Look at this guy. Omg. I’m in heaven. Last day here and it’s all bands and chilling. Drinking a Texas lemonade (whiskey!) and loving the hot sun. We leave tomorrow. More updates later from Canadian House stage. Love from Austin xoxo CASIE

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Weekend Tune: “DoYaThing” by Gorillaz feat. James Murphy and Andre 3000

Happy weekend! Did you enjoy your Leap Year Day? Getting geared up for March? The other day Casie blogged about the SS 12 preview for Converse, and mentioned their collaboration with the Gorillaz. I thought it then only appropriate to post the Converse sponsored music video for “DoYaThing” by Gorillaz  featuring James Murphy of LCD Soundsystem and Andre 3000 of OutKast. See if you can stop the new kicks in the clip… http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=yNeF30RverQ Enjoy! xo Kate

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Weekend Tune: “Hallways” by Islands

Happy weekend everyone! I hope you’re all feeling fantastic! Sure things might seem a bit gloomy what with all the rain, but sometimes all you need is some good music to change that mood around! No matter what the weather, this Weekend Tune is sure to brighten things up and get those feet of yours moving. It’s some indie rock doom wop with a touch of Tim Burton-esque style! “Hallways” by Islands! Their latest album A Sleep & A Forgetting is out now, and you can stream it via Exclaim! Islands are also currently on tour and will be stopping by Toronto’s Music Gallery this upcoming Tuesday the 28th! Enjoy! xo Kate

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Weekend Tune: “Comeback Kid” by Sleigh Bells

Happy weekend my lovelies! This week I bring you Sleigh Bells, a kick ass duo from New York who take noise pop to the next level. Their video for “Comeback Kid” is all kinds of awesome, so grab your leather studded jacket and get ready… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXP4Rhu5pJo Their second album Reign Of Terror comes out this Tuesday (the 21st) and they’re currently on tour stopping by Toronto March 26th! See you there? Enjoy! xo Kate

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Weekend Tune: “Lust For Life” by Girls

Happy weekend everyone! How are we all dealing with the February blues? Alright I hope! It’s nearly Valentines day so I thought I’d post something sweet.  Whether you’re happily one of a pair or single like me, there’s no harm in a little lovely song.  So here’s a recent indie classic to sing-a-long to. Grab a pizza and a bottle of wine, it’s ‘Lust For Life” by Girls! Enjoy! xo Kate

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Weekend Tune: “Paddling Out” by Miike Snow

Happy February! As some of you may have noticed we were lacking in a Weekend Tune last week, and for this I apologize. Alas I was off in New York City celebrating my birthday! So now you must forgive me. Besides, I’ve got an awesome tune to make it up to you. It’s a basket-case of a music video backed by a good beat. It’s Miike Snow (fitting band for the recent weather eh?) with “Paddling Out”! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzxYUsnZV6M Their second album Happy To You comes out March 27th. Enjoy the Swedish electro-pop insanity! xo Kate

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