Day 322: Saturday Sun

I had been looking forward to this day all week! April and I planned to go for a big walk in the sun and it was GLORIOUS. I started out from my place in the Junction Triangle, met her Dundas West, then we went to Kensington. I hadn’t been in that area for ages since being at the cottage for most of the pandemic. It was pretty busy there so we grabbed a quick coffee, kept our masks on, and headed to Queen Street. Since we aren’t able to gather with friends right now, we were hoping to run into people we knew along the way, and we certainly did! It was so nice to catch up with a few random friends neither of us had seen in ages. We continued west on Queen to Parkdale and I walked back home to the West Toronto Rail Path. I did about 19,000 steps! Once I got home I changed into loungewear and parked myself on the couch for the afternoon. Amazing how a big walk & heaps pf fresh air will tucker you out.

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Day 320: Panini, Panoramic, Patricia

Quiet day working at home. Very cold out today. Made pizza from General Assembly I picked up from Henderson Brewery. Sean comes back tomorrow. One of my fav things lately is people’s nicknames for the pandemic. There’s a whole bunch of funny videos of people on TikTok calling it a pany, panini, panoramic, Patricia. Idk why but I find it hilarious despite the pandemic but being funny at all.

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DAY 319: That Sister Connection is Real

Today I felt like I needed some summer vibes in my life so I braided my hair and put on a yellow sweater. Was the first time I did this style since summer when I used to braid my hair all the time. It wasn’t until later in the day that I posted a photo of my hair on Twitter and I know for sure that my sister didn’t see it. Well, do you know what? Jenie called me at night and said she braided her hair today too, her first time since summer. I can’t tell you how many times we have shown up in almost identical outfits or done something super random like this on the same day. We aren’t twins but I am 100% convinced the universe has us intertwined with a sister connection. That’s all for today, just a little positive story. Appreciate the little things my friends!

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Day 318: Charged Up by The Sun

I am so glad I left the house for a walk yesterday because today we’re in a snow storm. It was so beautiful out. Before returning home, I took about 10 minutes to sit in direct sunlight and soak it up. I’m charged up by the sun! I took a trip to the local post office to send out a few packages filled with love. My intention was to send out holiday cards but I didn’t get there, so I decided to ship valentines instead. I can’t wait for everyone to get their mail! Last year I sent out a bunch of handmade friendship bracelets and it was such a nice way to connect with friends from afar. Also, everyone loves mail that’s not bills, right?! Hoping to send out a few more before Feb. 14th. Some of these will arrive a *bit* early but that doesn’t matter. Who knows what day it is anymore lol.

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Day 316: Tout Est Possible

Took a nice little walk around the hood today after Sean went back to the cottage. I was feeling drab so I put on a cute outfit and went for fresh air. When I got home I watched Mad Med and wrote Valentines Cards for a few friends. If you are feeling down I highly recommend writing notes to people you haven’t seen in a while. It will remind you how special they are to you and help put your own worries in perspective. I can’t wait to send my packages out this week! Let this street art be a reminder that ‘tout est possible’ or in English, everything is possible! If you are feeling down at any point, feel free to reach out to me on any social media platform or email. Something simple as a voice note or silly selfie always helps to cheer me up. Here’s to a great week!

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Day 315: Take Care of Yourself

Spent most of the day at home, as usual. I received a box of Boscia beauty products from my friends at Blend PR and tbh it was perfect timing. I really love the Luminizing Black Charcoal Mask and using the Cactus Water Moisturizer at night to coat my skin while I sleep. I’ll try the other items this week. Planning a post with some of my fav skincare products, I’ve been taking really good care of my skin lately. Been feeling like I really need to charge my batteries. This lockdown is much harder than the first round back in March. There are 5 weeks until March 1st and we’re approaching one year of this pandemic. HANG IN THERE GUYS, THE DAYS ARE GETTING LONGER! TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!

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