Thanks to Fernando at my office for sharing this. Enjoy!

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I Love You in 3D and underneath the moon.

Shannon and I shot in the snow on Monday at lunch for Coral TV. After work I went to Untitled & Co. on Queen Street for the media preview of Hot Pop Factory‘s 3D kissing booth. I was so cool. I love 3D printing, I’ve told you about 8K times. When they aren’t making 3D statues, people pendants or rings with faces on them  for Valentine’s, they make jewellery. I have this white 3D ring below and a matching necklace.   And I really want to wear this. Untitled & Co is where I got the Thug Mansion Barbie sweater. They also carry Stolen Girlfriends Club one of my fav designers from New Zealand. Remember when I went to  New Zealand Fashion Week? One of the funniest things I’ve done ever.  The SGF show was in a theatre and it was a fashion wedding at the end.  My dream basically.            This is me getting scanned and that on screen is me in 3D. This stuff below goes into the 3D printer to make objects that have been scanned (with Kinect) into files on  computer. I really want one of these rings. You can order for around $40.  I am getting the photobooth print tomorrow and giving it to my valentine. ♥ Wait till this technology gets better and faster.  I can’t wait.

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Sometimes I feel like

life is moving so fast. So many things happen in a day, where does the time go?

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My first love is Art.

This came in an email from Mr. Brainwash. Love his emails. Have you watched the Banksy doc? It’s really good. You’ll find it on Netflix. Art & Copy is a good one too. Watched it again the other night. Looking forward to a great weekend of relaxing, hibernating and toblogganing. “I can make Tommy Hilfiger a famous brand in (looks at watch) a couple hours.” George Lois.Watching Art & Copy doc again. — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) February 7, 2013

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Found this today, thought you’d like it: Hugh Crawford

Photographer Hugh Crawford took a photo a day for 18 years. I started with his photos from 1982 (my year) and it’s neat how people and things look so much like life on Instagram.  One of the things I love about being on the Internet is the massive collection of photos from the last ten years. Check out the archive of all Hugh’s photos here. 1982 Looks Just Like Today, Maybe Yesterday… Jamie Livingston (October 25, 1956 – October 25, 1997) was a New York-based photographer, film-maker and circus performer. Between March 31, 1979 and October 25, 1997, the day of his death, he took a single picture nearly every day with a Polaroid SX-70 camera.[1][2] Livingston’s ‘Polaroid a Day’ photographic diary started at Bard College and though some photos have gone missing from the collection, 6,697 Polaroids remain. The collection, dated in sequence, has been organized by his friends Hugh Crawford and Betsy Reid into an exhibit at the Bertelsmann Campus Center at Bard College called “Photo of the Day”, which opened in 2007.[3] By the next year, the pictures were hosted online and became a popular discovery of several online blogs.[4] From Wikipedia The full article is on mentalfloss here. HAVE AN AWESOME DAY! <3 CASIE

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Casie, what are you doing in Calgary, Alberta where it is snowing?

Oh, pardon the swag! I’m in Calgary, Alberta for the 10th anniversary of Paul Hardy, a Calgary based designer making a name for himself around the globe. I’m one of about a dozen bloggers who have have graciously been sent here by Calgary Tourism for a weekend of fashion, fun, food, and friends. I’m fell into the internet this morning after a deep sleep in my king size bed at Hotel Arts and now I really need to hurry to get downstairs. Driver picks us up in half an hour ten minutes for a fancy media lunch. I have a few hours to hibernate shop and hangout this afternoon before the show & afterparty. I love fashion. I can’t wait! Kinda glad it’s snowing so I can wear a hat and fur. Oh, and it’s totally SNOWING.   This is my inspiration for the day.  Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler. Henry David Thoreau US Transcendentalist author (1817 – 1862) Follow my adventures today on Twitter or pop into the homepage anytime to see what’s going on. Have an awesome day! <3 CASIE

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