Nuit Blanche 2012 Video

I experienced Nuit Blanche last night. The Hip put on an AWESOME show. The Drambuie event at Camera Parts was awesome. Will post some photos from those tomorrow. For today, check out this rad video by my Jon Simonassi from The Biz Media digital video agency. There was SO MUCH to see last night. Were you out? What did YOU see? LMK! <3 CASIE Nuit Blanche Toronto 2012 from BizMedia on Vimeo. For one night each year, Toronto’s streets become an outdoor interactive art gallery. Last year our goal was to beat the press and release a video before sunrise the next morning. This year our goal was no different. The crowds were huge, the art was amazing and we were up all night making this video so you can experience it all over again – the very next day. Nuit Blanche Toronto 2012 was produced by BizMedia Shot & edited by cinematographer Jon Simonassi Track: Palace of the Innocents – The Glitch Mob Special thanks to: James Hughes, Jake Chirico, Jason Kattides  

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Nuit Blanche 2012 – My Plan for the Night

Tonight is Nuit Blanche and the city is alive with art installaions, music, and culture. It’s one of my fvaourite Toronto events and I’ve taken part since it started back in 2008. Tonight I’m starting with The Tragically Hip and Molson Canadian at Sound Academy. The show isn’t a Nuit Blache event but those are tickets I won’t pass up! My portrait is featured in an installation called Life Lessons at Funding Matters Gallery  (Zone C 29).  Life Lessons features 311 portraits of community figures who have helped shape the city of Toronto. Other notables ar Margaret Atwood, David Miller, Douglas Coupland, Justin Bieber, Atom Egoyan, George Strombo, David Mirvish, Susur Lee, and Karen Kain. I am extremely honoured to be in this amazing group! The project will be exhibited using Sony HD TV screens displaying life-sized images of each subject at print-quality resolution. When:     September 29th, 2012 Time:       7:03 PM Location:  FUNDING matters GALLERY – 33 DUNDAS ST E, TORONTO ON   M5A 2A2 (East of Sherbourne, South side)  See the event page on Facebook to view portraits of other notable people in the Toronto community.  LIFE LESSONS PORTRAIT by TOMORI NAGAMOTO:  One of my fav years was 2009 when I went to U of T then ran into my sister on Queen Street at 3am. Another fav was 2010 when we filmed the video that won me the Virgin America Provocateur title. Here’s a little art history on my Nuit Blanche adventures. [View the story “Art History: Nuit Blanche & Borderline Artistic” on Storify] After the Hip and Life Lesson’s exhibit, I’ll be heading to Camera Parts on Queen Street for Drambuie’s Extraordinary Night pop-up installation. It’s definitely something you want to check out as you’re cruising around. We posted about it on the Pulp&Fiber blog at work. Come by to discover your extraordinary…

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Art/Advertising, Both.

I love the Say Media blog. They post Venn diagrams about advertising, marketing, and social media every Friday. This week “Great Advertising is Art”. Some examples they posted today of trendsetters paving the way for awesome advertising at art. You will like the video. Beautiful.     Google flashing its technology through a gorgeous music video for Arcade Fire.     Toshiba sending the first chair to space attached to a weather balloon.     Target putting on LED light shows on the side of the NYC Standard Hotel.     BMW driving cars through a giant glass apple.     Honda turning its car parts into a complex Rube Goldberg machine. Valfre is one of my fav artists. Her drawings are so good. Her blog is here. One of my favs is in this post. ART/ADVERTISING? Both. What advertising/art are you creating? CASIE  

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SummerWorks 2012

I hope you took my advice and went to something at SummerWorks this year. As someone new to the theatre scene,  SummerWorks introduced me to a culture of awesome in the city. It was amazing to see so much talent from around the world brought together through art. I wish I could have seen every show and performance. Huge congrats to SummerWorks Theatre Festival Team! If you didn’t experience the festival, now you know for next year! My letters from the Letter Writing party should arrive this week! I loved the creativity in the live art sessions, Dare Night Lockdown, Letter Writing. Taking part in them infused a childlike fun that I feel people lose when they grow up. Don’t ever lose that. Festivals like this open your mind and heart to see things that inspire your life. You are not getting younger but you can always get awesomer. <3 CASIE    

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I’ve Been Meaning to Write You… So I will Today!

[View the story “Letter Writing Party tonight 8PM. BE THERE.” on Storify] Letter Writing Party tonight 8PM. BE THERE. Lower Ossington Theatre, Performance Bar. PWYC! Storified by CASIE STEWART · Fri, Aug 17 2012 15:50:34 When was the last time you wrote someone a note and sent it in the mail? People don’t do it much but I really love the art of writing, sending, and receiving. This week I recieved a hand written note (thanks Erica!) and sent a love note to someone special. Sent a handwritten love note today. Did you?CASIE STEWART Send a love note tonight at the Performance Bar, Lower Ossington Theate <3casiestewart See my post on the SummerWorks blog here: Performance Bar – Letter Writing Party tonight! " " SummerWorksSummerWorksWhen was the last time you wrote someone a note and sent it in the mail? People don’t do it much but I really love the art of writing, se… After I write some letters I’m heading to the Mod Club for Chick-A-Boom Room’s Electronic Cabaret: Part 2. I’m stoked. I went to the first one and it was so good. Steve Jobs & Apple images with a ton of dancers on stage in electronic inspired , glowing outfits. Love it.

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This BLEW My Mind: Invisible Bike Helmet #fashion

I was at Sazerac Gastro Lounge for a media dinner last night and my Andrew Dobson told me about this crazy Invisible Bike Helmet. Say wha? I hate wearing a helmet but I have one. Call me intrigued…he sent the video but I hadn’t looked at it yet. Today, Lauren O’Nizz wrote a story about it for CBC “Would you trust an invisible bike helmet?“. Call me intrigued…  If you haven’t seen this yet, please watch: The Invisible Bicycle Helmet | Fredrik Gertten from Focus Forward Films  Hövding operates like a collar for cyclists around the neck that inflates like to an airbag for your head.  The trigger is controlled by ‘sensors which pick up the abnormal movements’ before you get into an accident. My favourite parts of the video other than being invisible:  

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