i had strawberry shortcake for breakfast, she was cute
Thanks Sabrina for my favorite kind of cake that I’m going to eat all day. She’s real tasty. One of my favorite things about bday is getting cards from friends. This one came special delivery from Bean town! Found $5 on the ground. Thanks universe. I made it out of the 27 club, hardly and bruises too! Time for a bath and an afternoon nap like a little old lady. [I was dreaming when I wrote this. Update: 2 hours later, The Fugutive just started on History Channel. Love this movie. Saw it in theatres with Mum. I’m still on the couch with internet. ] Thanks for all the bday wishes guys. Are you supposed to msg everyone back on FB? I guess that would be nice. I’ll try to do that. Ecards are lovely, especially hand made.
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