live your life as it’s meant to be

First day for a while it’s not been sunny out. I find myself to be very productive on these days. Dive right into my computer! This song is a good motivator. I’m on the edge of glory, I’m on the edge! I wanna do the EDGE WALK on the CN Tower. Hair is back to a nice blonde. I really wanna grow it out this winter. It’s a mega process. Had it short for so long now. If I focus I can do it. I mean, make it through the awkward stages! Got any tips? Luckily I love wearing hats. Really loving new desk setup. Mac things are so pretty. My Dodo Case for iPad is totally busted. Basically a scrap of bamboo. I really need to EM them about that. Got a new Motorola DEFY yesterday adn I’m happily back on the Telus Mobile Network. Doing a photo shoot tonight with Lauren, Raymi, Anna and some babes for PinkMafia. Had a wicked sleep last ngiht so hopefully I don’t look tired! Off to a camera shop & hopefully will have some good news about  new project by end of day. Make it a great one 🙂 * Loving Spotify and title is from Mumford & Sons ‘The Cave’. So good.      

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If I get to meet Ellen, what should I ask her!?

You know when you have an idea, something you’ve always wanted to do?  You focus on it, you think about it and you imagine how it will feel when you reach that moment. I’ve got one of those moments coming up. I’m attending the Power of Women event in Toronto and one of my most favourite women in the world is going to be there, Ellen DeGeneres! The Toronto event is August 11th and I’ll be backstage VIP with the opportunity to connect with speakers and guests. I’m hosting a live blog on event day and tweeting from my own account as well as @POWlive. I’m stoked! You know how much I love connecting with inspiring people! Past speakers include Sigourney Weaver, Joy Behar, Hilary Swank, Martha Stewart and heaps of other fabulous women.

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couple interesting things happened yesterday on twitter

Photo: swimming in the streets. # I liked a @YouTube video The Sheepdogs Attack Ad : Rolling Stone Choose The Cover Contes # Here’s that 29 y.o. grandfather story told you about yesterday # “@Shananigans5: It’s a short week AND next wknd is #beerfest ! Do you have your tickets yet?” CASIE will save you $5 on tix! # everybody blonde! #photoset # Cover of Rolling Stone, @theSheepdogs & #Beerfest #Toronto # Yay! @Skype for iPad Makes Debut # K+? @YouTube now counts for your @Klout score # Fyi @keriblog you taking special hat i got you to LV? The face cover one? (see photo) RT @BoingBoing: Hacker stock art # Starting the day in a panic, missing breakfast meeting, message about good news. What a roller coaster! Gah. # life saver… # Photo: terrysdiary: Remember… What Goes Around comes Around! # Akoha is shutting down August 15, 2011 due to lack of revenue. # interesting.. @virginamerica Provocateur site is gonezo # Flash Rob? My goodness. # You are totally an influencer @laurenonizzle! Look that @AmericanApparel carries now! # cute man fixing out smoke alarm right now @itsbrownbarbie 😉 # Guess who is back in action? If you know my number call me! Thanks @Telus & @motorola_ca ILU <3 # anyone have a creative way to switch group to page in FB? helping client. dang those groups! # You can do it. I believe in you. # I’m checking out @RowFeeder to track tweets/facebook posts. Anyone used this before? # RE: @picard102 @picard102 I know. Were you even scared @keriblog? She’d never seen me drive before! # he IS really good looking “@zedsq: See ‘Two And a Half Men’ Signature Curtain Shot With Ashton Kutcher…

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this is how you get driving muscles

Remember my comic about driving muscles? This is how I got them! Vrooooooom!

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The Cover of Rolling Stone, Sheepdogs & Beerfest

Woo hoo! Canadian bearded babe rockers won the cover of Rolling Stone contest.  I’ve not heard heaps of their music but I like their beards and attitudes from what I’ve seen/read. “We’ve been working hard for a long time,” said the band’s grateful frontman Ewan Currie. “We’re doing our best to stay humble and hard-working, we feel very blessed. All we needed was the attention.” Globe “The music industry has changed so much that there’s no set way of proceeding,” Currie said. “There’s not a formula you follow, like for other careers. You have to sort of jump on any opportunity that comes along and this has been a godsend for us.” Globe “”Good-time rockers The Sheepdogs are proud, bearded rock revivalists, with a whole manner of beards, ‘burns and ‘staches on display over the years. This may help bearded rock ‘n’ roll roll make its return to the cover of Rolling Stone.” CTV “Rock and Rollers from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Specializing in melody, harmony, guitar solos and general feel-goodery. Twitter They made this video to get people voting. I like their style. We may not kill it in sports but we surely are kicking’ it in music. This video of them getting the news from Rolling Stone about winning is pretty good too. This weekend (Sunday) they are playing Beerfest. Everyone can go! Using coupon code ‘CASIE‘ saves you $5 on tickets. Get a ticket here. Will most likely sell out before Sunday. Full band lineup is here.  Our Digital Lounge has seating, wifi, power and lite snacks. <3 Matt Wells had some good Tweets & pix about them in NYC yesterday.  Love seeing Canada kicking a$$ in awesomeness. Good writeup about them in the Globe which included this B&Wphoto. Glad I’m seeing them Sunday so I can decide IRL about the music. I love that look, beard…

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everybody blonde!

Blondetourage bloggatage.  

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