Day 6: Adjusting

I love the mornings up here, so peaceful. We set up Alexa in the kitchen and I made coffee. Sean and I did yoga by the fire in a class hosted by City Shred on IG TV. My calendar has more workouts & FaceTime meetings scheduled than ever before and it’s giving me some structure, for now.

Through this, we’re all adjusting to a new way of life in isolation, communication through technology, and trying to maintain a routine. I am so thankful for social media and the ability to connect.

Sean thought it was H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S to send me a Zoom meeting request from the other room. Look how much he’s smiling?

I have to try and not start little arguments over nothing, it’s hard to be at home with your partner for days on end. Kindness, remember to be kind. Choose your battles, there’s nothing we really need to fight about right now.

Before the COVID-19 outbreak, I was in the interview process for a job I was really keen on. Today I had a call with HR and the process is put on hold, I knew this was inevitable and they’re going to reach out when this passes.

My afternoon was full of friends hangouts. I FaceTimed with Hawley who’s in TO near Bellwoods. Spring starts tonight and I thought about being Bellwoods drinks beers with friends. Remember those days?

I FaceTimed with Keri for two hours, we drank beers and laughed a lot. Checked in with my sister and it was nice to see her face too. I hung out with Jen & Jess on FaceTime talked about boys and how much fun we had in Spain last year.

I am trying not to check the news too much but it’s impossible not to track the situation. I wonder how long we’ll be like this?