don’t test me in the most annoying competition.
Stuck at airport family with bunch of kids behind us. They are annoying. Update: Erica Ehm and the mommy bloggers went to TOWN on giving me hell for this post. Thanks for the hits and personal attacks. I was stuck in an airport and these parents from Florida let their kids run ALL OVER THE PLACE. Who does that? I wasn’t attacking ‘every parent’. Check out this little blurb in the HUffPo, I’m sure I inspired it: “But should you find yourself in the presence of a family, try to avoid behaving like this girl. I’m thinking of bookmarking her site to show my daughter an example of how not to act in public. The tight close-ups of her sun-damaged face making rude expressions about a family committing such atrocities as wondering where they’ve put their boarding passes and worrying about running out of diapers during a delay do a disservice to urban hipster doofuses everywhere. Corinne McDermott is the founder of Have Baby Will Travel – your online guide for travel with babies, toddlers & young children. Hey, why don’t you show your daughter my site? And also the amazing things I’ve done? Then show her what you wrote about me and explain that? Original blog post images have been removed because those Mommy bloggers bullied me and I couldn’t handle it anymore. WHAT KIND OF MOMS DO THAT, HUH? I’ve decided to be annoying too. I’m using three outlets, ahem…airport asshole. Please don’t be offended by this post if you have kids. My parents used to travel with me heaps as a kid. If anything, feel sorry for me! I am a terribly creative person trapped in an airport with a bunch of misbehaved rascals. They are running all around the place, being loud, can’t hear the announcements, and the parents aren’t doing…
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