Had a nice time at the cottage this weekend. It was cool and rainy but it was good to be home. I was soooo tired after Jamaica. I’ll blog about my favourite things from the trip later but if you saw my stories/posts, you’ll know it rained most of the time. ?
It’s always nice getting away but on this trip, more than ever I really missed home and my bf. Went to the office today and it feels good to be back. Went back to yoga last night and I felt rusty and my back was a little sore. I skipped going today to work from the office and try and get ahead on my to-do list.

I took a bit of a break from blogging and social media while I was away. Sometimes I didn’t even take my phone out! Since it rained heaps I almost finished my latest book ‘Into The Water’.
Woke up to a nice blue sky outside our patio this morning. Really loving this weather but I’m still feeling super tired. I’m taking it easy rest fo the week with yoga and catching up on sleep.
This weekend we’re heading back up to the cottage and I’m looking forward to doing some gardening and things outside. I think my body is drained from travel and stress and I need to reconnect myself with nature.
- title is via Brainyquote and variation of this one by author H. Jackson Brown