwis and Aussies. It was so much fun, we would sing, dance, have a a hangi, go fishing, and watch the dads do a gumboot toss. It’s a down under thing haha.

This summer I’m planning to live out one of my dreams and so an RV adventure. GoRVing Canada has invited me and I’ve not set out the details but it’s going down. ? Or East, West, who knows! helps RVers in Canada with information about RV dealers, RV rentals, RV parks and campgrounds. Find all kinds of info at ????

The airstream section was my favourite. It’s totally hipster of me but I love the hyyge, cozy, retro of it all. I think I could do a summer living in one of these as long as I had wifi and freshwater. I’ve learned to need way fewer things over the last few years.

There are so many different kitchen/sleep/bathroom options, sizes, and pries in RVs. I knew there would be a lot to consider as a friend told me about the RV/trailer article she read and what you need to take into consideration but I was overwhelmed! I was impressed by the luxe of some, full kitchens, big fridge, queen beds.

Overheard a conversation of a few people talking about how they used to live on their boat and now are looking for a nice RV to travel land on. So cool! A few years back my mum & her bf lived on their boat for a year and sailed to the Bahamas. I’ve always admired the planning they put into that trip and that life.

Not sure where the RV adventure will take us this summer but I deff want to check out some of our the great parks and explore Canada. Parks Canada has waived all fees for 2017 in honour of Canada 150 and you can still get them here. I ordered one for Sean, Em, and I. The last time I went camping was to SandHill Park as kid with my parents. I am not really into the idea of camping now, but airstream or RV sounds like so much fun.

I’ve been looking at travel bloggers who’ve gone on RV adventures and there’s so many great photos. Love stories of people who decided to ditch city living, their house, and work remotely with their RVs & travel (LiveSmallRideFree, Aluminarium, Campendium). Lynne Knowlton also has a pretty amazing airstream for rent along with her treehouse.

The top image in this post is from Airstream Family in Australia and the one below is from blogger @ariellevy and edited w/ Color Story one of my fav apps.

I posted a short Facebook Live video from the RV show you can watch below. I had a bunch replies of people who are interested in this trip so I’ll be sure to keep you updated. Summer is a few months away but it warms my heart thinking about cottage life and this adventure.


When you think about you want to something for a long time and then it happens…

Posted by Casie Stewart on Friday, January 20, 2017

I’ve talked about this to my friends so many times it’s so exciting to be making it a reality! Weeeee!


Doing My First Spin Class Today! ? #SpinInYourSkin in Support of CAMH

It’s a rainy day and I’ve been working from my bed office. It’s just so warm and cozy! I recently made some big changes to our loft bedroom upstairs where I do most of my work. I’ve got the Y&R on my iPad Pro and I’m typing away on that great little table I made (this one).

I’m leaving any minute now  to a shoot at Spokehaus for their #spininyourskin class in partnership with knixwear. They’re hosting a first-ever class focused on body positivity, while giving back.

Anyone who choses to #Spininyourskin (aka your knixwear bra & undies, ah!) multiple undergarments will be donated to CAMH Foundation (Center for Addiction and Mental Health). They’re really in need of  bras for incoming patients so if exercise with a bunch of rad babes can help them out, I’m down. Also gets me out of the house for a good sweat!

They’ll still donate a bra if you do the class in your clothes. It’s hosted by model and body-positivity spokesperson Elly Mayday.  There are more classes tonight if you want to sign up.

This is the bra we are getting. I hope it fits gahhh.

Knixwear is hooking us up with boy shorts and a sports bra and we are going to spin in our skin. The thing is I’ve never actually done a spinning class and I’m a little worried I might PUKE. I’m kinda NERVOUS ABOUT THIS OMG WHAT AM I DOING.

I feel more confident about my body since my surgery this summer. Before the new boobs, wearing a sports bra, or any bra was uncomfortable, not to mention how much I hated working out with those things. I’m going into this workout with an open heart and maybe, just maybe, I’ll like it?!

UPDATE NEXT DAY: I loved the class. It was so intense! I sweat A LOT. My bike was beside a girl who teaches spin at SpokeHause so I had a good lead to follow. Gonna go again. Feeling it today in my arms and kinda all over. Not dying but I feel it! ?

I was invited to join this class and wanted to write about it because that's what I do. I wrote about things I like. Love this partnership and supporting to a cause that's actually close to my heart, physically. ❤️

Read about my struggles w/ huge boobs most my life and how I feel now.  Spoiler - amazing!