Alien Station

You are listening to the Alien Broadcast Network and THS IS the Internet. No, actually.

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Bacardi Best Seats Contest Coming Soon!

Guys, Bacardi Canada is launching a HUGE contest SOON called Bacardi Best Seats. I gave away a pair of tickets to see Ke$ha and Pitbull today. Stay tuned for the MASSIVE CONTEST announcement next week. 🙂 Huzzah! Love ya, CASIE

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The 7 Vices of Highly Creative People

An oldie but  goodie, came across this again while cleaning up old bookmarks. The article blog post was originally published on Salon in February, 2000. THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND. I was born a creative person and at times I’ve wondered if my vices are helping or hindering. It gives me comfort that many of the greats were open about their vices too. This list is a pretty good one, you’d enjoy the whole article on Salon too I’m sure. The 7 Vices of Highly Creative People Drinking – For [Winston] Churchill, like many other great drinkers, alcohol was a tool used to feed creativity and social discourse.  Smoking – Smoking has often been linked with creative genius. Gabling – The world is full of stories of highly creative people whose success was based on the big gamble. Oysters – Certain foods are frequently associated with highly creative people. None more so than the oyster. Fashion – The highly creative always choose their wardrobes with a more consistent flair. Sex – The sexual appetite and prowess of those possessed by creativity can’t be argued. Abuse the Card – The highly creative travel an expensive road, and the best way to stay between the yellow lines, or at the very least keep food on your table, is to Abuse the Card. Here’s to the crazy creative ones! Love to know if you have any to add to the list below? LMK in the comments or Twitta. <4 CRAZIE CASIE

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Dailybooth Archive 2009-2012, This Is My Life in Photos.

Ok computer, anyone remember Dailybooth? DailyBooth was the original photoblogging site for people to take a photo each day with a caption. The goal was “your life in photos” in order to document and share. It allowed you to post on Twitter and follow other users within the service for  real-time updates. I loved it. Wrote about my Dailybooth romance in this post. Last year in Auston for SXSW I met a Dailybooth friend IRL. It was awesome! In August, 2009, the site had over 3 million unique visitors a month with a growth rate of about 35% a month.[2] On 11 November 2012, it was announced that Dailybooth was closing down, with users able to access and download their content until 31 December. The site was completely deleted after that.  Demi, Ashton, and iJustine used to use it heaps. I download all my nearly 800 photos from my database and put them in a video as a memory. That’s why I started blogging in the first place, to keep more memories. I learned how beat map photos in iMovie when I made this. I’m no expert video editor but I’d like to get better at it. I’m hoping to get a new camera soon so I can start filming some epic si*t. Huzzah! I’m the couch at the cottage watching movies and computing all day. It’s great! Happy Sunday 🙂 <3 CASIE  RIP!

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JUNE! I love you in the morning and in the afternoon!

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Girls, Tattoos, Attitude + Sun

I haven’t decided to colour in the owl on my arm or not. I like it like this. I think it’s time for some new work. I have a few ideas but it’s time to get drawing. Some nice girl tattoos on this blog I found. My right arm has tattoos because I’m left handed and I draw them on first. Had a jerk chicken sandwich on the patio at Harlem Underground yesterday. Was ok, made me miss Ackee Tree, that place had the best jerk sandwich ever. Loving this warm summer sunshine. The lake waves are crashing on the dock. Rdio cottage mix in the background. Beaut! Enjoy the day! CASIE

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