Been doing heaps of things around the house. This was my winter plan and I’m totally putting it into action. Got a new desk this weekend and my boudoir/office room really coming along! It’s a lot of work changing rooms around. We’ve got lots more to do on the house but it’s coming together.
Last weekend we got a beautiful new kitchen faucet. Being grown up is pretty great. Getting excited about a new faucet may seem lame to some but to the elite it is perfect! I always worry about new things being put in just in case it’s not done correctly, but I do know that I can call people like the Portland plumbers Sarkinen Plumbing to come and sort stuff out… just in case (always prepared!)

Purchased a 3mo pass for YogaYoga near my house and I am SO LOVING IT. I really want to get in shape and after a week I really feel stronger. It’s nice to feel my body move like that again.
I can’t wait for spring an dI’m staying home until it gets warm!