I recently did an interview/chat on the 416 Show w/ Chris Jones. The show is usually mostly tech so we talked about all kinds of things about blogging, social media, and Toronto. Mentioned that Deadmau5 things with Tim Hortons, the Twitter party, GenYTO, how Twitter’s evolved, smoking on patios, and more.
I’m listening to it as I type this and I think you’ll really like it. You’ll laugh a little. If you’re at the office , throw in your headphones and listen while you work.

Here’s the shirt I came up with. Buy it here.
Show Links
- Twestival Toronto Facebook page (look who’s the last to post on the wall)
- Party at Twitter Toronto
- Casey Neistat
- Zak King (vine effects guy)
- Southern Ontario Cottage Country – Muskoka
- The Wizards of Trinity Belwoods
- Google search for casie stewart
- casiestewart.com
- Casie Stewart: this is my life
- Casie Stewart: this is my biz
- DevTO on Twitter
- The 416 Show on Twitter
- jonezy on Twitter