This is my new Canon Rebel SL1. It’s the worlds smallest and lightest DSLR. I’m super excited to have received it last night from Canon as part of their first ever ambassador program. They’ve chosen five top bloggers in Canada to learn to use different Canon cameras in different ways. From now till December, I’ll be stepping up my photo game and learning how to really use this thing. I’m amazed at some of the features and stoked to take my skills to the next level. I’ve never had a DSLR before! My first ever digital camera was a Canon Powershot and I replaced it several times after losing and breaking it beyond repair. Looking forward to taking you on this journey with me.
Thank you Canon for picking me, I’ll make you proud!
With love, CASIE
Canon Canada 2013 Ambassador – Casie Stewart http://t.co/Kw7axsmlC1
RT @casiestewart: Canon Canada 2013 Ambassador – Casie Stewart http://t.co/Kw7axsmlC1