yesterday on twitter, this happened:

wooshwoosh asked: Major Tumblr crush going on here. Hope you feel the same… # Photo: vitamins # Did you get tickets for May 31? I got some for you on blog shortly 😉 # I liked a @YouTube video Michael Jackson Pepsi Generation # photographed some models w/ great 80’s style for upcoming #pepsithrowback May 31 😉 # I liked a @YouTube video from @NicoleMillerNYC Episode 4: Nicole’s store event to introduce # thanks! “@jpuopolo: @Ambermac @casiestewart and @Wedding_crasher just got a nice shout out by the @CandianRedCross at #mesh11

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yesterday was a really fun day

An old friend visited and we measured our balcony for synthetic grass. Would I have the coolest condo balcony everrrrr? Yes. I reckon we would. If you interested I can intro you to Joe. He’s a nice dude, The GrASS Man. Then I went to 1188 Films to work on an Angry Birds commercial. Yes, the worlds most best selling mobile game. I also stole the MAYORSHIP which is pretty freaking amazing. Stamped myself with their bank stamp, I’M MONEY GUYS! It was a very Queen Westy day for me. Walked from Spadina/Gardener to 1188 Queen (near Gladstone) and back home again stopping at a few places along the way. This warm weather makes me feel just like a child and I wanna play outside all day. Reminds me of a song by my friend Devendra. Press play & keep reading! Got ma hair did at Darren Kwik Studio (I’m Mayor there too NBD). Beautiful spot right across from Trinity Bellwoods. Hipster discount if you tell him you’re my friend on the internet (or IRL). Call him @ 416-361-1016 right MEOW. He’ll take real nice care of you. SALON PLANK. Darren was teaching a class after me and his student was a STUD. Ladies, I can hook you up 😉 Post hair stopped into Melagro for some Mexican upstairs at La Perla. I can’t WAIT to have a event/party here. Place is stunning & upstairs roof patio is a GEM. (Jarvis have you been there yet?) Cute boy(s) & girl(s) work there too. Think I got some sun. Everybody’s free to wear sunscreen (Baz Luhrmann). Food was good. Look at this queso! LA PERLA PLANK.

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Now remember kids: Safe Planking is FUNNY but Dangerous Planking is STUPID. Today is… Last night Keri & went PLANKING. It was really fun. Music Garden double plank. Wikipedia: Planking is the act of lying face down with arms to the sides of the body, in unusual public spaces and photographing it. Kinda dumb but oh so funny. Sorta like this… Tree plank. If everyone in the world would hold a one minute plank every day, we would be more fit & stronger and centered. This takes core strength guys. Hold it, steady. LEAN is SEXY. Planking, originated in Australia and was originally called The Lying Down Game “à plat ventre” (on one’s belly). Haha my shorts. Two cute boys w/ a boat took this for us. Planking is a great way to make friends. The Rules from Know Your Meme: More Public the Better. Larger the Group, the Better. No location is out of bound when playing the game. (Please be safe!) Palm of hands held against the sides, toes touching the ground. Amsterdam Brewery plank. This got us free beers. Plank you very much Tyler, ya babe. Our hair looks cute. Have you planked? Would love to see your skills. Gonna plank at South Beach this weekend. One of my fav’s is Apple Store planking on Tumbr. Get creative & please don’t kill yourself forpetessake! Plank ya later.

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the race is long & in the end it’s only with yourself.

This gives me such fond memories, reminds me to to worry, about things that matter. It’s a real feel gooder. If you’ve never heard/read this before, let me share it with you. I know you’ll like it. Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of ’97 Wear sunscreen If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be It. The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by Scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable Than my own meandering Experience…I will dispense this advice now. Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth; oh nevermind; you will not Understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded. But trust me, in 20 years you’ll look back at photos of yourself and Recall in a way you can’t grasp now how much possibility lay before You and how fabulous you really looked….You’re not as fat as you Imagine.

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models, moguls, movers & shakers

I was featured on the Modls Moguls blog today. They said all kinds of nice things about me. Read it here. “Don’t be fooled by her funky style and big smile, Casie Stewart means business. Recognized for her Social Media savvy, Casie’s list of accomplishments in 2010 alone reads like the ultimate resume.” How amazing is this shot I took this morning at Cherry Beach. Perfect form!  

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me, you & her in the park. let’s play.

A guitar park date would be really nice. Once I wrote a song about a boy who plays guitar, it was back in Australia circa 2004. Tried to find it in my old myspace blog and got bored of myspace. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! One day I’ll share it with you

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