Fashion events, shows, & style from around the world.
Older people always tell you ‘time goes fast then’ you get older and you become that person. It’s true. Both things. When I get really drained from life & the city I like going back to my home town. I grew up in Cambridge, Ontario, I went there this weekend. Have you been? It’s quite lovely, and quiet and you can see way more stars. I have a group of friends there that I always see. One even lives across the street in Toronto but I pretty much only get together him when we’re all home for a holiday. It’s awesome. No matter how tired I get from travel, events, work life, nothing reenergizes me like some home cooking and chatting at a familiar place with the crew. Other great re-energizers are yoga and cottages. This weekend has for once (in a longish while) been really relaxing. Saturday night I had a hot tub and went to bed early. Friday night I had poutine and some serious Draw Something. Add me: casiestewart. We all get so busy and technology is such a part of our lives that it’s really hard to shut off. Ok not for everyoneeeee but lots of us. Especially me. I’m sitting in my old room at Mum’s as I wrote this and it’s quite magical how inspiring it is for creativity. Tonight her and I went on a date to see Hunger Games and I loved it; girls night AND the actual movie. Have you seen it? The fashion made me really excited for Halloween. Or whenever! Look at those lashes and hair. I love this, I do. Hat gloves, earings, eyebrows, lipstick. I know I’m late to the boat but sheesh, why didn’t anyone inform me of this. There was even love story! The movie used 35 full-time makeup artists. And there were…
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Got some pretty rad stuff in the mail recently. Leggo! Nail Polish Canada invited me to try out Magnetix China Glaze. It’s a nail polish with magnetic properties that does these funky designs when you hold a stylized magnet once you put on the polish. It’s not hard to do and looks quite fancy. The package says to hold the magnet there for 5-10 seconds but I suggest holding the magnet there for at least 20 seconds really helps. Colours here are ‘You Move Me’ and ‘Instant Chemistry’. That’s what’s up. #magnetix magnetic nailpolish #smallwins — Brown Barbie (@itsbrownbarbie) February 20, 2012 The peeps at Hanes sent a pile of hosiery and filled me in about a contest on their Facebook page. If you enter, you’re eligible to get Hanes Hosiery and a $50 VISA gift card. That pair in the middle are like fishnets but little squares (cue Weeds theme song ‘Little Boxes) and I love ’em. Really clear blue skies in Toronto today. The air is a bit chilly but I’ve had the patio door open all day. So good. And…for the final mail item of the day… I’ve wanted one of these F-O-R-E-V-E-R… Gun Metal studded iPhone case! It just came today from my friend Andrew. There’s a whole bunch of different cases available at Felony Case and if you order one use CASIESTEWART discount for $10 off. If anyone tries to every steal my iPhone, I’ll be able to defend myself. This thing is sturdy! My friend Jen from She Does the City recently was punched in the face and had her iPhone stolen. No joke. Scary! Read it here. This weekend I hung out with O’Nizzle, who played a good April Fools joke, Raymi for her 29th birthday and Saroox came along too. Each girls name links to their blog…
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I love this photo. We had fun today. Darren Kwik cut a few hairs on camera while we chatted Pinterest at his interest. Next up was Bicyclette. I love that store so much (which is why I suggested we go there). Remember last year I did a full tour? It’s sequins, lace, chains and all kinds of pink, flowy, flowery things I want to wear. I can only imagine how great it feels to be Paige, the darling owner, she works in my/a dream closet. I bought a rainbow at the art supply store on my way home and and chalked Kate’s hair over drinks. Pinterest hair. I’m going to turquoise mine next week. Her life is a chick flick and I love it. I have been spending a fair amount of creative energy in Draw Something lately. I posted my fav drawings by my opponents on Borderline Artistic, my drawing blog. You should check it out… Do you want to see it? Do you? Do you? [audience cheers] [Simon bends down to get drawing] Were you looking at my bum? Bum-lookers, cheeky monkeys. That whole skit is a hoot, thanks SNL. [View the story “Awesome Tweets” on Storify] Awesome Tweets Thanks for keeping the awesomism movement going. Pass it on! Storified by CASIE STEWART · Sat, Mar 31 2012 01:10:06 @casiestewart Saw this & thought of you… "without ME it’s just AWESO–" :)Leesa Butler #makeTwitterchemistry @casiestewart D.
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Oh heyyyy there you, life, blog, friends! It’s Friday morning and I was up super early. Working on that doc I mentioned today. Had awesome meeting last night with some of my team for upcoming project and was so inspired I found it hard to sleep (aka got lost in Pinterest. Sigh). There’s so much going on all the time I’ve been feeling a bit overwhelmed with that fact that all kind of things I’ve wished for and worked towards are actually happening. It makes me nervous excited which is in fact, my most favourite feeling. Ever. Let’s start the day with this Tweet and let it carry you. #FF via blog for Rayanne; She is awesome and you know it, clap your hands! 🙂 If you’re bored, then you’re boring. — Rayanne Langdon (@rlangdon) March 30, 2012 Thanks Becca for this snap of Morgan and I from Brock’s showcase during Canadian Music Week last weekend. I believe those boys are at the Juno’s this weekend. If you’re not from Canada you might not know what the Juno’s are. We’re pretty good at making music in the Great White North. Popped by Diesel’s flagship shop for the Spring/Summer 2012 preview event the other night hosted by Flare and LOULOU mags. Hung out with blog friends, looked at clothes. Had my hair done just before, thanks Darren. Drinks were non-alcoholic which was refreshing. Going to a zillion events all the time is tiring and dehydrating. I appreciated the short event and fresh juice. Drink more water. Look at this handsome afro man, Babe Lincoln: These are a few of my fav items. They’ve got a pastel mint leather jacket that I would love to own (hint hint). I’ve not been a big wearer of Diesel since highschool but there was a bunch of things I could…
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Jenie and I get a little silly when we hang out. It’s the best though. We had a blast singing, dancing and tanning on my balcony before hitting the park. The sunshine was so beautiful and it’s great again today! My entire outfit is Billabong SS 2012 and boots are vintage. Jenie is in a dress from H&M. I’m en route to Windsor with Canadian Club for a pimped out whiskey tour. It’s a bunch of media friends in a limo bus, three cheers for highschool rye school. Have an awesome day! <3 CASIE
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On Friday I was one of about 20 Canadian celebrities (yes me!) to walk the final show for Mastercard International Fashion Week, otherwise known as Toronto Fashion Week. This is my favourite shot. There’s gotta be one of me spinning in this beautiful, one of a kind African inspired dress by Kingi Carpenter of Peach Berserk. It’s my fav shot because it’s so natural, it’s me, being real, having fun. It felt really rad to be part of this show along with a heap of Canadian greats like Jeanne Becker, Dina from Breakfast Television, Trish Stratus, granddaughter of Bob Marley, Donisha Prendergast, Chef Jamie Kennedy and more all in support of the Stephen Lewis Foundation. This is the third fashion show I’ve been in in the last few months and lemme tell ya, I love being on the runway. I used to model heaps as a teenager in local shows around Waterloo region. I got my start after winning Miss Teen Cambridge 1996. Don’t laugh! It’s been a really fun journey thus far and I’m insanely excited about the opportunities the next year will bring. My makeup was really crazy and it doesn’t look as cool on the runway as it did up close. My hair cut & colour are done by Redken stylist and friend Darren Kwik, he’s been doing my hair for about three years now. Shoes are from long time loved brand, Doc Martens. Official information about Dare to Wear Love: Dare To Wear Love – World MasterCard Fashion Week – The Tents at David Pecault Square – March 16, 2012 The Closing Night Gala of World MasterCard Fashion Week celebrates the fashion design community’s talents and commitment to social justice. Dare To Wear Love is a high energy, massively entertaining show featuring gorgeous one of a kind fashions by…
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