il y était une fois

Bonjour chacun ! Aujourd’hui je vous ecrits de beau Montréal. C’est un peu nuageux mais je pries le bon dieu pour du beau temps.  C’était une conduite vraiment longue hier. Sortir de Toronto a pris des heures, il y avait tellement du trafic et c’etait un temps de merde. Nous nous sommes  arrêtés pour dîner à Kingston ou on a trouve la mode generalement horrible; par example, notre serveur portait des caleçons avec une chemise de cravate et de robe. Le dîner a couté $100 pour de la bouffe poche et nous avons essayé de laisser les excédents gauches mais le serveur nous a chassés dans la rue avec eux. Je les ai laissés sur un patio à un autre restaurant. Je prendrez quelques photos quand on se promene aujourd’hui et je mettrez à jour ces bébés plus tard. Week-end de fète ! Amusez vous! Good Morning everyone! Today I am reporting from beautiful Montreal. It’s kinda cloudy but I’m preying for sun.  It was a really long drive yesterday. Getting out of Toronto took forever, there was so much traffic and the weather was shit. We stopped for dinner in Kingston there was horrible style and our waiter was wearing shorts with a tie and dress shirt. Dinner was $80 and we tried to leave out left overs but he chased us down the street with them. I left them on a patio at another restaurant. I’ll take some photos when we’re out today and update this baby later. Bon weekend! *good thing Jeff is bilingual 😛

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you could say i will be giving thanks all weekend

Helloooo Friday! I’m so happy to see you. Aw thanks, you look great too. New hair looks polished? Why thank you,  you’re charming. No, it hasn’t been that long, I saw you about a week ago. Yeah, we’re ALL going away today; me, you, him, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, it’s a roadtrip to Montreal baby. It’s gonna be awesome. I know, haven’t been there in a while and last time wasn’t even that fun. Just found out little Michelle is gonna be there too. Oh yeah. I’m excited too! I’m even looking forward to the drive with you. What to wear Friday? It’s ok, I packed a few extra’s you can borrow. There’s lots of people in town , been ages since we partied together. LOOK OUT is all I have to say…the weekend is HERE! p.s. Fetish porn anyone?

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took candy and makeup and said don’t panic

This morning in the shower I was remembering something that happened a few years ago and feeling quite lucky.  I’ll share with you now what I remember. Mum, if I mixed it up please tell me. I was about 12 years old and traveling home from New Zealand with Mum and Jenie. We had gone through all the checks  and boarded the plane. I don’t remember the exact chain of events but it went something like this. We boarded and someone’s luggage boarded the plane but not the passenger. Airline, big problem. We all had to exit the plane and they had us wait in the waiting area. The plane had come from Iraq to Australia and was picking us up in New Zealand. At the time, Irag & Oz were having bad relations.  Remember, I was only 12 when this happened so I know hardly anything about that part. The security guys were doing massive searches on ALL our luggage. They rummaged through everything taking out  consumable products like gum, candy, lotions, makeup and tossed them in the garbage bin. I asked the security guard for piece of his gum. He gave me one, it was cinnamon. They searched my hair, bottom of my shoes, even behind my belt! Every passenger went though the same hands on search. We found out shortly after that there WAS a BOMB ON OUR PLANE. Yep, the one  we just exited. The bomb squad was on board taking care of it as we waited and waited and waited.  It was eight long hours  in the airport before another plane arrived to take us back to North America. After 9/11 people really scared to fly, including me.  However, I boarded my next flight knowing I already had a bomb on a plane once in…

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420 consecutive photos one train ride


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some times i don’t feel like it

I walked around for about an hour thinking about my life. I was having realizations and I felt like a crazy person. It was as if I was in a fog. I was having anxiety. Sometimes I freak out. Sometimes I don’t want to be on the internet anymore. Sometimes I don’t know what to do about stuff and sometimes I forget things.  I started freaking about my last minute trip to a foreign country. Panicked. Instant attack. I left the store. I walked down the street back in my own fog again.  I’m nervous about going but then think not going would be silly too. For a bunch of different reasons.  It’s a chance to relax and go some place  cool with bunch of cool old friends. Relax. I’m packing one bag;  one nice outfiit, one dress, one piece bathing suit, one yoga mat. This is the relax retreat. A true mini vacation/airport tour. Vanilla as some may say. I know when I come back Sunday I’ll have had lots of time with self.  I love traveling; airport, airplane, people, waiting, watching, thinking, moving.  I love being in motion.

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you just gotta put it out there y’know

Curry chicken day from catering. My favorite. My new glasses should be arriving any day now. Maybe they’ll be home when I get there. Made plans with myself tonight, need those days. Was thinking after Mum left that I’d like to go on another trip and went to meet Tiff at the Spoke Club. Some cool artwork hanging around right there at the moment. Turned out to be a fun night. Ran into friends after she headed back to the burbs. Had drinks, smoked cigars and booked a trip to Mexico for the weekend. I say, you just gotta put it out there, the power of positive thought. It works. More on that adventure later.  Mum’s gonna ring me as soon as she reads this saying “MEXICO!!!!!!!!! CASIE!!!!!”. I can hear it. Ran into some peeps that know the blog and  made a new friend.  She’s cute, look & listen to what she said. So cute. Traveled some blogs recently and found cool cats like The Deadly NightShades collective and Agent Lover.  My fav one is this little darling in NY who’s started the Uniform Project. She’s wearing one dress for one year as an exercise in sustainable fashion while raising funds for school kids in India. So cool. She’s got 7 identical dresses and she reinvents them with style like you wouldn’t believe. She’s as cute as a button. I’d like to be her friend. I showed Sabrina ans she said  “she’s a brown you”.  God she’s cute.

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