FRIDAY ILU! Exciting week and lot of fun things coming up the next few days. Olympics start today. Shooting with amazing photographer Steve Carty tomorrow. Sunday is Beerfest. Monday shooting more episodes of THIS on CoralTV. We”re now over 800 subscribers. Woo hoo. Please subscribe! Latest episode of THIS: The Hot Internet Show Most Recent Post on the SummerWorks Blog: WONDERMART, A JOURNEY IN AUDIO BY SILVIA MERCURIALI Most Recent Feature in Digital Journal: Special report featuring ME! Ok, must run. I’m late for a lunch meeting. Back home to watch Olympics this afternoon! HUZZAHHHHH! TGIF FTW!
GOLD MEDAL! #teamcanada
Hi, hi! Had a nice coffee on the patio in the sunshine. Got this cute heart shirt from Winners last night and it ripped already. Problem with all the sheer is it is so delicate. Head scarf was a vintage gift. I’m doing a presentation at an ad agency about creative blogging this afternoon. Fun! I love going into new offices and throwing energy all over the place. Huzzahhhhhh! Beerfest 2011 – Breakfast Beer from 1188 on Vimeo. This weekend is Beerfest! Stoked to get beer’d with a bunch of babes, boys, bands, and friends. This video was shot by 1188 last year for the fest featuring Hipster Ryan from the office. I was informed yesterday that my daily blog email wasn’t coming anymore! Sorry If you have been missing it! I’ve fixed it, I think. Hopefully you will wake up to a delicious blog snack in your email tomorrow. If you would like to subscribe and get a daily dose of sunshine & love, subscribe here. It’s super easy and convenient for reading on mobile, in meetings, or when you should be working. Remember, you will never be younger than you are TODAY so make the most of the day. Call someone you love, do something nice for no reason, comment on a blog, help a friend. You’ll be glad you did!
Look in the mirror. Look outside. Look at a kids face. Look at something tasty. Look at the sky. Look at your past. Look at your future. Look deep inside yourself and find the fun in there. It’s there. Look that was ME flying in the sky! Not that exact person but I was flying. Flying! Build your own world and live it in. Daydreaming about time travel. — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) July 24, 2012 ♫ Listening to “It’s Time” by Imagine Dragons on @Rdio: — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) July 24, 2012 Heading to the 1188 office this afternoon then a new Italian eatery King West for dinner. Have an awesome and FUN day!