yesterday on twitter, this happened:

dont hate me because im beautiful # #maskguy # Cupcake is cute. #Bachelorette # #fireworks # her dress is STUNNING. who made it? #bachelorette # yes @clickflickca no mask on dates! #bachelorette # doing smart things on computer watching dumb things on tv. # ooh couple babes on the #bachelorette maybe i’ll watch this time. she’s cute. # tonight was fun @Shananigans5 🙂 #hottub # Sia, ILU. # Photo: The Joplin Tornado of 2011 # Photo: we still have time. # Photo: RUN AWAY FROM IT ALL. # RE: @shopmyclothes hotness. # I uploaded a @YouTube video sexy beast car – 1982 corvette # #sunshine # Community on #Netflix is a funny show. # I liked a @YouTube video The Pretty Rekcless Shout-out # Photo: › Scarlett Johansson photographed as Marlene Dietrich by Tim Walker for W Magazine, June 2011 # Photo: don’t you ever forget. # Photo: Can I have this please? # Photo: vicemag:New York Parties # post rapture billboard # PBR paper flowers # Ok, this is kinda cute. Albino raccoons in #Toronto via @blogTO # i want to sit in one forever # Jerk chicken sanny, rice + peas, coleslaw, spicy patty. SO GOOD. (@ Ackee Tree) # i usually look like a moron anyway but you know what i mean (heading to gym now) # what you up to today guyg? #

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work that communicates with everyday people & socially relevant themes

Saw this painted over billboard near Spadina/Queen. I love the street art we have in this city. You can’t really tell but it says “Are you really an asshole or just insecure?” I tweeted a link to some new street art earlier but here’s some of the photos. So neat. Lego love. Pretty PBR flowers. Like this one too. See the rest of the pix & info on BlogTO. P.S. I made this (for Keri).

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we were born the same year but she looks a little older

I asked Sean if we can wash it outside in out bikini’s when it get’s warm out. Ahhhhhh.

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sometimes informally considered as marking the beginning of the summer season in Canada

The weekend has been so nice, I don’t even mind if it rains today. Actually, I like it. I’ve got lots to get done, report, expenses etc. Off to a Jukari class at King West Fitness now. Might cruize somewhere after and car office with my computer and rocketstick. I’d like to take a second to say thanks to the following awesome companies for being part of this weekend & my life (blog).

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lemme take you for a ride

Let’s go. I’ve not been someone who loves driving until now. I love grabbing the keys and hitting the open road, going anywhere I want. Today, I visited old neighbourhoods. I’ve driven a few different cars over the last few months (Ford, GM, Toyota). Really like how this baby drives, takes corners well,  is nice on the highway, leather seats, sunroof, voice activated in-vehicle system. Looking forward to trying a hybrid car and also cars with more power.  The SE Sport Ford Fusion has a 3.5 V6 engine, this one is 2.5L & 4 cylinder. Used to live in the Annex when I first moved to TO. There was five of us at 613 Bathurst, here. Went here on a date once. There was a sign that said “This is the place” and we went inside to find a house turned into a bar. It was really fun/cute. I’d like to do it again. Been ages since I listened to 102.1 The Edge.  Was full of greatness today. Bellwoods looked bare. Am I bad for camera driving? I wasn’t texting or tweeting. Used to live on Manning at Queen too. That was a crazy time. Moving out of that hood was good. I always used to go here for breakfast. Had a birthday there once too. Sad it burned down. Love this big bag from Nella-Bella’s Melbourne Collection. Thanks TAREK! Great travel or overnight bag, fits all my gadgets, products & toiletries. Colour is great for summer, which I hope get’s here soon. P.S. Some friends just launched a blog for the startup community in Canada called Maple Butter. Maple Butter brings meaty how-to’s, case studies and reports from people on the front lines of successful startups.  FOUNDERS UNITE!

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you read it in the newspaper, ask your girlfriends and see if they know

Had ice cream at Ed’s Real Scoop in the Beaches today. Chocolate & homemade. So good.  I useally go for chocolate, nothing to fancy or with accessories. Carly gave me the great suggestion. Y’know Carly? She’s my friend/agent/blondetourage blog babe who moved to Florida last year and she’s COMING BACK this week. Yay. Gonna go driving to this album tomorrow. So many good songs. I was creeping Jack White… Did you know he is Scottish, Polish and Canadian descent. He’s quite fascinating if you don’t already know. This was a funny comic to get today, right after a wedding and all. Cheryl & Jared  had cheesecake. It was good. Tonmorrow I’m checking out all the nerdy tech stuff  about this Ford Fusion.  Maybe a car wash too. I have the Fusion Sport, black leather interior, 2.5L.  Fun car to drive.  I really like cars. Grew up hanging in the garage with Dad.  He builds hot rods. Had his own shop in Cambridge when I was growing up, “Toys for Boys”. Saw this today and thougt of you Dad. The Beaches are so pretty. Reminds me of where I grew up. Old houses, tall trees, narrow streets, sidewalk stairs, front porch. If I had a car full time I reckon I could live in the East End. (OMG, did I just say that?)  Queen West hipsters move to the East End when they grow up right? haha Would be rad to build/reno an old house here.  Fantastzed about that today, my car, my house, my street. I see my house and so can you. Dude at Amsterdam said this building on left is going to be a Loblaws. Saw a super old pic & Loblaws has owned it since before any other this stuff was built. I need to change the…

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