big bang baby!
I got a picture of a photograph… I used to love, love, love Stone Temple Pilots Big Bang Baby. Those green pants. Swoon. They disabled embedding on the video, jerks. Yesterday I went to visit the team of babes at doll bar inc. and boy was I delighted. Greeted with smiles, hugs and hydrated with ice cold San Pellegrino after cruising there on my bike. They also had SATC on so I felt right at home. Oh Charlotte, is it the tea bagging situation? haha This is Melissa putting a real feather in my hair. Planning to get more funky styles when they get more inventory. Feather hair extensions are so hot right now. She’s pretty, one of those radiant personalities that makes you happy. They do all their customers nails while they are there. Nice perk 😉 Doll Bar is 1099 Queen Across from 69 Vintage and the Social (RIP). I’m looking to arrange a special CASIE discount so stay tuned for that. Extensions for everyone! See the feather? I reckon not bestest for my hair but fun to have for now. I go see Darren Kwik Studio to get my hair done today. I’ve decided on this really rad cut I saw in Zambesi SS 2012 that is more rad than anyone in Canada. Can’t WAIT for haircut. After we played with feathers, Michelle brought out the hottest new accessory in hair right now, BABY BANGS! This is a game changer. They’re about $50 and wait for it.. Ta daaaaaa! They’re not trimmed yet here but how freaking cute? I die. Bardot blonde, I am so ready for you. Fall blonde, seasons changing. I’m thrilled thinking about the next couple months. Lots of exciting things always happen this time of year. Genuine chocolate happy face. Will be even happier this evening…
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