i woke up to the sun in my face and sabrina’s alarm going off repeatedly. i was so tired. yelled ‘turn it off’. i’ve done it too with the alarm beside my head and she had to come shut it off. deep sleep sometimes. put on my sleep mask and took in a few more hours. my body aches. sobey’s, every time i go there are people i run into. it was pouring down sheets of rain. wore my new wellies and a yellow jacket, perfect rain gear. keep telling myself to clean my room. i suck at it. tomato soup and toast for lunch, one of my favorites. clear your room. dying to watch annie hall for some reason. eagle tattoo is gone now. i’ve decided i like mimes.
You are amazing
Hey the music you added to this really makes this. Took my tattoo off today too.
Thanks guys. He was so cute. He mimed a wedding later in the night and kept scaring people! haha
Thanks guys. He was so cute. He mimed a wedding later in the night and kept scaring people! haha