SummerWorks Performance Festival: Peachy Coochy at the Performance Bar
I subscribe to the Say Media blog and truly love the Venn diagrams that come every Friday morning. This one is from one of my favourite books “Steal Like An Artist”. Tomorrow night, 9:30pm at The Lower Ossington Theatre, a Peachy Coochy performance will grace the stage at the Performance Bar as part of the SummerWorks Theatre Festival. The name comes from the Japanese ‘Pecha Kucha‘ where each presenter has 5 minutes to deliver 15 slides with only 20 seconds for each slide. I know these as Ignite presentations, people do them at conferences sometimes. The cast will be sharing Venn diagrams in a form that is ‘smart and playful, sweet and earnest, with a healthy dose of cheek’. See the description on the SummerWorks site. I creeped YouTube for Peachy Coochy and there’s some funny ones. I’m looking forward to this! Performance Details: Date & Time: Thursday August 16, 9:30 pm – Location: Ticket: Pay-what-you-can Participants: Philip Akin: Artistic Director, Obsidian Theatre Company Tara Beagan: Artistic Director, Native Earth Performing Arts Ravi Jain: Artistic Director, Why Not Theatre Matthew Jocelyn: Artistic Director, Canadian Stage Laura Nanni: Festival Director, Rhubarb Festival Richard Rose: Artistic Director, Tarragon Theatre Cost is PWYC so if you are broke as a joke or rollin’ in dough you can still go and have some smart fun. I’ll be there and hope to see some familiar faces so we can laugh together.
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