I never seek attention, I let it seek me. #tedbakerlines

Received quite a lovely gift in the mail from my love, Ted Baker London today. Was invited to be an ambassador for the launch campaign in Canada last year and I’m back for Spring! This year celebrates the 25th celebration of Ted Baker London and they’ve got some fun stuff planned.   For Spring 2013, Ted Baker London has launched a Finishing School.  I loved this idea because I went to modelling school as a teenager, which was much like finishing school. Under Ted’s orders we’re all in detention this week. The first 500 lucky students to enter their line of the day through Twitter, Facebook or Instagram will receive a limited edition tote adorned with their line. One student will be chosen and rewarded top of the class by a fashion blogger for especially creative and inspired entries. Prize for that is a beautiful leather satchel embossed with their initials. DO YOU LOVE IT?! I love school! (Hardly ever had detention from what I remember?) Follow @ted_baker and @ted_bakerUSA and tag your posts with #TedBakerLines. Today’s #tedbakerlines Homework is: [View the story “#tedbakerlines” on Storify] #tedbakerlines Storified by CASIE STEWART· Tue, Mar 12 2013 21:04:01 Ready for your second piece of #TedBakerLines homework? Today’s line is: I will always put the fine into refined http://pic.twitter.com/WnRdLKNmHgTed Baker I will always put the fine in refined. #tedbakerlines @ted_bakerusa @ted_bakerUSA… http://instagr.am/p/WwmpjTTfNP/Dainty Girl Now that’s a good one. @ted_bakerusa @ted_bakerUSA #TedBakerLines http://instagr.am/p/WxIBQ6mU_k/Samantha Concierge just called to say I have a big package from Ted Baker London! Look for @ted_baker on the blog tomorrow. Squeeee! #tedbakerlinesCASIE STEWART @casiestewart This really is the best call to receive EVER, Casie…Ted Baker Yet to enter? Don’t fret! You can still win a personalised leather satchel for the most creative entry of the day: http://bit.ly/ZuIxMHTed Baker “I will always put the ‘fine’…

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We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented.

Latest app in my photo collection is DBLCAM. Uses both front & back facing cameras to take one picture, tell both sides of the story. It’s free. I love using multiple apps to make creative images. I was making collages of my face and text LONG before apps like Diptic (collage) and Over (text). Learn about those apps by watching my show on Coral TV  (iPhonography/Overgram). Filmed a couple new eps in the park today that’ll be released in the next few weeks. My show hits the internet airways each Friday afternoon at youtube.com/coral. Watched Sixteen Candles last night. Love the style Molly has in the Brat Pack movies. I am going to go shopping this weekend and buying myself some new spring clothes. I’ve been cleaning out my closet and have a huge bag to take to the Salvo for donation. Spring cleaning feels so good. View was looking pretty nice when I got home from work. I love daylight savings because it feels like getting done work an hour early.  I watched the yellow eye of a storm move across the skyline for 20 minutes till the air was filled with hail. It was a great day for mail too! Opened this lovely tea package from Tetley to find a magical little tea pot & cup for all my teas. Thank you! Received a Fashion Week Survival kit from FLAUNT. Thanks guys! Totally unexpected and appreciated! It’s got fabric goodies, body tape, silicone nip covers for daring outfits, and an eye mask which I will use tonight.  I’m ready for a good sleep. You’re the star Truman. <3 CASIE

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I Read the Rules Before I Broke ’em

This jam is my Monday Motivation. I love it. Canadian hip hop FTW. This tune is so catchy.  

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Spring is Near my Dear

It’s so beautiful out today, about 9 degrees right now! Just came back from breakfast lunch at Grand Electric. Birds chirping and windows open at the office. I love the sunshine! Go get some! It’s free and it’s everywhere right now! You’ll never be younger than you are today, make the most of it! <3 CASIE    

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You’re a Sensation

The other day a bunch of us went out to Sensation, the launch for a massive house music thing this summer sponsored by Bud Light. It was at Andrew Richard Designs, one of my fav venues. I have seen it magically transformed so many different ways over the last few years. Thanks Becca and She Does the City for these pix. This mermaid outfit was so awesome. I want to be a mermaid too. WHO DOESN’T!

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For My Special Ladies

I intended to post this for International Women’s Day but to ME, every single day is a day to celebrate the wonderful women in my life. Two of the most very special people to me today, and forever will always be my beautiful Mum and my sister Jenie. I love them dearly. Rounded up these images from old posts. This ones for you girls, I love you and you mean the world to me. Us on the set of American Pie Beta House years ago. And this is for you too… For all you other ladies out there, don’t wait for a special day to tell someone you love them. Tell them now! Sending sunshine your way, <3 CASIE

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