yesterday on twitter, this happened:
this is so damn hot “@kevinjn: The photos to accompany the video (just saw it – via @TheHudsonsBayCo)” # My rain day outfit today via @cammipham. Thanks babe 🙂 # blogs in flipboard are so beautiful. turning the pages of a magazine, i love it. never seen mine so pretty. # I would never go on #wipeout but I like watching it. Looks harrrrrrrd. # tweeting from #ipad keyboard. less fun than lean back typing with fingers. seems more workish but is easier for sure. good for writing. # The #yandr today was so intense. # #love # Woot: Despite Competitors, Netflix Earnings Rise 88% # Reckon this weather calls for a hot tub + bed early! # soar higher. # Mmmm treats. #easter # i just love diana ok. and prince harry. # hahaha. RT @someecards: I'll marry you if you promise to stop talking about the royal wedding. # Cool!! RT @tristanwalker: Best use of the @foursquare API I've ever seen! 🙂 # the royal wedding live on @youtube #blog # who has today off? anyone? like out of you guys. i know schools etc. # cool people vote. #elxn41 #VoteMob # just made something very internetty for blog. # feels strange w/ no nose ring after so many years. reckon i like it! # RE: @Jarvisemerald that would be amazing. # Way to go sista! <3 RT @VanessaGrillone: My Pen, My Voice.;*: My 100th Blog Post!! .. @casiestewart # The Queen shows up to the the Royal Wedding with an iphone. # can people see my #phonenumber if I use #liveprofile it's there now, should i take it out? i don't want to give it to you. # Mad props @MattMoloney for lunch delivery. You da best.…
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